Werewolf Wheel of Time Werewolf # 1 (Shadow, the Dragon Reborn and Padan Fain win!)

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If I read the OP and didn't understand anything, am i still allowed to play?
It’s wheel of fortune, just spin the wheel but a vowel and guess the evil players name

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SimplCan I have the tl;dr version please?
I'll post one tonight.

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The rules will go here .... later ....

Game objectives and mechanics​

It is vital that you read about the influence system as each faction strives to secure the powers of the Dragon.

This game of werewolf is unique in that is centres upon one player – the Dragon Reborn.

The Light and Shadow wage war around the Dragon as he struggles to find his place in the world, and at the same time battle the madness affecting him through saidin.

Factions must play a strong and active game to influence the Dragon enough to join their side and gain his powers by the start of the Last Battle (Night 6).

How to influence the Dragon:

Night/Day 1, 2 & 3Night/Day 4 & 5
Successful actionBoth: +1Both: +2
Failed actionBoth: -1Both: -2
Ta’avern dies*Light: -1
Shadow: +1
Light: -2
Shadow: +2
Forsaken dies*Light: +1
Shadow: -1
Light: +2
Shadow: -2
*Influence points are doubled for lynch deaths.

If the influence threshold is met by Night 6: The Dragon, feeling the pull of destiny and heeding the voice of the Creator, will declare for either the Light or the Shadow.

If the influence threshold isn't met by Night 6, the Dragon's path remains uncertain. However, certain events will force him to make a choice:
  • If any other ta’avern remain alive, the Dragon's sense of duty to his friends will prevail. He declares for the Light, driven by a desire for vengeance and justice.
  • If all ta’avern have fallen, the weight of loss becomes too great. The Dragon, consumed by despair, declares for the Shadow.


The Light

Players aligned to the Light are dedicated to the preservation of the world and the prevention of the Dark One's return. Among them are powerful channelers, warriors, and leaders who have vowed to lay down their lives to ensure that the pattern remains unbroken.

The White Tower, located in Tar Valon, stands as a beacon of hope and order in a world teetering on the brink of chaos. Working in the interests of the world and the Light, the White Tower guides the fates of nations and plays the leading role in the battle against the Shadow.

The Shadow

Players aligned to the Shadow, driven by the malevolent will of the Dark One, represents the opposing force to the Light in the eternal battle for the Pattern's dominion. Comprised of the ancient and fearsome Forsaken, the secretive Black Ajah, and countless Darkfriends, the Shadow seeks to sow chaos, subvert the forces of good, and ultimately conquer the world. With cunning, subterfuge, and sheer power at their disposal, members of the Shadow aim to turn Rand al'Thor, the Dragon Reborn, to their cause, ensuring the Last Battle's outcome is in their favor. Their main objective is to bring the world under the Dark One's oppressive rule, extinguishing hope and imposing an age of darkness and despair.

Third Party

In the intricate tapestry of the Wheel of Time, not all players choose to align wholly with the Light or the Shadow. These enigmatic individuals and groups operate on their own agendas, often seeking personal power, revenge, or fulfilling obscure prophecies. Their loyalties are fluid, and their intentions, often a mystery.

Ta'avern: these individuals are central nodes in the vast web of life. Their choices, actions, and even mere presence can influence events on a grand scale. In this age, the Pattern has drawn together four remarkable ta’avern from the remote village of Emond's Field, and their intertwined fates are critical to the outcome of the Last Battle.

Seanchan: originating from across the ocean, the Seanchan Empire is vast and powerful. With a rigid class structure and belief in their divine right to rule, the Seanchan are known for their use of collared channelers (damane) as weapons. Their return to the mainland is driven by a desire to reclaim what they believe is their ancestral home.

Children of the Light: Zealous in their pursuit of what they deem as dark or evil, the Children of the Light, commonly known as Whitecloaks, are a militarized group dedicated to eradicating Darkfriends and channelers they consider "witches". Often self-righteous, their methods can be extreme.


