Whats excuses ?

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Oct 11, 2006
AFL Club
One grundy what a joke vogels the same and some more its a joke and thats it lets bag Phillpis as well you give not a crap how many soft c--ks did you have how many did grundy f--k up how many times do you want too talk s--h and vogels well ??????????????????? how many others davis co rollrd a dice with out 2 and lost
One grundy what a joke vogels the same and some more its a joke and thats it lets bag Phillpis as well you give not a crap how many soft c--ks did you have how many did grundy f--k up how many times do you want too talk s--h and vogels well ??????????????????? how many others davis co rollrd a dice with out 2 and lost

Someone hit the grog hard :rolleyes:
Blood.. hic.. ee.. heck! watsh u weckon dat ...perrrk... dat grunderpants can hold a Big Cox err...mean Lynch and be sensaaaaatttttion star after playing in da park in canbeerrys!?... and dat Vogel he been up bakin bread all nite mus be berry tyred?... hic...

geesus wet toast season and 8 place wuz on the line at homie and the godfaver ov da gang wuz playing his first match after gettin out of da klink... dats one xcuse!

Hows ya head today?:D

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I'm confused about this thread - are we supposed to bag Grundy and Vogels and praise Auskick?

Edit: K, i get it.. we're not supposed to bag Grundy, Vogels or Auskick but we're supposed to bag Davis and co?

Okay, i can do that.. Davis was very ordinary. Went missing last night for big patches. Did a few nice things during our too late comeback but other than that was pretty average.

But regardless of that, who would i have wanted out there more last night - Grundy/Vogels/Auskick vs Davis? Davis wins easily.
One grundy what a joke vogels the same and some more its a joke and thats it lets bag Phillpis as well you give not a crap how many soft c--ks did you have how many did grundy f--k up how many times do you want too talk s--h and vogels well ??????????????????? how many others davis co rollrd a dice with out 2 and lost

Have you been drinking??? Or being taking drugs perhaps? :confused:
That's great!!! lol How can you apply to become a moderator? :confused:

I have no idea, but i think some of us should email/PM the owner of the site because our board has these morons coming in being trolls and nothing is ever done about them. It's quite frustrating.. especially when they are posting photos that none of us here want to see.
I have no idea, but i think some of us should email/PM the owner of the site because our board has these morons coming in being trolls and nothing is ever done about them. It's quite frustrating.. especially when they are posting photos that none of us here want to see.

I've made reports against this troll but I bet nothing will happen though.

Um, thanks for that. I do think I have moved on from that day now, you know. :rolleyes:

Man, some of you on the distant coast of Kalimantan have maggots infesting your already small brains.

PS:- Still if it wasn't for the footy, would anyone in the rest of the world actually know Perth ever existed at all. :thumbsu:

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Um, thanks for that. I do think I have moved on from that day now, you know. :rolleyes:

Man, some of you on the distant coast of Kalimantan have maggots infesting your already small brains.

PS:- Still if it wasn't for the footy, would anyone in the rest of the world actually know Perth ever existed at all. :thumbsu:
get into the man mate but not the city or place we are not all backwater hicks:mad:
get into the man mate but not the city or place we are not all backwater hicks:mad:

Tell that to the utter twats who have made away trips to Perth the most-unpleasant in the comp. I have problems with tosspot Eagles supporters every time I head over there. Except when we beat them in the final last year when drunken w***ers thought they'd try and start stuff.

Eagles supporters are a DISGRACE. Worst winners in the comp by miles. They deliberately go out of their way to gloat and be cocky when you haven't even said anything to them. A couple of years ago (pre rivalry) we had a whole bar of w***ers literally run to the window to give us the finger.

Are West Australians so insecure about their place in this world that part of the winning ritual seems to be about sticking it up Eastern Statersrather than being happy that you won for your own sake. But still when you have a city who voted by a 2/3 majority to NOT have Sunday shopping, you start seeing how mentally deficient & small-minded a great majority of West Australians really are.

Anyway, keep up with the inbreeding fellas! I'm going shopping today, on a Sunday!

Tell that to the utter twats who have made away trips to Perth the most-unpleasant in the comp. I have problems with tosspot Eagles supporters every time I head over there. Except when we beat them in the final last year when drunken w***ers thought they'd try and start stuff.

Eagles supporters are a DISGRACE. Worst winners in the comp by miles. They deliberately go out of their way to gloat and be cocky when you haven't even said anything to them. A couple of years ago (pre rivalry) we had a whole bar of w***ers literally run to the window to give us the finger.

Are West Australians so insecure about their place in this world that part of the winning ritual seems to be about sticking it up Eastern Statersrather than being happy that you won for your own sake. But still when you have a city who voted by a 2/3 majority to NOT have Sunday shopping, you start seeing how mentally deficient & small-minded a great majority of West Australians really are.

Anyway, keep up with the inbreeding fellas! I'm going shopping today, on a Sunday!

mate you are just as bad as the twat hinders.
SO much for a shit state we are proping up economically the rest of the country at the moment.
90% of the guys I work with on the mine where I work are from sydney, melbourne, brisbane. as for west coast supporters SOME sydney fans are just as bad.
As for sydney I could say it is a dirty shithole with too much crime and drugies. But I won't because that would be petty:rolleyes:
mate you are just as bad as the twat hinders.
SO much for a shit state we are proping up economically the rest of the country at the moment.
90% of the guys I work with on the mine where I work are from sydney, melbourne, brisbane. as for west coast supporters SOME sydney fans are just as bad.
As for sydney I could say it is a dirty shithole with too much crime and drugies. But I won't because that would be petty:rolleyes:

I don't like Sydney myself, like i always say, the only good thing about Sydney is the Swans and even they came from Melbourne originally. :thumbsu:
I don't like Sydney myself, like i always say, the only good thing about Sydney is the Swans and even they came from Melbourne originally. :thumbsu:
you do know where they got the swans tag from don't you:thumbsu:
from the old south melb days all the expat west aussies came over to work and whatever and a lot of them followed the souths. so they started calling them the swans.
TRUE story from what i here from the old timers:thumbsu:
you do know where they got the swans tag from don't you:thumbsu:
from the old south melb days all the expat west aussies came over to work and whatever and a lot of them followed the souths. so they started calling them the swans.
TRUE story from what i here from the old timers:thumbsu:

That's one story and plus there's heaps of Swans in the Albert Park lake next to the old South Melbourne Football ground. But we did however, had a lot of Western Australians in the 1930's I think it was play for the Swans.
That's one story and plus there's heaps of Swans in the Albert Park lake next to the old South Melbourne Football ground. But we did however, had a lot of Western Australians in the 1930's I think it was play for the Swans.
which ever the way it was they are both good stories:):thumbsu:
you do know where they got the swans tag from don't you:thumbsu:
from the old south melb days all the expat west aussies came over to work and whatever and a lot of them followed the souths. so they started calling them the swans.
TRUE story from what i here from the old timers:thumbsu:

Close! But wrong...

The Swans team of the 30's was made up of predominantly West Aussies.

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Whats excuses ?

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