Society/Culture Woke. Can you tell real from parody? - Part 2 -

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Exactly, so why would you have a problem with it. Isn't all's fair in love and war? You have no issue with the DNC paying people for their propaganda?

I haven't looked into the issue, but suspect this is likely a case of the pot calling the kettle black.
Let us know when you find some receipts detailing a foreign power paying a left wing commentator network $10M to promote their narratives, let alone the DNC.

Hope Tim Pool has never talked about treason in relation to his political enemies on his show, would be pretty funny.

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Exactly, so why would you have a problem with it. Isn't all's fair in love and war? You have no issue with the DNC paying people for their propaganda?

I haven't looked into the issue, but suspect this is likely a case of the pot calling the kettle black.
what's with you guys not looking into things that are a bad look, but automatically defending it with whataboutism.

Perhaps look into and if the people you don't like are doing it too, bring the receipts.
The party of Reagan simping for Russia is not something I could have imagined even ten years ago.
the Republican party in the US and the LNP in Australia are not normal conservative parties anymore.

They have both skewed so far right that they'd make excellent bad guys in futuristic distopian stories.

Bit like most Distopian stories, they wont realise they are the bad guys
Efforts to remove the term Anglo-Saxon from English history University studies in England. Yeah that's pretty woke.


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Those poor persecuted anglo-saxons.
They're now going to become free to embrace their history. They've been persucuted for centuries by a term that people tried to apply to modern Britain that ignored the massive Roman and Nordic influence in their culture and genetics and which now also ignores the massive African, Asian and general multi cultural influence. It's a very valid term for Brits before the Norman or Roman eras but has been an archaic term to describe Brits for a thousand years. Brits can now embrace their history more honestly.
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Efforts to remove the term Anglo-Saxon from English history University studies in England. Yeah that's pretty woke.

Academics jumped the shark and has descended into madness. People began to realise by the 80's onwards that philosophy, social science, psychiatry, etc etc had already been largely perfected and complete. No longer could an academic expect to improve on the works that came before with any degree of consistency. With a selfish need to be important they began to tear down the grand masters and erect scarecrows in their space: racism isn't prejudice based on race it's a system of reacting to and against perceived privilege, gender isn't a reflection of sex its a spectrum, everything is ordered in intersectionalised system whereby crimes against society and morality are permitted if you're from a preconceived 'under privileged' class. It's truly embarrassing what these academics have descended into.

This didn't feel like a big deal to me, but I looked into it anyway.

Did either of you look into the facts of the matter of this?
Or is it possible that it fit snugly into how you want to view things so you just accepted it, and did no research?
Cmarsh FlowersByIrene Do you think it's possible that foxnews has deliberately curated misleading information to appeal to your possible view of 'the west' being under attack? Even to the point of including Critical Race Theory (CRT) at the start of the article. Which has nothing do do with this.

All of their misinformation is from anonymous sources. The factual information has been available and easily accessible since May.

It's a small collection of facts, used to substantiate a huge narrative that is not true.


Cambridge University Press

10 May 2024
Last update: 10/05/24 17:03

The publishing of Anglo-Saxon England (ASE) is a source of pride for Cambridge University Press. The recent fiftieth anniversary of the journal provided a compelling moment to celebrate all that it has achieved, and assess its position within a field that has continued to flourish, grow and evolve.​
Guided by feedback from a broad range of the journal’s readers and authors, we took a decision to build upon ASE’s legacy by relaunching it in 2024 with a refreshed and expanded scope, an enlarged international editorial team, a format that allows for more frequent and timely publication, with all research fully open to the public instead of behind a subscription paywall, and a more transparent editorial process for authors.​
To reflect these changes we have updated the title. It is not uncommon for journal titles to change in order to highlight a relaunch, reflect developments in scope, or mirror the terminology used by the people who read and write for them. We have two other examples within the Cambridge University Press portfolio this year alone. The new title, Early Medieval England and its Neighbours (EMEN), aims to express a scope that incorporates, but extends beyond, “Anglo-Saxon England”.
To address misunderstandings we have received, EMEN has not banned the term “Anglo-Saxon” and does not discourage its use. Both the journal and Cambridge University Press, continue to welcome the use of “Anglo-Saxon” wherever and whenever an author considers it the most useful descriptive term to use within the context of their research.​
“Anglo-Saxon” is an established and often valuable short-hand for a set of people groups who populated the region we now call England during the period, but it is not the only one; does not describe the full breadth of the island’s people, politics and influence during the 5th-11th centuries; and is not used consistently by all scholars.
It is our aim that EMEN will be a vibrant, accessible and impactful home for contemporary research in the field. New articles published in EMEN will be available online from October 2024.​
Explore the journal:
Sounds to me like Orwellian double speak to me. Please read my signature below.

The point is that Anglo Saxon is a term still used by historical scholoars. However, it's a term they have only used to describe an historical period. It was butchered by the mainstream and colonial Brits used it to describe themselves - ignoring much of their own heritage. If they wanted that style of name, they really have been referring to themselves as Anglo Saxon Norman Romans- but that wouldn't have made them feel exceptional enough. And modern Britain is so much more culturally diverse that even that term would be an archaic way of describing the people of Britain - even if just talking about white Britain.

But I would have thought you'd be in favour of a move away from the identity politics of terms like Anglo Saxon - or are you into identity politics?
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Society/Culture Woke. Can you tell real from parody? - Part 2 -

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