The Dragon Reborn
Rand al’Thor, the Dragon Reborn, stands between the Light and the Shadow. He's a powerful male channeler and ta'veren with a pivotal role in shaping the Pattern, but whose allegiance has yet to be determined.
Abilities: Night immune. Appears innocent upon investigation. From Night 1 to 5 hears voices that may be true. On night 6, the Dragon transitions to his true power and gains a one-time seer, protect, and kill action which can be spread out or used on the same night.
Win condition: The Dragon wins if he reaches the Last Battle and his declared faction achieves their win condition.

The White Tower (Light)

Win condition: Defeat all Shadow channelers and ensure the Dragon aligns with the Light.

Amyrlin Seat
The leader of the Aes Sedai, responsible for keeping order in the White Tower and can capture players for interrogation.
Abilities: Can capture one player each night, preventing them from taking any action.

Moiraine Damodred
A wise Aes Sedai dedicated to finding the truth.
Abilities: Can investigate one player each night to discover their alignment.

Lan Mandragoran
The dedicated Warder to Moiraine, he is always by her side and willing to sacrifice himself for her.
Abilities: Protects Moiraine Sedai each night. If Moiraine is targeted by any action, Lan in targeted instead.

Cadsuane Melaidhrin
A legendary Aes Sedai, she is the oldest living sister and is known for her persistence when pursuing her objectives.
Abilities: Can alert herself to visitors one two night phases. If the Black Ajah visit, she repels them and recognises who they are. Before Day 6, has a one-time ability to influence the Dragon.

Ta'avern (Light)

Win condition: Defeat all Shadow channelers and ensure the Dragon aligns with the Light.

Egwene al'Vere
A powerful channeler and Dreamwalker with the ability to venture into the dream world.
Abilities: Once per game she can enter the dream world to discover a player's true role. If that role is aligned Shadow, Egwene will confront them and kill them in the dream.

Nynaeve al'Maera
A powerful Aes Sedai with the ability to heal any sickness or injury.
Abilities: Once per game she can use her power heal a player.

Matrim Cauthon
‘Mat’ is a lucky gambler with a mysterious fox head medallion.
Abilities: Once per game, can give his Fox head medallion to another player, protecting and blocking them from channelling for a night.

Perrin Aybara
A strong-willed individual with a connection to wolves.
Abilities: Once per game, can use his wolf senses to track another player, revealing if their night action was for the Shadow.

Forsaken (Shadow)

Win condition: Influence Rand al'Thor to the Shadow and wipe out all ta’avern and the White Tower.

The strongest Forsaken, orchestrating the efforts of the Shadow.
Abilities: Sends out the faction's kill order. Night immune. Appears innocent upon investigation. Before Day 6, has a one-time ability to influence the Dragon.

A seductive Forsaken skilled in manipulation.
Abilities: Can manipulate a player each night to not use their action.

A sadistic Forsaken who excels in causing pain.
Abilities: Can torture a player, revealing their alignment.

A Forsaken who can manipulate minds.
Abilities: Can put a player in a trance, redirecting their night action.

Mazrim Taim died taking out a key member of the Light and has been rewarded by the Dark One to become a Forsaken.
Abilities: Each night, orders his loyal Asha’man soldiers to kill a player.

Black Ajah (Shadow)

Win condition: Influence Rand al'Thor to the Shadow and wipe out all ta’avern and the White Tower.

Liandrin Sedai
A cunning member of the Black Ajah skilled in deceit.
Abilities: Each night can manipulate a player's action to target another player of her choice. Can not use against the same player on consecutive nights.

Alviarin Sedai
A secretive member of the Black Ajah, known to operate from the shadows.
Abilities: Each night, may visit a player (including themselves) and watch for other visitors. Receives a report the next day detailing who visited.

Sheriam Sedai
A connected member of the Black Ajah with informants everywhere.
Abilities: Can gather information, learning if a player took an action (but not what it was).

Ispan Sedai
A master of subtle arts, she uses poisons to silently eliminate threats.
Abilities: Can target a player each night and poison them. If the player is not healed, they will die the next night.

