We stopped Richmond winning four in a row. What a colossal choke that was! But can we truly say you won thise other three fairly? The constant reminder about CFL rule changes by the microwave members indicate they were borderline cheated, very Carltonesque.
The only way we cheated was by being too good. Too good for the competition(the other 17 fully fledged teams) & too good for the competition(the CFL, who tried to stop us with umpiring that has magically and amazingly seen Richmond finish bottom of the free kick differential table 3 times as often as the other 17 clubs put together over the last 8 years.)
Collingwood and their supporters are all about failure. So I see you duly failed to mention your club's failure to stop us becoming the last dynasty team by winning 3 flags over 17 teams in a 4 year period.
3 x 17 = 51 fully mature clubs beaten to flags within a 4 year period.
Some archeologists believe Collingwood beat 44 teams to flags within a 4 year period several Hayley's Comets ago.
Just ran this through the maths department and I am informed that 51 is > 44.
However, the archeolgists believe 12 of those 44 teams were fielded by fledgling clubs in their first 3-6 years in the competition.
So by my maths, the Tiger dynasty team we all witnessed with our own eyes beat 51 fully fledged clubs for Premierships over a 4 year period. Some archeologists believe Collingwood beat 32 fully fledged clubs to win Premierships over a 4 year period when Moses was a they child.
And even I know without asking that 51 is > 32. A lot greater Chronz my hapless friend.