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  1. RememberMe

    TEACHERS collared for racist attacks and cultivating pupils for sex

    omg. how dare a teacher look up pr0n. how dare they!!!? Stealing things? omg! I don't know what they stole, but I'm ready to pass judgement. Bert Newton was racist to Mohammed Ali, and my nieces and nephews have to watch him all the time on TV. OMG! There's racism on just about every comedy show...
  2. RememberMe

    Zoo Rampage: Boy Feeds Animals To Crocodile

    Sadly, a lot of parents in Alice Springs communities aren't around to control the behaviour of their children, because unfortunately, they are often out drinking. It needs to be said that killing pets in a mainstream society is a lot different to the practice of killing reptiles in aboriginal...
  3. RememberMe

    Missing Backpacker in Croatia

    Perhaps you'll be the next one they'll blame.
  4. RememberMe

    Can you drink a gallon of milk in 41 seconds?

    Milk is easy to scull if it is warm. You can't drink it quickly if it is cold though. I can easily do a 2L, but i always make myself vomit afterwards because the thought sickens me.
  5. RememberMe

    Missing Backpacker in Croatia

    ...everything whenver this happens and go on a wild goose hunt. From looking at her facebook, it's obvious she's no stranger to international travel, so she should have had more common sense than to **** around and pick up some random. Sleep with dogs and you wake up (or don't wake up) with fleas.
  6. RememberMe

    WA Perth Royal Show

    Waste of money. :thumbsu:
  7. RememberMe

    So how do you want to go?

    I will probably be a sad, lonely old man and be found hanging from a rope in the corner of a dingy, unfurnished, uncarpeted apartment in the middle of a random city. By then, nobody will know who I am, and nobody will care that I am dead, so my body will sit in the morgue for weeks without...
  8. RememberMe

    Fishing My cat fish

    **** man. That's massive. Where the hell did you catch that?
  9. RememberMe

    Finalist to Bottom 4

    Geelong will choke it up big time and drop off. :(
  10. RememberMe

    The Failed Picture Thread Thread

    Carlton in pictures:
  11. RememberMe

    LMAO!!!The handbags are talking premiership

    Who would've thought we'd go 2 in a row?!
  12. RememberMe

    We are Geelong the greatest team of all ...

    Quite proud of that one.
  13. RememberMe

    Geelong worst placed vic side to win a premiership

    lolololololololololol... lol
  14. RememberMe

    hawkins round 3 rising star

    I wonder what the highest number of Rising Star nominations from one team in any given year is?
  15. RememberMe


    Bate is shit. I'd rather have Mackie on my team than Bate.
  16. RememberMe

    Selwood's offensive comments......

    Women, and guys with high levels of female hormones.
  17. RememberMe

    Selwood's offensive comments......

    We need live footage of the tribunal, ALA judge judy.
  18. RememberMe

    Hobart Kangaroos?

    ...and have a long hard think about this, but just to get you going: Think how having half our players shipped down from the mainland every week is ****ing us over; have a look at what the Tasmanian side was founded on; How 'Tasmanian' is it now? If you wanted to change the public's perception...
  19. RememberMe

    Selwood's offensive comments......

    Perhaps Headland watched 300 before he turned up at the game, or perhaps he's just a nutcase?
  20. RememberMe

    Hobart Kangaroos? play, and they'd definately make a decent amount playing senior games down here. Not talking a full relocation yet, but why not a few games? Surely an experiment such as this would not be out of the question? If it is, then why the **** are we continuing with the Devils/Kangaroos partnership?
  21. RememberMe

    Hobart Kangaroos?

    The North can have Hawthorn. We'd take the Hobart Roos. :thumbsu:
  22. RememberMe

    Dessies Father Calls 6PR (Audio)

    Haha, you know what would cap this saga off? We need all the big names from the 70s and 80s to come out in the media and say how back in their day, their families copped a hiding, and todays players are just soft. :D
  23. RememberMe

    Hobart Kangaroos?

    ...Kangaroos reserve side. Might I say, that all Tasmanians, whether from the North or South are upset about this. As far as we're concerned, they've ****ed over the one semi-decent thing we had. As far as we're concerned, the least they could do is play a few games of football in Tasmania...
  24. RememberMe

    The Adam Selwood saga - do you think it will effect Joel?

    Perhaps if someone did have the balls to try and rev up Joel Selwood, he'd have the intelligence to take it with a grain of salt and realise that there's a game of football to be played and that to rev him up is all they are trying to do?
  25. RememberMe

    Selwood's offensive comments......

    Since you obviously think Selwood should be punished for giving Headcase shit about his 6 year old daughter, what should happen if a player gave another player shit about his mother, and his mother happened to be dead, or dying of cancer... Or what if he said something about rape and mothers...
  26. RememberMe

    Dessies Father Calls 6PR (Audio)

    ...If Des Jr was in court for assaulting Selwood, what do you think the judge would say if he said, 'yeh but, he said my 6 year old daughter is a ****!' Headland would get jail time, and Selwood would walk free. Judging by Des Sr.'s reaction though, he'd more than likely be proud of Jr...
  27. RememberMe

    Selwood's offensive comments......

    Because he was obviously deadly serious.
  28. RememberMe

    Hobart Kangaroos?

    Lets accept the fact for a minute that it is unlikely that Tasmania will ever get a state AFL side. Let Hawthorn play at York Park, and create some deal with Hawthorn to let NTFL's best play with the Hawthorn reserves... The Kangaroos are already merged with the Devils, and that may as well be a...
  29. RememberMe

    Selwood's offensive comments......

    ...bigger man walks away. Take your anger out on the ball, not the man. O, but I forgot, Headland isn't a big man. He's a small man with a syndrome. **** it must suck to more than likely be doomed to go down in history as one of the most useless #1 draft picks. **** it must suck to be playing...
  30. RememberMe

    The Adam Selwood saga - do you think it will effect Joel?

    Nobody would be sane enough to give shit to Joel when our team consists of players like Mooney, Chapman, Milburn and Scarlett.