FTA-TV Which TV shows are you watching now.

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Eric - Benedict Cumberbatch an arrogant puppeteer TV producer/actor from the 80's, borderline Alcky, son gets kidnapped walking to school one day. Number of intertwining arc's. Good show. 3 episodes in.
I watched the first episode and I had a lot of trouble taking to Cumberbatch's character. In fact, the bloke disgusted me as he displayed all the traits of being an A-grade arseh*le. (Testament to Cumberbatch's acting ability, though.)
Question is. Should I revisit the series in the hope that the character can show some semblance of humanity and humility?
Phoenix was as brilliant as I’ve heard. Not quite as rewarding to me as Janus was but same spirit and level of quality, very ahead of its time and admirably intelligent, realistic and contextual. Leaves iview in a week so quick smart if you haven’t, easily a top 10 local series. Very bingeable, includes some early sightings of the likes of Radha Mitchell and Lawrence Mooney, also some of the period VicPol slang might be informative for Mad Max fans.

Phoenix was utterly brilliant. I remember watching it when it first came out, having to wait another week for the next episode was almost unbearable.
Phoenix was utterly brilliant. I remember watching it when it first came out, having to wait another week for the next episode was almost unbearable.
Yeah I can just imagine! Very addictive, especially with the overarching season-long case.

My parents only got a tv in 1993. First adult procedural dramas I recall watching on the reg were stuff like G.P, Water Rats, etc. otherwise a bit past my bedtime then.

Phoenix/Janus taken as a single 4 season show is as good as anything out there, particularly on such a seemingly modest budget. Lot of cast turnover between the Phoenix seasons too. David Bradshaw sort of steps up to serve the Andy Anderson humour, and other than the Cochranes in forensic and Superintendent Wallace most of the mains around Noddy turn over (which is realistic).

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Watched the first two episodes of Eric. It's slow going for 50 minutes then there's a twist at the end. None of the characters are likable. I'm thinking if I skip to the last episode I won't have missed much.
It's great. And the lead male detective is very likable.

Your loss if you skip through. It's well worth the watch.
I watched the first episode and I had a lot of trouble taking to Cumberbatch's character. In fact, the bloke disgusted me as he displayed all the traits of being an A-grade arseh*le. (Testament to Cumberbatch's acting ability, though.)
Question is. Should I revisit the series in the hope that the character can show some semblance of humanity and humility?
You're not meant to like him. He is an absolute arseh*le I agree.

But it's worth persisting with, for sure.
giving Serpent Queen (stan) a go before S2 hits, very enjoyable first few eps, has a bit of that The Great cheek and verve to it. Still in telling flashback mode to young Catherine so yet to see how it develops and makes the Morton timeline transition yet.

Also recently finally caught up with Parks & Rec and Phoenix (as a big fan of Janus). S1 of the former was middling and lucky to survive but then it steps up in S2 and had a strong run of eps going for a bit there.

Phoenix was as brilliant as I’ve heard. Not quite as rewarding to me as Janus was but same spirit and level of quality, very ahead of its time and admirably intelligent, realistic and contextual. Leaves iview in a week so quick smart if you haven’t, easily a top 10 local series. Very bingeable, includes some early sightings of the likes of Radha Mitchell and Lawrence Mooney, also some of the period VicPol slang might be informative for Mad Max fans.
What platform did you watch Pheonix? I thought it was brilliant 30 years ago and would love to re-watch.
I watched the first episode and I had a lot of trouble taking to Cumberbatch's character. In fact, the bloke disgusted me as he displayed all the traits of being an A-grade arseh*le. (Testament to Cumberbatch's acting ability, though.)
Question is. Should I revisit the series in the hope that the character can show some semblance of humanity and humility?

I wouldn't recommend Eric. It really drags. There was probably two hours worth of story then they padded it out with every social issue they could heavy-handedly cram in there. Plus slow motion scenes to fill up the 50 minute episodes.

The detective is good but neither the Cumberbatch character nor the boy are likable characters so you don't care what happens to the boy. The mystery of the kid's disappearance is resolved in episode 4 and the show goes further downhill from there. Some shows have a good final episode to make up for the previous dross but this one gets worse. There is some redemption for the Cumberbatch character but it's unrealistic, I would go so far as calling it cheesy.
I haven't latched onto anything new recently. Still watching Welcome to Wrexham.

I am aware it is a heavily edited documentary, but from all reports Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney really, genuinely, have invested not just in the football club but the town as a whole. And the documentary is great because it's not just a retelling of the games during the season (which, let's face it, is boring unless you are a fan of the club), but because it goes into the stories behind the people of the football club and of Wrexham and north Wales in general.

The episode based on the 100 year old fan and a player almost losing his wife and baby was great, especially with how it tied everything together in the end.

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I watched the first episode and I had a lot of trouble taking to Cumberbatch's character. In fact, the bloke disgusted me as he displayed all the traits of being an A-grade arseh*le. (Testament to Cumberbatch's acting ability, though.)
Question is. Should I revisit the series in the hope that the character can show some semblance of humanity and humility?

It's really hard/gruelling viewing, but I felt like Vincent (Eric's character) did get a semblance of humanity and redemption at the end, you also need to remember he is the son of a massive media mogul monster like Rupert Murdoch (on the show)

I think as unpleasant as it may seem, the vindictive and nasty traits his character display on the show can be partially explained due to his Father was.

In context, Lachlan Murdoch and James Packer don't come across as cuddly/likeable types really do they ?

I do appreciate shows like this where the main protagonist does take us out of our comfort zone and not necessarily likable and at times, worthy of contempt.

But there are really nuanced layers and depths to Benedict's passionate performance that makes my heart ache for Vincent.
I gave Task Master another go tonight as I usually like light comedy and something easy to watch after work but it was terrible. I don't think I laughed the whole show.
I gave Task Master another go tonight as I usually like light comedy and something easy to watch after work but it was terrible. I don't think I laughed the whole show.

I had a mate over from the UK who likes this sort of stuff so I found a few episodes to keep him amused when we weren't out and about. I agree, it's not funny. I've not watched it since.
I gave Task Master another go tonight as I usually like light comedy and something easy to watch after work but it was terrible. I don't think I laughed the whole show.

I binged watched about 4 seasons of this over the summer holidays and loved it. Thought it was genuinely hilarious. Haven't touched it since though.

Hit all the right notes for me and how they come up with some of those challenges is mind-boggling.
Watching Zen with Rufus Sewell. Just the three tv films. one of those BBC abroad detective shows (Rome here) where mostly everyone still has a English accent. Solid if partial to this kind of thing. Sewell is fun (despite often contending with countervailing political pressures on each case) and Ben Miles (who tends to play similar roles to Sewell) pops up.

After the Party (abc) was okay, suffers from an overdose of chaotic protagonist though. In the space of one night mid-season she appears to (in separate incidents) do four highly risky things, lot of impulsive actions. Also plays within stereotypes and suss red herring castings. But it is well acted, thoughtful and it occupies a genuine post-metoo premise where the accused incident and fallout was several years back (with the young and elderly much changed since). Still, there are better recent antipodean dramas that tackle much the same concerns with more probing finesse and dramatic courage.

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