Why do people hate Collingwood?

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Dan26 said:
...And no matter how many times they lose, and no matter how much riduculle they cop, they don't seem to care because they are so one eyed. They will not be swayed. They are insufferable, and they are shocking gloating winners...
Speaking as a lifelong Collingwood supporter, I can tell you that the ridicule we receive (some of it justified, some of it not so) has been so continuous and ever-present that after a while you simply become kind of numb to it. Considering the lack of success we've experienced since the 1930s (but still, a level of success that fans of clubs such as St.Kilda would kill for), it's truly peculiar to me that we still receive the level of attention and vitriol that we do.

The whole thing is basically a vicious circle. As a Collingwood supporter, you quickly develop a siege mentality because everybody else hates your club so much. Supporters of other clubs generally take complete and utter delight in the fact that Collingwood lose. And if we lose a Grand Final? It's the greatest thing to ever happen in the history of football.

I don't think it's so much that we're "one-eyed"; it's more that we choose to dismiss the irrational behaviours and attitudes of non-Collingwood supporters towards our club. This manifests itself in the rank and file fiercely defending the club. The sort of attitude we get from non-Collingwood supporters definitely results in us being "insufferable" and "shocking, gloating winners". But it's the whole chicken and egg thing...

I can only assume that during our greatest period of success, from the early 1900s through to the 1930s our supporters and our club really were arrogant (and justifiably so, considering how good our record was during that period). No doubt this was the time during which the supporters of other clubs learned to hate Collingwood so much. This hatred is obviously still with us even today.
The Fireman said:
Correct all teams have bad supporters but it just so happens that your club has an unhealthy percentage of them.
The bad element that your club has attracts more of the same, an unfortunate but true situation
Monomania is not an attractive character trait. ;)
GoCROWS! said:
I'm hardly envious of the premierships you won against a handfull of teams when my team wasn't even in the same competition.
I don't really care if you hate us or not. That's your choice.

GoCROWS! said:
Footy is a lot different now, more teams for starters and no check booking. How canyou possibly count your VFL premierships and not Port's SANFL premierships?
Possibly because ours were won in the same league and Port's were won in a completely different league? :cool:

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gaelictiogar said:
I don't hate them at all. They are a huge club and good for the game and in many respects are like richmond. At our two clubs support is not so much feral as ingrained.

Besides when the Mighty tigers get it together to get to finals the maggies generally turn roung and present their little tushes to the us for a good seeing to so they rarely got in our way during the tiger train years and won't if and when the train gets back on track due to their fear of us when the chips are down. What's to hate?
Can anybody here speak Gaelic?
Handyandy said:
The way eddie uses his position to gain unfair advantage over the other teams is my main gripe with collingwood. They are a bunch of fricking cheats.
The draw is biased to favour them as is the umpiring. Weve played collingwood twice in the last three season after having a 6 day break after playing in darwin. Even after rigging the draw they had to get biased umpiring to get their arses over the line.
Collingwood = cheats.
This is why I hate them.
So we're responsible for rigging the draw and we get favourable umpiring? Gee, where have all those favourable umpires been on Grand Final days over the past forty years? :(
Arcadion said:
I don't hate Collingwood. Don't have a problem with their supporters and nothing wrong with their style of play. I used to hope they lost while Eddie was commentating and can't stand Joffa but that's about it.
Mate, I dare say most Collingwood supporters can't stand Joffa. The guy is an embarrassment. :eek:
hyperswivel said:
People hate Collingwood because it's popularly accepted to do so.
That, and often it's passed on through family.
I have no friends or family, so I don't hate them. In fact, given my social status, I should barrack for them.
Haha... I'll pay it. :):thumbsu:
HorseHead said:
So we're responsible for rigging the draw and we get favourable umpiring? Gee, where have all those favourable umpires been on Grand Final days over the past forty years? :(

Collingwood had one of the biggest rides of all time from the umpires in the 2002 Grand Final. In a low scoring game against the Lions, I reckon the umpires were worth at least 5 or 6 goals to your mob.

But did that satisfy the Pie numbnuts? Of course not. They all bitched and moaned about Anthony Rocca's "goal". Because that was "clearly a goal". 50,000 Pie numbnuts had a better view than a goal umpire standing right under the post.
Chewy said:
Collingwood had one of the biggest rides of all time from the umpires in the 2002 Grand Final. In a low scoring game against the Lions, I reckon the umpires were worth at least 5 or 6 goals to your mob.
Bollocks. I have that match on DVD and have watched it a few times. If you want poor umpiring, have a look at Daryl White holding onto Chris Tarrant going for a mark late in the final quarter. No free kick paid. :eek: There were some poor decisions in that game, but they weren't all in our favour.

Chewy said:
But did that satisfy the Pie numbnuts? Of course not. They all bitched and moaned about Anthony Rocca's "goal". Because that was "clearly a goal". 50,000 Pie numbnuts had a better view than a goal umpire standing right under the post.
So goal umpires never make mistakes?

