Um when life begin isnt up to you or people to decide based on how they feel. Your feels have no say in the matter. Its based on biology.I think if you polled most people, they would say abortion isn't really a political issue and should be the mothers choice and they should have access to be able to do it.
Where people differ would be on the age limit where abortions are allowed to happen. 3mths/6,mths/9mths etc
Again its really the mothers choice of when it happens but people would have an idea on when best.
Mental health wise, there probably needs to be services available to potential mothers and fathers pre and post abortion.
It generally is a thing people are reluctant to talk about.
I have a mate who convinced his girl friend at the time to have an abortion as they were young and he felt too immature for a child. They broke up partly because of it (she wanted to have it) and he sometimes regrets it, like mentions how old they would have been.
Have also been in situation where ectopic pregnancy meant had to be aborted. Thats different. But leads to different potential outcomes if could have survived re future kids etc.
But what hit home to me was hearing someone talking about a chat he had with his dad, where he told his dad of the abortions they had had etc, he was similar young and wasn't ready. And his dad said why are you killing my grand children. He since had 4 kids, but does think about the ones that were aborted too.
Where do people believe life begins. for me it doesn't feel that real until they are born. But imagine it could be different for everyone.
And there was also that netflix documentary about that aus water polo player Kelli lane.
Consciousness begins in the womb. But it doesnt just suddenly appear with a bang. There is no distinct point in time when life is life. Even after babies are born there is much development still to happen.