Why are Port more hated than the Crows?

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They also have weird sentimental things, like the Creed, the Prison Bars, Fos.
When they first entered the AFL, they cut out a piece of the Alberton turf and planted it into the turf at Football Park. They had a little ceremony and all.
The next Crows training session, the players all went.over to it and plssed on it.
We also have this weird thing called a clubhouse
If you ever need a laugh drive down west lakes boulevard & have a gander at the sad sad sight
It really is pathetic and indicative of a soulless corporate franchise

Then drive up port road & see the mighy powers world class facilities
A combination of the grand historic Alberton grounds with modern additions
I don’t mind Port. I like their fans - they know how to take the piss out of themselves.

I quite enjoy lurking their board, and St Kilda board. Quite a lot of funny posters there.

It would be fun to see them win the flag this year just to see it confuse the shit out of the sack Hinkley crowd.
Saints fans are good value
I worked in the members bar at the old footy park during the crows & ports inception & got a good feel for all the supporter bases

Collingwoods were hardcore, similar to port
Saint were all decked out with tats, piercings & hipster gear but good fun
Richmond fans were good value too
Demons were hoighty toighty old money
Carlton supporters were agro, had more than their fair share of biffo, always extra security for the lygon street boys
Eagles fans were often clueless Johnny come latelys like crows supporters & had nfi about the rules of the game
Just a bunch of boring sheep blah blah
It wouldn't confuse anyone. If I coached an AFL club forever they would flag up eventually

Imagine what they’d do if he managed to win 10 flags in a row! And the Australian Masters at Royal Huntingdale. And rode the winner of the Melbourne Cup!

What would they do then?!

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Port have an air of earned arrogance about them - and yes I know it comes from the SANFL.

The crows smack of of commercialisation, chardonnay and nannas who love to cheer on average players using nicknames.


S. Pete
Crows have had more success though, and have more supporters.
Quite similar to WA and the situation with West Coast and Fremantle.

West Coast = Adelaide
Fremantle = Port Adelaide

People hate West Coast far more than they hate Fremantle though.
All you have to do is spend some time conversing with the Port locals on their BF board. It will soon become very apparent why they have the biggest group of flog supporters. Now, imagine a whole club full of them, from the board members to the cheer squad.
They also have weird sentimental things, like the Creed, the Prison Bars, Fos.
When they first entered the AFL, they cut out a piece of the Alberton turf and planted it into the turf at Football Park. They had a little ceremony and all.
The next Crows training session, the players all went.over to it and plssed on it.
That doesn’t portray the team you support in as positive a light as you might think.
I don’t mind Port. I like their fans - they know how to take the piss out of themselves.

I quite enjoy lurking their board, and St Kilda board. Quite a lot of funny posters there.

It would be fun to see them win the flag this year just to see it confuse the shit out of the sack Hinkley crowd.
But it wouldn’t confuse anyone.

We support the club. We don’t think that Ken will get us a flag, and he’s playing the club just to keep the money rolling in. That’s supporting the club, over the individual.
We did this with Geof Motley, and with Russell Ebert, and with Jack Cahill. Legends of the club, but the club was bigger than them.

If port win a flag, then we were wrong about Ken. But it means the club wins a flag, and that’s the important thing. Isn’t it?
Port are based on genuine club. They have a strong 'supporter culture'. They have a history which they annoy other clubs' supporters with (because ours are better :cool:). There is a bit of grudging respect for them for being a football club.

Therefore they attract more 'hate' than the franchises such as the Crows. Notice those are all down near the bottom of the list because no one really cares enough about them. West Coast are the most hated of those because they have been the most successful.

It will take a few generations before the franchise clubs are accepted enough to be 'hated'. (ie - a lot of the old buggers like me will have to die).
Good post.

In effect, I don’t care if we are hated.
Yeah. Particularly weird flex after the usual drivel about how inferior Port people are.
You could say that it reinforces both clubs’ history in that Port Adelaide is about making it, and Adelaide is about pissing on it.
Probably makes them hate us.
They carry on like they exist to win premierships, but the reality is that they scrape to win sponsorships.
Lots of teams scrape to win sponsorships.

I think it’s admirable to see clubs work hard to give back to their supporters. I’ve never quite understood why fans seem proud that their club has a squillion dollars and harp on about yearly profits.

There was a rich kid in my class who went on about how his dad had a new BMW when everyone else was picked up in a second-hand Magna. And everyone thought he was a git.

