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  1. T

    Hume FL

    :eek: could it be marcus gostellow! Moves with the grace of the brolga and does love to pick those wild strawberries, would be a monstrous signing
  2. T

    Hume FL

    Did you know that the longest word in the English language is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, and means according to the oxford english dictionary, "a word alleged to mean a lung disease caused by the inhalation of very fine silica dust found in volcanoes'
  3. T

    Hume FL

    yeh wouldn't be all that suprised if walla get over henty this time around, whiterod makes a pretty big difference when he's on the field not only through his play but gives the whole team a bit of a boost. No way R/W will make finals it will either be jindera or walla
  4. T

    Hume FL

    i think you could go as far to say throwing punches at a bloke wrapped up in a tackle is a bit of a disgrace, which is essentially what he did on the w.e. Don't think he'll get rubbed out they were all fresh airies
  5. T

    Hume FL

    this is true they do challenge for BOG awards of a saturday night, especially the infamous one they call chalkie, even thought he cant drink without sipping :D
  6. T

    Maryborough Castlemaine District FL

    mate be careful what u say, stirring up the pot like that with young wrighty and he'll tear u to pieces. Hate to be the bloke playing on him this w.e, with some extra motivation he'll have him hiding under the crappers in the sheds at half time. As for tough i think u'll find he's just as hard...
  7. T

    Hume FL

    Just gotta check my facts here, but we are currently in the 2007 no? I mean i might just be a bit ignorant here but generally i thought teams tend to change from year to year and there performances tend to differ a little bit. By all means though 2006 form is extremely relavant at this time of...
  8. T

    Maryborough Castlemaine District FL

    Hello my name is Perkins the koala and i am short of gumleaves. To donate some juicy gumleaves to me so i dont have to be hungry for the winter please call the gumleaf hotline on 0428525321. Much appreciated
  9. T

    Hume FL

    Saturday night fever at its finest
  10. T

    Maryborough Castlemaine District FL

    that as well as the inclusion of Johnboy "the aarvark" Campbell and craig "silky" wright to the line up should make some major problems with most backlines in the league, beware people the snout is about!
  11. T

    Hume FL

    interesting i've never heard that cliche b4, much be an immaculate conception of the hume league. The brolga shall be in full flight with the baboon in its straight up ferocity, this combined with the hunger of the bald aardvark should prove enought to slay some opponents, if u catch my drift
  12. T

    Hume FL

    it was all gostellow and bussell, could face disciplinary action, loose cannons
  13. T

    Maryborough Castlemaine District FL

    they also say he has an extremely hairy back. And no i am not willing to give up my sources
  14. T

    Maryborough Castlemaine District FL

    i think everyone might have underestimated carisbrook, they seem like they have great chemistry and some diamonds in the rough, such as the young up and comer nathan wright, who attacks the ball with brolga-like ferocity and has the determination of a hungry ardvark. They say he gets his speed...
  15. T

    Hume FL

    coupled with henty's convincing win over murray magpies:D
  16. T

    Hume FL

    no need for them mate, walk off the ground against ur boys and u know that ur looking good, couldn't beat skin off a leper
  17. T

    Hume FL

    Actually im quite familiar with most birds, as most people know birds do tend to shit on swamps quite regularly, as seems to be the pattern for this year which i'm sure ur coming to realise. ahaha as for the berg im sure he'd be one of the better looking "janes" at henty, probably about a...
  18. T

    Maryborough Castlemaine District FL

    yeh what is the word on the brook's recruits? would seem that they were shaping up pretty nicely during the off season so that prediction seems a little bit out of left field. would take carisbrook for mine, with lukey treacy to put through 4-5 and turn some heads, will be the silent assassin...
  19. T

    Hume FL

    Yes i do agree, the brolga is a majestic and mystical animal of the jungle
  20. T

    Hume FL

    Yeh Henty were definately no match for cul, their on ballers couldnt even keep up after the 1st quarter. All this talk of their forward line being dominant but didnt see any of that on the w.e, from that showing i'd have to say that it was pretty obvious who the better klemke was, seems ur all...
  21. T

    Hume FL

    Schuberg at cul will be dangerous this year, looks too have added some pace and muscle over the off season should be up there in the votes at the end of the year, could be a bit of a messiah. Must've got some extra pace from chasing the ladies round Paddy's all summer :D