Banter Who will be Better in 2025, Collingwood or Carlton? Part 4

Banter threads are not to be taken too seriously. Have fun. Let others have fun.

Who will be better in 2025

  • Collingwood

    Votes: 126 52.1%
  • Carlton

    Votes: 116 47.9%

  • Total voters

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We stopped Richmond winning four in a row. What a colossal choke that was! But can we truly say you won thise other three fairly? The constant reminder about CFL rule changes by the microwave members indicate they were borderline cheated, very Carltonesque.

The only way we cheated was by being too good. Too good for the competition(the other 17 fully fledged teams) & too good for the competition(the CFL, who tried to stop us with umpiring that has magically and amazingly seen Richmond finish bottom of the free kick differential table 3 times as often as the other 17 clubs put together over the last 8 years.)

Collingwood and their supporters are all about failure. So I see you duly failed to mention your club's failure to stop us becoming the last dynasty team by winning 3 flags over 17 teams in a 4 year period.

3 x 17 = 51 fully mature clubs beaten to flags within a 4 year period.

Some archeologists believe Collingwood beat 44 teams to flags within a 4 year period several Hayley's Comets ago.

Just ran this through the maths department and I am informed that 51 is > 44.

However, the archeolgists believe 12 of those 44 teams were fielded by fledgling clubs in their first 3-6 years in the competition.

So by my maths, the Tiger dynasty team we all witnessed with our own eyes beat 51 fully fledged clubs for Premierships over a 4 year period. Some archeologists believe Collingwood beat 32 fully fledged clubs to win Premierships over a 4 year period when Moses was a they child.

And even I know without asking that 51 is > 32. A lot greater Chronz my hapless friend. :cool:
I think it’s hilarious that Blues supporters need to rely on the Tigers due to their own insipid modern day history. Not one flag in the modern era for the Blues. Bob Chitty would turn in his grave if he knew Blues supporters had to band with Tigers supporters to have some glory. A sad 😞 indication of what Carlton once were and what they have become.
Finals won in the 21st Century:
Collingwood - 22
Richmond - 11
Carlton - 5

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Carlton supporters have been flogging themselves senseless for the last 3 months for simply qualifying for finals (and then going Owen 60), and now we're hearing finals wins are simply participants ribbons....

Memo to Carlton supporters - a team has to win finals to win premierships.

5 finals wins in 24 years... FMD.

That is as many finals wins as wooden spoons!
We don't need to rely on the Tigers, especially with the insipid output of the Pies post WWII
No you do. You have shown that in your recent posts. Carlton have no modern day success. 33 year olds can’t remember a Blues flag. Maybe Carlmond or Richton has a nice ring to it. You need to rely on the Tigers to provide any modern success. This is a really sad day for football.
No you do. You have shown that in your recent posts. Carlton have no modern day success. 33 year olds can’t remember a Blues flag. Maybe Carlmond or Richton has a nice ring to it. You need to rely on the Tigers to provide any modern success. This is a really sad day for football.
And yet when you combine the finals wins of Carlmond this century, Collingwood have won 30% more...
No you do. You have shown that in your recent posts. Carlton have no modern day success. 33 year olds can’t remember a Blues flag. Maybe Carlmond or Richton has a nice ring to it. You need to rely on the Tigers to provide any modern success. This is a really sad day for football.

Not sure why you need to keep mentioning the Tigers, we have you covered on our own since WWII
Triggered lol. The only one triggered as always is you. That’s why you run with your little made up Grand Final replays don’t count as Grand Final wins. You need to rewrite history to try to suit your sad Tigers narrative. Collingwood own the Tigers and always will. You know that.

Your Premiership drought is actually into its 5th year already.

Let’s get the stats right for everyone so we can all see why the Tigers hurt so much over Collingwood

Collingwood vs Richmond

Head to Head
Collingwood 122
Richmond 92

Grand Finals vs each other
Collingwood 4
Richmond 2

Most recent finals win
Richmond has not beaten Collingwood in a final for 44 years. Soon to be 45

Most recent win

Premiership Droughts
Collingwood 15 months
Richmond - Into its 5th year

Most Members

Holds almost every crowd record

Premierships - Collingwood 16
Richmond 13

That’s why the Tigers hurt so much. We own them. Always have. Always will.

Now back to a discussion about the AFL’s 2 Powerhouses Collingwood and Carlton. Take your Tigers discussion to a wooden spoon thread with Kangas and Eagles.

It seems we just found one of the archeologists. Hopefully keeps their dig going, they will find:

- Richmond won the last Grand Final between the two clubs, by the small matter of 81 points.

- Richmond has won 6 of the last 7 finals played between the 2 clubs.

- 5 years is not actually a Premiership drought. That is like saying 5 days without rain is a drought. 30+ years without winning a Grand Final is a drought. And guess which AFL club is the only one to achieve that not once, but twice in our lifetimes South of the Yarra ?

- Collingwood only got to 100k members when the AFL lowered the bar considerably to allow just about anything to be counted as a member, even kids paying just a few dollars. So by extension, Collingwood has the small member market cornered. Richmond is the first and only club to record over 100k real members when only real members counted as members.

- Collingwood has beaten Richmond in just one final in the last 88 years. 🤣

- Collingwood's most recent "Premiership" was an umpire produced gimp flag.
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I think it's hilarious that Carlton (and Richmond) supporters consider their teams 'relevant', whilst going multiple decades at a time barely winning a final and collecting wooden spoons.

Misery, company.
Let's go 6 decades for example and even the last season, oh boy.

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Clearly for Carlton. You campaigners haven’t run out after the 99 GF yet and achieved anything
That's true but footy didn't start in the 21st century, it's a pissweak way of bantering.
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