Movie What's the last movie you saw? (6)

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Continued in Part 7:

I’ve got a go to crying movie but it’s actually just a genuine fabourite of mine too which kinda sucks.
I rewatched Forrest Gump again the other day, that movie normally always gets me.
Re-watching it again the other day, now having a 7 month old, and when he's talking to Jenny's tombstone about little Forrest and that she'd be "so proud of him" ...
I absolutely lost it
Yeh having kids changes shit, i get WAY more emotional in films now, once upon a time you could have gone Le Chiffre on Bond on me and i wouldnt cry in a movie, couple months ago i welled up in Avatar 2 FFS.

Mine is Warrior FWIW, The National song swelling in the last round of the last fight absolutely crushes me every time. Sports movies in general make me feel.

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Spartan - Val Kilmer

One of my go to movies. If nothing's doing it for me, this is one of the ones that will go on for another watch. This along with Willow and Top Secret are my three favourite Kilmer moves.
The Wizard of Oz (1939) -

Took forever to cross this off the list due to knowing too much already (first movie with colour, the songs, the characters, the reveal etc) and thinking it would've aged poorly. Glad I finally took a chance because it's an impressive spectacle. Even the effects are decent. Was mostly impressed by how influential it is from the LOTR to the Dark Tower series to even Ted Lasso. It deserves all the plaudits. 8.5/10.

Capitalism: A Love Story (2009, Netflix) -

A Michael Moore documentary that highlights some the American elites punitive measures against the middle class and poor as well as the ties between Wall St and the American government. Enjoyed the info dumps but Moore's stunts, including trying to arrest bankers, fell flat. Interesting that this was filmed during the early days of the Obama administration and seeing the normally cynical Moore buy in to the hope of change in the second half of the film. I wouldn't say this was particularly well made but any doco that reaffirms the super rich as the enemy of everyone else is worthwhile. 7/10.

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Violent Night is on Netflix now.

Bit like home alone meets the ref with a lot of blood
Oh shit I wanted to see that in the cinema. I am so bad with keeping up with release dates.
The Whale

The acting performances were amazing. Brendan Fraser was a very worthy Oscar winner. The real hero for me acting wise was Sadie Sink I think thats her name, the girl from stranger things. She was incredible. Definitely will follow her career. The movie cann be relatable on a few different levels so it makes you feel stuff! Shed a few tears at the end which I don't like doing watching movies tbh. The prosthetics could have been better. I say that without really knowing if it's possible, just seemed a bit too fake. Either way i recommend.

Amsterdam… not quite sure why this didn’t strike a chord with a few more. All-Star cast (Bale, Robbie, Washington Jr, De Niro, Rock and do many more) all putting on decent performances in what is largely a fun outing. Doesn’t stick the landing, the end feels like it kind of peters out a bit, but worse ways to spend two hours while sick at home. 7/10
Air (2023)

A lot of us in here have watched it - I liked it. Was it too long though? Feel like there wasn't a hell of a lot of content in the story. But hey I came out of it learning some things I didn't know.

I enjoyed the agent's swear filled monologue and the 80s vibe.
Yes that was my favourite scene! I liked the 80s vibe, and I could be wrong, but I think they overdid it with a computer on everyone's desk, not sure many companies were like that back then.

As much as it showed the ups and downs of Nike's attempts to "get MJ" I can't help but feel all of their efforts didn't really matter - if they agreed to give MJ a cut of sales they were going to get the contract anyway.

3 stars.

Local Hero (1983)

One of those weird understated, restrained British comedies. Oil company dude from Houston is sent to a tiny village in Scotland to butter up the locals ahead of trying to make a big purchase of the town so the oil company can knock it all down and build a refinery. He takes his job seriously, his boss (THE boss of the company) does too but is also a bit of an eccentric who includes strange requests for the trip like reporting on the sky and if he sees any comets etc.

The narrative is fairly thin but this is more a move of moments, characters, and general vibe. Some scenes have a bit of a 1980s sterility about their aesthetic. The humour is quite dry, sometimes offbeat and understated, perhaps too much (its a matter of taste I guess).

