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  1. Cole Dammett

    Opinion Petition for a new logo?

    If it doesn't grow on you, you aren't a real supporter
  2. Cole Dammett

    Opinion Petition for a new logo?

    Seems to be unfortunate timing for the women's teams merch range that got released a few days ago but I guess with lead in times etc they couldn't have it ready to go for their season
  3. Cole Dammett

    Radio 'You cannot be serious' podcast with Sam Newman, Don Scott and Rod Law

    What a rambling moron Jacko is!
  4. Cole Dammett

    Opinion New AFC HQ: We're on like Donkey Kong!

    Honestly, a floor in an office block somewhere would suffice! And then the U18s etc can train somewhere, surely there is a free oval somewhere for a few hours they can use
  5. Cole Dammett

    Opinion Matthew Nicks: Adelaide's Coach (Part 2) - Full Support of the Board

    Agree but watch us pick another dud and squander another good pick
  6. Cole Dammett

    Radio 'You cannot be serious' podcast with Sam Newman, Don Scott and Rod Law

    Doug Hawkins with a racist term of some description edited out of the show today... Thought my android auto had momentarily disconnected but went back and listened again and certainly something chopped out
  7. Cole Dammett

    News Crows guernseys/apparel discussion and news

    Crow logo almost looks like it's holding a baseball
  8. Cole Dammett

    Radio 'You cannot be serious' podcast with Sam Newman, Don Scott and Rod Law

    The Wizz - surely it's a pisstake! I wonder could you actually conduct a normal conversation with him? He can't be in character all the time can he? And if that isn't a character, how on earth does he function in life, how does he even make a living these days?
  9. Cole Dammett

    2024 Aussie Summer of Cycling

    What a Queen! 💪
  10. Cole Dammett

    2024 Aussie Summer of Cycling

    Big day coming up for Sarah G tomorrow!
  11. Cole Dammett

    Radio 'You cannot be serious' podcast with Sam Newman, Don Scott and Rod Law

    Hahaha I was thinking exactly the same thing, Don wouldn't get it was a joke!
  12. Cole Dammett

    Radio 'You cannot be serious' podcast with Sam Newman, Don Scott and Rod Law

    Barney McKusker a good addition today I thought
  13. Cole Dammett

    Radio 'You cannot be serious' podcast with Sam Newman, Don Scott and Rod Law

    Peter Bartels very interesting!
  14. Cole Dammett

    2nds 2023 Adelaide Crows SANFL thread

    Tea Tree Gully way.... everytime I drive down the length of North East Road I'm amazed by the amount of people out that way and no SANFL team
  15. Cole Dammett

    2nds 2023 Adelaide Crows SANFL thread

    Would the stand alone VFL clubs get the boot to make it a proper AFL reserves?
  16. Cole Dammett

    Radio 'You cannot be serious' podcast with Sam Newman, Don Scott and Rod Law

    Don's on 'LSL for a very long time', Sue and Ivan there today
  17. Cole Dammett

    250th for TEX

    Be a Victorian
  18. Cole Dammett

    Radio 'You cannot be serious' podcast with Sam Newman, Don Scott and Rod Law

    They got Peter Frost cos he's a mate of John Locco.. Funny listening to Sam realise that the guy they had on to complain about Dan Andrews East West Link cancellation only to uncover pretty early on he's a Unionist and former Labor member... First 3/4 of the chat was pretty pointless, I wish...
  19. Cole Dammett

    Radio 'You cannot be serious' podcast with Sam Newman, Don Scott and Rod Law

    He is - but Don's the worry here. He just says the most blunt things and is at danger of saying something tomorrow
  20. Cole Dammett

    Radio 'You cannot be serious' podcast with Sam Newman, Don Scott and Rod Law

    Don getting stuck into him with his usual bluntness!
  21. Cole Dammett

    News New Jumpers for 2023

    Crows hinting here? Or am I just being optimistic
  22. Cole Dammett

    List Mgmt. 2022 List Management and Trading Thread - Part 2

    I reckon if he was Jimmy Smith no one would care... They all listen to Rowey each afternoon and hang on every word he says as gospel so feel a lot more positively about him than a random player
  23. Cole Dammett

    News Crows guernseys/apparel discussion and news

    I thought that still sometimes training Guernseys, shorts etc end up there
  24. Cole Dammett

    News Crows guernseys/apparel discussion and news

    Retail or PI stuff?