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  1. MrNatural

    Analysis Journalist/Media Types and Their Views on Our Season

    I agree with him except for the Pendles comment. He's 100% right about Treloar and Turnover Taylor. Grundy is a bit stiff to get criticism, the bloke is still only what, 23-24 yrs old? Not many ruckman that age are shouldering the ruck load for an entire club. Hopefully the players do read the...
  2. MrNatural

    Round 2 Discussion

    Zorko and Fyfe lift please. Other than that i want no injuries Thanks in advance Supercoach God(s)
  3. MrNatural

    Game Day AFL Round 1 - Matchday Discussion Collingwood@Hawthorn(MCG – 7:25PM)

    You can debate how effective Mitchell is, but he's had it 50 times twice both against us...Maybe, just maybe to do something about it. Greenwood would've been handy i guess
  4. MrNatural

    Game Day AFL Round 1 - Matchday Discussion Collingwood@Hawthorn(MCG – 7:25PM)

    Everything Hawthorn touches turns to gold
  5. MrNatural

    Game Day AFL Round 1 - Matchday Discussion Collingwood@Hawthorn(MCG – 7:25PM)

    We can blame Bucks till the cows come home but a lot of our players skills and decision making is consistently poor. Why so many decide to go for the spoil when in perfect marking position is beyond me. Outside of Pendles, Steele and select few others we have below average decision makers...
  6. MrNatural

    Cars & Transportation Are you an Uber driver?

    Was that in the fine print somewhere also?
  7. MrNatural

    Cars & Transportation Are you an Uber driver?

    You got a link to the guide? No i didn't get insurance to cover ride share...risky i know. In the event of an accident I'm not sure how they would know?
  8. MrNatural

    Cars & Transportation Are you an Uber driver?

    I've been driving for Uber for about 5-6 months now. Generally i only do it Friday-Saturday nights and during other peak times such as public holidays. I started doing it to earn a bit of extra $ while the mrs is off work after the birth of our first bub. I actually don't mind it. If i do around...
  9. MrNatural

    Cars & Transportation Car insurance - what a scam

    It's basically a gamble, if it pays off you look like a genius. I'd potentially contemplate this, but when you have finance on a car it is a requirement.
  10. MrNatural

    Cars & Transportation Car insurance - what a scam

    With the advent of more safety features in cars, such as front and side collision detect, which would reduce the most common accidents on the road. Add the security measures which make cars very difficult to steal, you'd think insurance claims would go down and therefore our premiums...but of...
  11. MrNatural

    Business & Finance Making a career change

    I did have a fleeting thought about moving interstate or overseas but I'm pretty settled here and with the bubs it wouldn't be a good idea to move away from our support network. Having worked in and around the CBD, it is definitely a great perv, especially during summer That's my thoughts. I...
  12. MrNatural

    Business & Finance Making a career change

    Trains would be easier to automate due to less variables compared to trams. Trams have to deal with cars, pedestrians in a confined space. But i know what you're saying. But my current role is being outsourced to India in 6 months time and other roles I've had have ended the same way.
  13. MrNatural

    Business & Finance Making a career change

    Yeah I've heard about that, but how far away is that? 5,10,15-20 years away? I don't know.
  14. MrNatural

    Business & Finance Making a career change

    Somewhat. I have done a bit of it on the side, but it's hard to gain a client base.
  15. MrNatural

    Business & Finance Making a career change

    I actually can do a bit of Uber if need be, so that is a fall back option for me
  16. MrNatural

    Business & Finance Making a career change

    Hey all, Haven't made a post on BigFooty for quite some time but thought I'd see what everyone else thinks about my dilemma. So I've worked in the IT industry for just over 10 years, working for a large telco for most of that time but in the last three years I've bounced around a fair bit and...
  17. MrNatural

    SFNL Division 4 2018

    Being a former redleg it's a sad state of affairs to see the club on its knees like this. Around 5 years ago i remember having three full (and competitive) sides and having great numbers on the track each night. I'm not sure where everything went wrong as i wasn't privy to any of the behind the...
  18. MrNatural

    Working from Home

    My belief is that businesses (with workers in roles suitable), should be enticed by the government to allow working remotely to assist with relieve congestion on the roads and public transport.
  19. MrNatural

    Working from Home

    I've worked in the IT industry for about 10 years and worked from home from time to time. Definitely better in terms of not needing to commute, you get more sleep and can spend time with the family and pets. On occasion i have definitely taken the piss though. Sometimes I've gone full Homer...
  20. MrNatural

    Dumb shit you've seen parents do

    I recently had my first child and already talking to my partner about rules around eating. I was overweight through most of my childhood and that has had long lasting physical and mental consequences so i want to do everything i can to make sure my child doesn't end up with the issues i had.
  21. MrNatural

    Why are old people so hopeless with technology?

    My parents (both in their 60s) are somewhat technologically minded. They both use a computer daily, however when something goes wrong they immediately lose the ability to comprehend what is going on. Example: My parents both got iPhones, both on the same Apple ID. My mum mentions to me about how...
  22. MrNatural

    Society & Culture Things that Make You Feel Old

    When you see blokes getting drafted/playing sports that were born in the 00s
  23. MrNatural

    Social Science Tight arse things you or others do

    Not sure if this has come up in the thread previously, but my mum will receive letters in the mail, take off the stamps and use them for her own letters
  24. MrNatural

    India vs Australia 1st Test: 23 to 27 Feb at Pune at 3pm (Mel/Syd)

    Indian to open with Jadeja and Ashwin?
  25. MrNatural

    India vs Australia 1st Test: 23 to 27 Feb at Pune at 3pm (Mel/Syd)

    When they come out next time we should give them crappy pitches too
  26. MrNatural

    forgotten retail stores that no longer exist

    McEwans hardware Not a retail store, but i remember ads for it
  27. MrNatural

    Australia vs Pakistan- 3rd Test (SCG) 3-7 Jan 2017

    Has anyone on BF every actually bought any the memorabilia you see 9 advertising?
  28. MrNatural

    Australia vs Pakistan- 3rd Test (SCG) 3-7 Jan 2017

    Anyone else watching via the cricket australia website/app? I'm watching via my laptop, and the interface is so crappy, much like the AFL app. There's no rewind option, full screen etc. So amateuristic. Be so much better if it was like the NBA Live app where you can do almost anything, including...
  29. MrNatural

    Australia vs Pakistan- 3rd Test (SCG) 3-7 Jan 2017

    It took me 90 overs, over a days play to get it....albeit i did go on to make 153* :cool: #nobrag