What would a Dutton Liberal leadership mean for the Liberals and the country?

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Ahhh yes, the ol' race card. Never change Bigfooty.

Why did you ignore the questions on the EU, Egypt and Syria? Are they all racist nations?

Why must Australia be the only nation to allow unvetted migrants from a war zone full of radical extremists to come to our shores?

Wait,, you really believe Palestinians haven’t fled to Egypt ??
The frothing of the mouth by some of you on this socialist echo chamber forum is astounding.

All Dutton is proposing is to put a hold on refugees from Gaza until further notice. Ask yourself why we have accepted 10 times more Gazans than the entire EU? And why aren't Egypt and Syria taking in a SINGLE Gazan refugee?

If Dutton is a racist (a word that has lost all meaning BTW), why did he grant 12,000 visas to Syrian refugees as immigration Minister? Hardly the act of a racist now is it?

The first obligation of a PM is to protect its citizens - and Albo is clearly not making this his top priority. In fact, he is even misleading parliament on the issue:

Peter Dutton has accused Anthony Albanese of deliberately misleading the House after the Prime Minister misquoted ASIO director general Mike Burgess.

Speaking during question time, Mr Albanese cited a quote from Mr Burgess regarding the domestic spy agency's role in visa processing. The statement propted jeers from the Coalition benches who claimed it was false.

The Opposition Leader subsequently raised a point of order, arguing Mr Albanese misled the parliament.

“The Prime Minister said and I quote, ‘If they issued a visa they have gone through the process, they're referred to my organisation and ASIO does its thing'," Mr Dutton said.

However, Mr Burgess actually said: "If they’ve been issued a visa they’ve gone through the process. Part of the process is, where criteria are hit, they’re referred to my organisation and ASIO does its thing."

Mr Dutton said: “This is quite a different interpretation. I would ask you to invite the Prime Minister to correct the record given this is the first available opportunity for him to do that.”

Responding to the point of order, Mr Albanese said he was paraphrasing Mr Burgess, arguing “I read out three different things that the director-general of ASIO said.”

Despite the protests of Mr Dutton, House speaker Milton Dick rejected the point of order and moved on.

So he even doubled down when confronted about it.

Albo is both incompetent AND dishonest. And that is why we need Dutton to be the next PM.
The majority on here crying about Dutton are Greens voters Duttons views on Gazan refugees would be echoed by the majority of Australians, it’s hilarious to think these posters on here somehow think this issue will have a bearing on the upcoming election.

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The majority on here crying about Dutton are Greens voters Duttons views on Gazan refugees would be echoed by the majority of Australians, it’s hilarious to think these posters on here somehow think this issue will have a bearing on the upcoming election.
Where are they saying it will impact the election, sounds like they are just saying what they think based on their beliefs?

On SM-A125F using BigFooty.com mobile app
Should Australia be letting returned IDF veterans come back to Australia given the IDF are committing war crimes?
They are citizens so have to be allowed back unless convicted. It does highlight the need to end dual citizenship as Australains should not be enlisting in another countries army especially as citizens of that nation.

On SM-A125F using BigFooty.com mobile app
They are citizens so have to be allowed back unless convicted. It does highlight the need to end dual citizenship as Australains should not be enlisting in another countries army especially as citizens of that nation.

On SM-A125F using BigFooty.com mobile app
Dutton is talking politics - not law. Dutton’s proposed ban on Palistinian refugees has zero legal basis.
but, but,but there aren’t votes in this. much easier to do what you’ve done with the lebanese and others. ‘thug’ has history of this racial discrimination.

yep! well done zali. he’s a disgrace.

Somebody should pass a law that if you're going to support a war in any way, that you've got to be willing to accept refugees from that war.

The Libs are the first to contribute to wars and the last to accept refugees caused by the war.
I'd go a step further, if you're going to support a war in any way, you have go fight in it.
Somebody should pass a law that if you're going to support a war in any way, that you've got to be willing to accept refugees from that war.

The Libs are the first to contribute to wars and the last to accept refugees caused by the war.

Just make it like it used to be where the king had to lead from the front. Never be another war.