As for me, all I can say is that the footage from the match is inconclusive (for some reason, Channel 10 only had one camera angle on their replay). Rocca himself seemed pretty sure it was a goal. Ultimately, I don't think it had any bearing on the final result of the game.
AnGrYBrIsBaNeLiOnEsS1980 said:
You mentioned envy lol whatever
I didn't say the envy factor was justified these days, I was merely pointing out the origins of the hatred of Collingwood.

AnGrYBrIsBaNeLiOnEsS1980 said:
The reason I hate collingwood is not because I am jealous I just think your team sucks. You have bogans for players
Ah, so that's what's wrong with our drafting policy: we only draft bogans. Thanks for the heads up...

AnGrYBrIsBaNeLiOnEsS1980 said:
ferals for supporters Your team is full of absolute whingers and pretenders and most of your supporters are arrogant tossers who have no idea how to shut up and get the facts right before opening there mouths. Most of you think Collingwood is bigger and better than the afl its self. When you guys lose a game. you come on here shooting your mouth's off and cause trouble for other supporters especally if they support Carlton, Essendon or Richmond Which is ****ing pathetic.

Your Mascot is a Magpie which would have to be the most cowardly bird in Australia It attacks as soon as you turn your back. Thats ok though it suits your team down to a T most of your supporters are exactly the same and so are your players Ie Chris Tarrant, Ben Johnson and Alan Didak.
This is a classic example of people hating Collingwood but not really understanding why. These are all very trivial rationalisations. I've already mentioned that the origins of the hatred were born of jealousy, but I don't think you can see that...

AnGrYBrIsBaNeLiOnEsS1980 said:
You guys are still whinging about us kicking your asses in the 2002 and 2003 grandfinal and still Claiming that you guys should have won it (But the thing is its never going to change the outcome so ****ing get over it)
You didn't "kick our asses" in the 2002 GF; you were actually very lucky to win that game. I won't argue with you over 2003, though.

AnGrYBrIsBaNeLiOnEsS1980 said:
Oh and im sure not jealous that you guys have played in 40 GrandFinals for 14 wins and 26 losses.
Actually, 14 wins, 25 losses and 1 draw.

AnGrYBrIsBaNeLiOnEsS1980 said:
Its more like Collingwood is jealous of all the other teams in the afl.

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Dan26 said:

gaelictiogar is referring to the fact that Richmond has an extraordinarily good record (head-to-head) versus the Mgpies in finals matches.
Dan, I wouldn't call a 9-7 head-to-head lead in finals matches an "extraordinarily good record". Yes, it's a reasonably good record, but not that good.
Easy - they are the only club that exhibits all of the following traits:

Air of superiority
"Don't care about anyone else" attitude
Its "their" league because "they" built it! attitude
Bogun supporters
Thug footballers
Loud mouths
Continually favoured by AFL (who are frightened of them)
Continually seek to have rules changed for their benefit
Eddie McGuire

The list goes on and on and on!
OzSparrow said:
Easy - they are the only club that exhibits all of the following traits:

Air of superiority
"Don't care about anyone else" attitude
Its "their" league because "they" built it! attitude
Bogun supporters
Thug footballers
Loud mouths
Continually favoured by AFL (who are frightened of them)
Continually seek to have rules changed for their benefit
Eddie McGuire

The list goes on and on and on!
Excellent summary mate. Spot on.
OzSparrow said:
Easy - they are the only club that exhibits all of the following traits:

Air of superiority
oh,grow up you whinger.

"Don't care about anyone else" attitude
Who else should we care about?

Its "their" league because "they" built it! attitude
I've never heard this one before, congratulations on finding a new way to be irrational and paranoid!

Bogun supporters
Thug footballers
Loud mouths
we're hardly Robinson Crusoe here, surely?

Irony boardering on surrealism.

Continually favoured by AFL (who are frightened of them)
Continually seek to have rules changed for their benefit

Eddie McGuire
Why does this former game show host threaten everyone so much?

The list goes on and on and on!

so continue, please...
iTap said:
so continue, please...
iTap said:
How does it prove that? All I see on this forum are threads designed to wind up Pies supporters, this particular thread being a perfect example.
Imagine if anybody cared enough about the Bullies to write nasty things about them all the time, you wouldn't like that would you.
Shame on you.:mad:

well there must be some truth to what they are saying if they always get a response.

and people start these threads becaue they care about Collingwood? whatever makes you sleep at night....
NEWSFLASH! Collingwood supporters don't want you to like us!
The Magpie's ARE the the most profitable sporting organisation in the country, and they have achieved this success over that last 110years by keeping themselves firmly in the public spotlight. For whatever reasons.

Nice guys finish last.....like everyone's second favorite teams the poor ol' Bulldogs and the poor ol' Sainters.

Keep hating us.........we love it.

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Why do people hate Collingwood?

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