It was ok.

3 stars

Psycho (1960)

Famous movie that is ground-breaking for many reasons. Apparently the first movie to ever show a flushing toilet, and even that caused some concern with the censors at the time!

Whether you know what happens in this or not, it really is quite entertaining. From the beautiful black and white lighting, to the engaging acting, and of course Hitchcock's mastery of tension and suspense - this is slightly unsettling and well paced. The balanced use of the power of suggestion and more overt scares is on display here in all its glory: and that soundtrack? heck even my dog got a little distressed in the shower scene.

4.5 stars.
I rewatched Forrest Gump again the other day, that movie normally always gets me.
Re-watching it again the other day, now having a 7 month old, and when he's talking to Jenny's tombstone about little Forrest and that she'd be "so proud of him" ...
I absolutely lost it

Toy Story 3.

At the cinema , final scene, the kids are enjoying all the toys playing together, the parents are all bawling.
Amsterdam… not quite sure why this didn’t strike a chord with a few more. All-Star cast (Bale, Robbie, Washington Jr, De Niro, Rock and do many more) all putting on decent performances in what is largely a fun outing. Doesn’t stick the landing, the end feels like it kind of peters out a bit, but worse ways to spend two hours while sick at home. 7/10

It's a good movie! Not sure why it received the hate that it did. I think David O. Russell received a bit of a cancellation for his treatment of Amy Adams during the filming of one of their previous movies. So that contributed to it's reception online. But I thought it was a sweet movie with a nice meaning to it.
Local Hero (1983)

One of those weird understated, restrained British comedies. Oil company dude from Houston is sent to a tiny village in Scotland to butter up the locals ahead of trying to make a big purchase of the town so the oil company can knock it all down and build a refinery. He takes his job seriously, his boss (THE boss of the company) does too but is also a bit of an eccentric who includes strange requests for the trip like reporting on the sky and if he sees any comets etc.

The narrative is fairly thin but this is more a move of moments, characters, and general vibe. Some scenes have a bit of a 1980s sterility about their aesthetic. The humour is quite dry, sometimes offbeat and understated, perhaps too much (its a matter of taste I guess).

It was ok.

3 stars

I find so many “feel good” movies nauseatingly trite, shallow and uninteresting.

But not Local Hero. Beautiful in its humanism and humour, a lovely melancholic romantic streak to it. One of the most delightful movies I’ve seen, and terrific Knopfler score.
I find so many “feel good” movies nauseatingly trite, shallow and uninteresting.

But not Local Hero. Beautiful in its humanism and humour, a lovely melancholic romantic streak to it. One of the most delightful movies I’ve seen, and terrific Knopfler score.
Yeah all up it was a good watch, avoided the eighties cheese. Even certain aspects of the plot gave it a little bit of an edge that made it real.

WTF though with that therapist!

And Knopfler is the reason I knew about this movie in the first place. 😁
Creed III… now I’ve been far less enamoured with the Creed movies than most, it seems. Feel like they are largely a retread of Rocky without breaking any new ground.

This one’s a bit better. Tighter than Creed II at an even two hours, the character motivations and development a little more interesting, the fight scenes good (except a couple of creative decisions in the final fight). Still too reliant on some unlikely plot devices (in this, an ex-con with no professional fights getting a big fight). Jordan and Majors both put in good performances. 7/10
Across the Spider-Verse - What a ******* movie, in rapturous awe. There is so much going on and yet it had this kinetic flow to it like everything was exactly in the right place. The visuals, the story, the acting. It's a true creative achievement. Tremendous.
Saw this tonight, got home and said to the missus that I didn't even know how to describe it, emotional, funny, powerful, intense, light, busy and slow all at once.
Under the Skin 2013

Do yourself a favor and don't read the summary before watching. I really hate how they do this, I don't watch trailers for this reason.

I'm not going to rate it yet as it's one of the most bizarre and perplexing films I've ever seen. I need to unpack this one.

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