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but, but,but there aren’t votes in this. much easier to do what you’ve done with the lebanese and others. ‘thug’ has history of this racial discrimination.

yep! well done zali. he’s a disgrace.

To be fair, petty Irish criminals is how Dutton's white Australia started 🤷‍♂️
I think we all agree that the world needs coppers.....but what do you do with them after they resign?

...it's a bit like nuclear energy, what do you do with the waste products?

society needs to formulate a plan about the outcomes before creating the problem
The majority on here crying about Dutton are Greens voters Duttons views on Gazan refugees would be echoed by the majority of Australians, it’s hilarious to think these posters on here somehow think this issue will have a bearing on the upcoming election.

Seem to be confused what majority means. Funny how right leaning posters always seem to represent the majority.

High on referendum fumes
The frothing of the mouth by some of you on this socialist echo chamber forum is astounding.

All Dutton is proposing is to put a hold on refugees from Gaza until further notice. Ask yourself why we have accepted 10 times more Gazans than the entire EU? And why aren't Egypt and Syria taking in a SINGLE Gazan refugee?

If Dutton is a racist (a word that has lost all meaning BTW), why did he grant 12,000 visas to Syrian refugees as immigration Minister? Hardly the act of a racist now is it?

The first obligation of a PM is to protect its citizens - and Albo is clearly not making this his top priority. In fact, he is even misleading parliament on the issue:

Peter Dutton has accused Anthony Albanese of deliberately misleading the House after the Prime Minister misquoted ASIO director general Mike Burgess.

Speaking during question time, Mr Albanese cited a quote from Mr Burgess regarding the domestic spy agency's role in visa processing. The statement propted jeers from the Coalition benches who claimed it was false.

The Opposition Leader subsequently raised a point of order, arguing Mr Albanese misled the parliament.

“The Prime Minister said and I quote, ‘If they issued a visa they have gone through the process, they're referred to my organisation and ASIO does its thing'," Mr Dutton said.

However, Mr Burgess actually said: "If they’ve been issued a visa they’ve gone through the process. Part of the process is, where criteria are hit, they’re referred to my organisation and ASIO does its thing."

Mr Dutton said: “This is quite a different interpretation. I would ask you to invite the Prime Minister to correct the record given this is the first available opportunity for him to do that.”

Responding to the point of order, Mr Albanese said he was paraphrasing Mr Burgess, arguing “I read out three different things that the director-general of ASIO said.”

Despite the protests of Mr Dutton, House speaker Milton Dick rejected the point of order and moved on.

So he even doubled down when confronted about it.

Albo is both incompetent AND dishonest. And that is why we need Dutton to be the next PM.
I think we waste a shit tonne of money trying to predict terrorist events.

Peter Dutton’s Gaza call won’t hurt marginal seats

Marginal electorates with large numbers of voters whose parents were both born in Australia and few Muslims easily outnumber battleground seats with large Islamic communities, prompting strategists to declare there will be little electoral downside from Peter Dutton’s hardline stance on Gaza visas.

Data from the 2021 census, applied to current electoral boundaries, reveals there are 24 marginal seats where the percentage of people whose parents were both born in Australia is above the national figure and the percentage of Muslims living in the electorate is below the corresponding number. In contrast, there are only six marginal seats where there are a lower percentage of people with both parents born in Australia and a higher percentage of Muslims than the nation as a whole. Of those six, the Coalition is a contender in five, one of which is Banks, the southern Sydney seat of Liberal MP David Coleman. He told The Australian he supported Mr Dutton’s call to temporarily ban entrants from Gaza, despite nearly 7 per cent of voters in his seat being Muslim

Anyone thinking that Dutton is going to pay some sort of penalty at the ballot box for this stance is going to be disappointed to know that it is in fact more likely to boost his chances instead of hurting them.
If true, what is your theory?

The first part of that question would be best answered by the diplomats from the Egyptian and Syrian embassies - dontcha think?

I can certainly proffer an opinion on why Australia admits so many Gazan refugees - Albo and his cronies do not have the health, safety and welfare of Australian citizens as their top priority. As can be demonstrated by a boatload (no pun intended) of their policy failures in less than three years in office.

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What would a Dutton Liberal leadership mean for the Liberals and the country?

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