Grand Uncle Horace
Shake down the thunder
My guess is McVeigh once pointed in Bedford's general direction and seemed to move his lips, which Bedford saw as making a derogatory comment under his breath.
The OP should also be aware that Bedford enjoys whipping newbie posters
Punts would make a whipping boy out of the whole team if he could. Sometime I think he dislikes every player in the team. Other times I think he just dislikes people, all people, people in general, humans, and their dogs.
Grand Uncle Horace has "unreasonable issues" with Reid. It it a kink thing? He would dearly love to whip him for something. Too many of us like Reid for him to become a true whipping boy. Reid's like one of those comic book heroes who gets repeatedly beaten, hit by a freight train, buried under a collapsed building, tied to a nuclear missile, or strapped to a rocket and hurled into the sun. Reid just keeps dusting himself off and coming back to the fight. Even when he's delisted he finds a way back. He's admired for his sheer tenacity, as much as anything else.
hmmn… Sam Reid as this injury prone guy chasing another contract.
Fifteen months out of the game and he is now rated by heaps on this board as a champion.
I am still waiting for him to apologise for his role in the 22 GF Debacle.