Certified Legendary Thread Winged Guernsey Petition/Letter - #ReturnTheWings: WINGS RETURNED, PERIL RETURNED - JOB DONE!

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3. GROUP C: Which jumper do you prefer?

GROUP C: Which jumper do you prefer? Away: 2003 onwards
Away: 1995 - 1999
No no no no no no no no no

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One thing I really hope is that we get to see some numbers of votes or something. My biggest fear: this is to shut us up and they will say that the status quo was voted for.
We will know if the navy wings don't make it through to round 2.
I've gone with:

Home: 1995 - 1996
Home: 1992 - 1994
Away: 1995 - 1999
Away: 1992 - 1994

Where is my #returnthewings medal ;)

Done the same - though i was apathetic with either wings options in Group C

For mine - if we can get the royal blue and gold wings - along with the yellow peril as our two guernseys that would be great.

Though I don't want the yellow peril just for away games - I want it for home night games and the royal blue for home day games
It almost seems like they are giving us shit options in order for the current guernsey's to win, and then it looks like, 1) they have listended to thier loyal supporters and 2) the current guernsey's are the most popular and the marketing team is awesomeness and the kids love the clash:thumbsu::thumbsu::thumbsu::mad:
I can't see the tripanel beating either of the guernseys in group B anyway.

Edit: That horrible tripanel is in group B. If that beats the wings, heaven help us.
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