Seanchan (Neutral)

The “Return” has begun and the Seanchan are capturing any unchained damane (female channelers) they can find.
Abilities: Visits a player each night and puts a collar around their neck. If that player is a female channeler, they are captured and converted to damane.
Win condition: The Dragon declares for the Light, the Seanchan have captured at least three female channelers, and all captured channelers are alive for the Last Battle.

Mazrim Taim (Shadow-aligned)

A male channeler of immense strength, he has declared for the Shadow due to his thirst for power.
Abilities: Targets a player to kill using balefire but his weave backfires killing both the target and himself. Roles are not revealed. If the target is from the White Tower or ta’avern, he is revived by the Dark One as a forsaken known as M’hael.

Children of the Light (Light-aligned)

Led by their Lord Captain Commander, the Children are a militant group determined to hunt Darkfriends.
Abilities: Each night they capture and torture a player to reveal their alignment. The captured player is released but can only post one time during the day phase before passing out from exhaustion.

Thom Merrilin (Light-aligned)

A gleeman by trade, but with a storied past filled with intrigue and rebellion against the Shadow, Thom is a skilled entertainer capable of lowering the guard of those around him.
Abilities: Each night can use his daggers to kill. If he eliminates two Light-aligned players he goes into exile as a Villager (Light).


Villager (Light)
Loyal citizens with no special abilities, these villagers stand firm with the forces of good. Their main strength lies in numbers and collective decision-making to identify and remove threats.
Win condition: The Dragon declares for the Light. The Light has wiped out all Shadow channelers.

Villager (Shadow)
These not-so-ordinary villagers are Darkfriends. Through deception and blending in with the village, they cast doubt among their peers to further the Shadows agenda.
Win condition: The Dragon declares for the Shadow. The Shadow has majority during the Final Battle.
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The forces of good (Light) and evil (Shadow) are fighting for control of the world. This will be easier if they can influence a powerful channeler called the Dragon to their cause.

Influence on the Dragon can be gained through successful actions and lost through failed actions.

On Night 6, the Last Battle commences whereby all players converge on a pivotal location. The Dragon will declare for a faction at this location if they reach a magical threshold known only by the Creator (Frederico_WA ). The Dragon may also be forced to declare based on the alive status of his childhood friends.

To win, good must kill evil and evil must kill good.
So the Ta'veren are basically the flogs bit with the actions tied to an individual player yeah?
Yes, thats how im trying to work that faction. Also changes flog tactics in the game thread
The rules will go here .... later ....

Game objectives and mechanics​

It is vital that you read about the influence system as each faction strives to secure the powers of the Dragon.

This game of werewolf is unique in that is centres upon one player – the Dragon Reborn.

The Light and Shadow wage war around the Dragon as he struggles to find his place in the world, and at the same time battle the madness affecting him through saidin.

Factions must play a strong and active game to influence the Dragon enough to join their side and gain his powers by the start of the Last Battle (Night 6).

How to influence the Dragon:

Night/Day 1, 2 & 3Night/Day 4 & 5
Successful actionBoth: +1Both: +2
Failed actionBoth: -1Both: -2
Ta’avern dies*Light: -1
Shadow: +1
Light: -2
Shadow: +2
Forsaken dies*Light: +1
Shadow: -1
Light: +2
Shadow: -2
*Influence points are doubled for lynch deaths.

If the influence threshold is met by Night 6: The Dragon, feeling the pull of destiny and heeding the voice of the Creator, will declare for either the Light or the Shadow.

If the influence threshold isn't met by Night 6, the Dragon's path remains uncertain. However, certain events will force him to make a choice:
  • If any other ta’avern remain alive, the Dragon's sense of duty to his friends will prevail. He declares for the Light, driven by a desire for vengeance and justice.
  • If all ta’avern have fallen, the weight of loss becomes too great. The Dragon, consumed by despair, declares for the Shadow.


The Light

Players aligned to the Light are dedicated to the preservation of the world and the prevention of the Dark One's return. Among them are powerful channelers, warriors, and leaders who have vowed to lay down their lives to ensure that the pattern remains unbroken.

