Id argue the biggest failure of that catastrophic trade as you called it, we didn't go far enough.I know hindsight is 20/20, but geez looking in depth at this past trade/draft period shows an absolute mess, and it's hard not to give Brady negative marks.
To summarize:
Positive Moves
Parker + Konstanty for pick 44
Darling for pick 67
Selecting FOS at 2
Selecting Mattlock at 27
Trading in senior talent for late picks is absolutely the right move, and FOS + Mattlock were good selections at their respective picks (how we got there is a different story).
Mediocre Moves
Selecting Urquhart at 57
Selecting Stevens at 67
Hard to criticize late draft picks, but I feel like at that stage of the draft you should take fliers on players with high upside, and neither of these guys seem to have any indication of having elite attributes. Although I'm not a draft expert so that could be way wrong.
Bad Moves
Zurhaars Contract Extension
I like Cam, but he doesn't provide the leadership we need from a senior player. He's also shown enough that FA compo would've flirted with Band 1, at minimum we would've picked up Band 2.
Catastrophic Moves
Daniel for pick 25
F1 for pick 27 + F2
These two alone should be fire-able offenses. We should've been prepared to walk away from Daniel, and the draft night trade absolutely reeks of desperation.
There's an alternate universe out there where Brady didnt make the bad/catastrophic moves and we went to the draft with 2, 25, band 1 or 2 compo, 62 and we kept our 1st rounder.
That would be an immensely better result than what we ended up with.
After picking up FOS, we should've really pushed the point to get both 27 & 28 off the tigers to secure the under 18 AA full forward and back in one swap.