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Saints fans are good value
I worked in the members bar at the old footy park during the crows & ports inception & got a good feel for all the supporter bases

Collingwoods were hardcore, similar to port
Saint were all decked out with tats, piercings & hipster gear but good fun
Richmond fans were good value too
Demons were hoighty toighty old money
Carlton supporters were agro, had more than their fair share of biffo, always extra security for the lygon street boys
Eagles fans were often clueless Johnny come latelys like crows supporters & had nfi about the rules of the game
Just a bunch of boring sheep blah blah
Probably some truth in this. Generalisations obviously but there’s usually a kernel.

I have my own set of ideas on this but they get interrupted by memories of this Richmond guy spewing on my trainers one time and a random with an Adelaide sticker on his car gunning it out of the MCG and narrowly missing my ageing mum.

Port fans I’ve mostly found to be good company.
Lots of teams scrape to win sponsorships.

I think it’s admirable to see clubs work hard to give back to their supporters. I’ve never quite understood why fans seem proud that their club has a squillion dollars and harp on about yearly profits.

There was a rich kid in my class who went on about how his dad had a new BMW when everyone else was picked up in a second-hand Magna. And everyone thought he was a git.
Thing is though, that we are financially sound, we got a finished, fully funded state of the art club house, strong membership, we netted some big $$$ sponsors/ benefactors from our China push, MG & Shanghai Cred & are paying our debt down.
Whilst the crows are scratching and begging to save pennies to fund their new HQ in a tight post Covid sponsorship market. Most of their ventures have flopped. They are no west coast financially. More the inbred, broke ass, cousin
If that’s their big flex, it’s based on a lie & pretty pathetic
What year are you in?
No dan Andrews here either. Still a Labor government like yours though?
SAPOL are way worse. Your road fines are ridiculous.
Neve had a Premier like Dan. He will be a stain on Vic for a decade. The #istandwithdan brigade ars still there.
Victoria Police have a reputation as the most corrupt and violent in Australia. Just stop.
Imagine being such a franchise that the very idea of sentimentality confuses you
Imagine being so confused as a club, that you think your SANFL flags are AFL ones. Imagine thinking that you should be able to wear the prison bars, when your Power uniform looks nothing like it. Imagine signing a contract with Collingwood where you wouldn't try to wear it again, and then you did.
Imagine signing a contract with the SMA, and then crying to change it when your attendances were higher than you expected.
Imagine walking out to an INXS love song in a blatant attempt to copy Liverpool. Fos would be turning over in his grave.
Imagine being so hard up for sponsorship that you set up a deal with Foodbank where you took half the money they raised. Imagine taking money from a charity that feeds the homeless.

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Probably some truth in this. Generalisations obviously but there’s usually a kernel.

I have my own set of ideas on this but they get interrupted by memories of this Richmond guy spewing on my trainers one time and a random with an Adelaide sticker on his car gunning it out of the MCG and narrowly missing my ageing mum.

Port fans I’ve mostly found to be good company.
Generalisations yes. The Dee’s supporters gave the champagne/ wine booth a good workout in their RM Williams gear & Akubra hats.
Thing that stood out was that win/ lose or draw, the vic supporters were good value. They knew the game & the rules & knew how to support their teams. Similar to ports supporters.
But the crows crowds were completely dead. It was like going to a funeral. Very sterile and boring. Ports v woods was 10x louder than any crows game. Crows supporters had nfi about the rules & no idea how to support their team.
We also have this weird thing called a clubhouse
If you ever need a laugh drive down west lakes boulevard & have a gander at the sad sad sight
It really is pathetic and indicative of a soulless corporate franchise

Then drive up port road & see the mighy powers world class facilities
A combination of the grand historic Alberton grounds with modern additions
Oh yeah, a clubhouse that serves stink average snitzels, and has pokies to try and craw the last few dollars from your under privileged supporters. You must be so proud.
I don't know about you guys but I can't imagine why such a reasonable and friendly poster as Cleric has had unpleasant experiences on the Port board. Must be everyone else's fault and not his.
When they first entered the AFL, they cut out a piece of the Alberton turf and planted it into the turf at Football Park. They had a little ceremony and all.
The next Crows training session, the players all went.over to it and plssed on it.

That was very considerate of them, urine is one of the best plant fertilisers that you can get.

Mind you standing around with their dicks hanging out is pretty much what crows players look like on gameday, good to hear they train for it.
That was very considerate of them, urine is one of the best plant fertilisers that you can get.

Mind you standing around with their dicks hanging out is pretty much what crows players look like on gameday, good to hear they train for it.

Aslong as they were holding the "talking stick" whilst doing it, I say go for it
Both are our bunnies so there is no more hate for one over the other. However, the sooner Port accepts there is only one true Magpies in the AFL and fully embrace their teal and Power identity the better off we'll all be.

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Why are Port more hated than the Crows?

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