The White Tower, located in Tar Valon, stands as a beacon of hope and order in a world teetering on the brink of chaos. Working in the interests of the world and the Light, the White Tower guides the fates of nations and plays the leading role in the battle against the Shadow.

The Shadow

Players aligned to the Shadow, driven by the malevolent will of the Dark One, represents the opposing force to the Light in the eternal battle for the Pattern's dominion. Comprised of the ancient and fearsome Forsaken, the secretive Black Ajah, and countless Darkfriends, the Shadow seeks to sow chaos, subvert the forces of good, and ultimately conquer the world. With cunning, subterfuge, and sheer power at their disposal, members of the Shadow aim to turn Rand al'Thor, the Dragon Reborn, to their cause, ensuring the Last Battle's outcome is in their favor. Their main objective is to bring the world under the Dark One's oppressive rule, extinguishing hope and imposing an age of darkness and despair.

Third Party

In the intricate tapestry of the Wheel of Time, not all players choose to align wholly with the Light or the Shadow. These enigmatic individuals and groups operate on their own agendas, often seeking personal power, revenge, or fulfilling obscure prophecies. Their loyalties are fluid, and their intentions, often a mystery.

Ta'avern: these individuals are central nodes in the vast web of life. Their choices, actions, and even mere presence can influence events on a grand scale. In this age, the Pattern has drawn together four remarkable ta’avern from the remote village of Emond's Field, and their intertwined fates are critical to the outcome of the Last Battle.

Seanchan: originating from across the ocean, the Seanchan Empire is vast and powerful. With a rigid class structure and belief in their divine right to rule, the Seanchan are known for their use of collared channelers (damane) as weapons. Their return to the mainland is driven by a desire to reclaim what they believe is their ancestral home.

Children of the Light: Zealous in their pursuit of what they deem as dark or evil, the Children of the Light, commonly known as Whitecloaks, are a militarized group dedicated to eradicating Darkfriends and channelers they consider "witches". Often self-righteous, their methods can be extreme.


The Dragon Reborn
Rand al’Thor, the Dragon Reborn, stands between the Light and the Shadow. He's a powerful male channeler and ta'veren with a pivotal role in shaping the Pattern, but whose allegiance has yet to be determined.
Abilities: Night immune. Appears innocent upon investigation. From Night 1 to 5 hears voices that may be true. On night 6, the Dragon transitions to his true power and gains a one-time seer, protect, and kill action which can be spread out or used on the same night.
Win condition: The Dragon wins if he reaches the Last Battle and his declared faction achieves their win condition.

The White Tower (Light)

Win condition: Defeat all Shadow channelers and ensure the Dragon aligns with the Light.

Amyrlin Seat
The leader of the Aes Sedai, responsible for keeping order in the White Tower and can capture players for interrogation.
Abilities: Can capture one player each night, preventing them from taking any action.

Moiraine Damodred
A wise Aes Sedai dedicated to finding the truth.
Abilities: Can investigate one player each night to discover their alignment.

Lan Mandragoran
The dedicated Warder to Moiraine, he is always by her side and willing to sacrifice himself for her.
Abilities: Protects Moiraine Sedai each night. If Moiraine is targeted by any action, Lan in targeted instead.

Cadsuane Melaidhrin
A legendary Aes Sedai, she is the oldest living sister and is known for her persistence when pursuing her objectives.
Abilities: Can alert herself to visitors one two night phases. If the Black Ajah visit, she repels them and recognises who they are. Before Day 6, has a one-time ability to influence the Dragon.

Ta'avern (Light)

Win condition: Defeat all Shadow channelers and ensure the Dragon aligns with the Light.

Egwene al'Vere
A powerful channeler and Dreamwalker with the ability to venture into the dream world.
Abilities: Once per game she can enter the dream world to discover a player's true role. If that role is aligned Shadow, Egwene will confront them and kill them in the dream.

Nynaeve al'Maera
A powerful Aes Sedai with the ability to heal any sickness or injury.
Abilities: Once per game she can use her power heal a player.

Matrim Cauthon
‘Mat’ is a lucky gambler with a mysterious fox head medallion.
Abilities: Once per game, can give his Fox head medallion to another player, protecting and blocking them from channelling for a night.

Perrin Aybara
A strong-willed individual with a connection to wolves.
Abilities: Once per game, can use his wolf senses to track another player, revealing if their night action was for the Shadow.

Forsaken (Shadow)

Win condition: Influence Rand al'Thor to the Shadow and wipe out all ta’avern and the White Tower.

The strongest Forsaken, orchestrating the efforts of the Shadow.
Abilities: Sends out the faction's kill order. Night immune. Appears innocent upon investigation. Before Day 6, has a one-time ability to influence the Dragon.

A seductive Forsaken skilled in manipulation.
Abilities: Can manipulate a player each night to not use their action.

A sadistic Forsaken who excels in causing pain.
Abilities: Can torture a player, revealing their alignment.

A Forsaken who can manipulate minds.
Abilities: Can put a player in a trance, redirecting their night action.

Mazrim Taim died taking out a key member of the Light and has been rewarded by the Dark One to become a Forsaken.
Abilities: Each night, orders his loyal Asha’man soldiers to kill a player.

Black Ajah (Shadow)

Win condition: Influence Rand al'Thor to the Shadow and wipe out all ta’avern and the White Tower.

Liandrin Sedai
A cunning member of the Black Ajah skilled in deceit.
Abilities: Each night can manipulate a player's action to target another player of her choice. Can not use against the same player on consecutive nights.

Alviarin Sedai
A secretive member of the Black Ajah, known to operate from the shadows.
Abilities: Each night, may visit a player (including themselves) and watch for other visitors. Receives a report the next day detailing who visited.

Sheriam Sedai
A connected member of the Black Ajah with informants everywhere.
Abilities: Can gather information, learning if a player took an action (but not what it was).

Ispan Sedai
A master of subtle arts, she uses poisons to silently eliminate threats.
Abilities: Can target a player each night and poison them. If the player is not healed, they will die the next night.

Seanchan (Neutral)

The “Return” has begun and the Seanchan are capturing any unchained damane (female channelers) they can find.
Abilities: Visits a player each night and puts a collar around their neck. If that player is a female channeler, they are captured and converted to damane.
Win condition: The Dragon declares for the Light, the Seanchan have captured at least three female channelers, and all captured channelers are alive for the Last Battle.

Mazrim Taim (Shadow-aligned)

A male channeler of immense strength, he has declared for the Shadow due to his thirst for power.
Abilities: Targets a player to kill using balefire but his weave backfires killing both the target and himself. Roles are not revealed. If the target is from the White Tower or ta’avern, he is revived by the Dark One as a forsaken known as M’hael.

Children of the Light (Light-aligned)

Led by their Lord Captain Commander, the Children are a militant group determined to hunt Darkfriends.
Abilities: Each night they capture and torture a player to reveal their alignment. The captured player is released but can only post one time during the day phase before passing out from exhaustion.

Thom Merrilin (Light-aligned)

A gleeman by trade, but with a storied past filled with intrigue and rebellion against the Shadow, Thom is a skilled entertainer capable of lowering the guard of those around him.
Abilities: Each night can use his daggers to kill. If he eliminates two Light-aligned players he goes into exile as a Villager (Light).


Villager (Light)
Loyal citizens with no special abilities, these villagers stand firm with the forces of good. Their main strength lies in numbers and collective decision-making to identify and remove threats.
Win condition: The Dragon declares for the Light. The Light has wiped out all Shadow channelers.

Villager (Shadow)
These not-so-ordinary villagers are Darkfriends. Through deception and blending in with the village, they cast doubt among their peers to further the Shadows agenda.
Win condition: The Dragon declares for the Shadow. The Shadow has majority during the Final Battle.
Holy shit this looks friggin awesome
I've asked my brother (a WW and WOT fan) if he wants to sign up to bigfooty for this... he's heard about the degenerates on this site though so it's probably unlikely.
The more the merrier. I can throw in a couple more roles I've kept up my sleeve

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Werewolf Wheel of Time Werewolf # 1 (Shadow, the Dragon Reborn and Padan Fain win!)

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