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  1. N

    Preview The Whipping Boy Thread - 2025 Edition

    I sent you a flagon of decent water not long ago. I can only assume 2 dry as a bone way, muddy waters, adelaide was the wrong address. Nothing wrong with a good rigging, especially when it sails you into a premiership. You mob had your chance to derig last year, where the hell did that lead? Up...
  2. N

    Preview The Whipping Boy Thread - 2025 Edition

    Oh how the mighty have fallen or, in this case the weak and feeble. Wots that you mob are holding? Flyswatters! Whatcha gunna do with them, swat the flys on my thumbless hand? I came here for a whipping, a decent flogging like Dawes and Port Arthur or Leopold and the Congo. You mob wouldn't...
  3. N

    Oppo Camp Jack Ginnivan (Traded to Hawks 2023)

    I know right. Back in my day we took it seriously. Ginni needs to have a chat with Crossisca, he knew how to do it properly. Spot on. Watched an interview with Jacko the other day, going on about all the money he made for the league. Loathsome character but has a point. Glad fly is at the...
  4. N

    Oppo Camp Graham Wright (Once loved, now loathed).

    Weird but the explanation is simple. Wetwipes has you on ignore.
  5. N

    Oppo Camp Graham Wright (Once loved, now loathed).

    Wright has been employed twice by the club and in both cases performed admirably. Pity about the sabbatical business but there is a background here I have no idea about & from what I read I'm in good company. Loyalty cuts both ways. Can't expect Loyalty from all players & staff but show zero...
  6. N

    Oppo Camp Graham Wright (Once loved, now loathed).

    Love the first two sentences, big chuckle. Poor GW, the blues are an elephants graveyard.
  7. N

    Player Watch Lachie Schultz

    Just saying ... for a friend ... this year we had a good team & didn't make finals. Pretty much might as well come last. I don't see us falling off a cliff over the next couple of years but our current list likely wont be good enough & will need more than our usual role player trade.
  8. N

    Player Watch Lachie Schultz

    Lachie was solid this year, based on his history about where reasonable expectations would have him. Maybe we can hope/expect a slight improvement next year, particularly with some straight kicking. This is the best lens to judge him through. Questions over the trade are relevant but the lens we...
  9. N

    Player Watch Ash Johnson

    jmac is a true supporter. the rest of us are w***ers without a cause.
  10. N

    Player Watch Ash Johnson

    Ash has shown ability/talent in some skills. If you narrow it down its like a dozen or less moments. What he hasn't shown is obvious. What surprises me is how many posters believe what he hasn't shown is a product of work ethic. That attitude shows little respect for what the totality of an AFL...
  11. N

    Thread hijacked, don’t bother entering unless you want to be bored by repetition.

    I find it interesting to read a wave of negative publicity in regards to EVs. Not a lot is new, especially the questions around just how 'green' EVs are. I get the news cycle is positive one day, negative the next but just wonder if something bigger is in play. Personally, I always saw EVs as...
  12. N

    Autopsy The famous 2024 Whipping Boy Thread

    As a toothless, tattooed, former mullet wearing and forever scarred victim of 1970 GF I dare. Wouldn't mind giving Greta a mullet too. It is all the same old whips here: red heads, children, captains speeches. Our of sheer boredom I tried to powersaw my thumb off last night & spent the evening...
  13. N

    Autopsy The famous 2024 Whipping Boy Thread

    Unwhipping thread post. Shoulda known you'd stoop there given your history. I am a happy sexist shovanistic pig. If I spent 3 decades looking stupid in a mullet I don't see why it should be any different for you. None of this half mullet business that your mob seems to be into either. Of course...
  14. N

    Autopsy The famous 2024 Whipping Boy Thread

    Normally I wouldn't agree with you on principle since ya never invited me to watch the granny at yours last year but this is an exception. Sick of a team that can't play hard all day, only the last five minutes. Any of you mob got a mullet? I was born with one & after I wrested control of my...
  15. N

    Autopsy The famous 2024 Whipping Boy Thread

    You mob still breathing? Has markfs lost his fingers or something? It's not like this team doesn't need a bit of a hurry up. Not going to whip Schultz this week, kudos to him for the love tap. TGG posed the question, in that fountain of wisdom that is the Schultz thread, wh is Schultz...
  16. N

    Player Watch Lachie Schultz

    I'll have ya. Where do you live? I'll come round. I'll come round now if you like.
  17. N

    Autopsy The famous 2024 Whipping Boy Thread

    I made the near fatal mistake of believing I should watch a game to identify whipping targets. What a disaster, worst game I can remember since, well since that last coach. Flog the lot of them then sack em, send the current coach off to a knitting circle. Bloke tears up at a hello. Where do...
  18. N

    Autopsy The famous 2024 Whipping Boy Thread

    Did Schultz play? If the grass is short enuff, perfect target. I went looking for some driftwood up the nw coast of Mecca & got lost. Wandered in circles for weeks. No drama, you mob pay a fortune for bottled water that only tries to imitate what's here. Anyway, missed a couple of games, seems...
  19. N

    Autopsy The famous 2024 Whipping Boy Thread

    You mob. Revelling in your incompetence but resistant to leadership when its right in front of your face. Hard to find a whipping boy? FFS. Wilbur was screaming for year after year. He was a clearer winner of the JB Memorial than the great man himself. For some ridiculous reason he now gets a...
  20. N

    All things Politics

    no idea. something about the material they need? Either they way its like playing russian roulette and thinking you have the better of your opponent. Worse case is you going @#$ the opponent, & #$% the lot of you - thats what I currently hear from Israeli propaganda. Beware the child in the...
  21. N

    All things Politics

    I want an A+. Otherwise I am going to hang outstide your joint, pee on you car handles and all sorts of stuff. You read faster than I type. ps: it was not history, it was mystory. his story is a load of mystories which I'm not keen on.
  22. N

    All things Politics

    Such a simple but accurate statement. Israeli politics, like many countries, has gone crazy. I am a half glass full kinda person. Israel is losing the support of their 'friends' but deepening the hatred of their enemies. It scares me that they have nuclear weapons. They are a surrogate western...
  23. N

    All things Politics

    I'm sorry markfs, I did that faze out kinda thing when you went all klingonee. Like survivor I never engaged in the whole klingon thing; was that from startrek? Anyway, I am not surprised to have a post labelled stereotypical, as I have only a limited understanding of history. My...
  24. N

    All things Politics

    Frankl is the dude that wrote the book I mentioned.
  25. N

    All things Politics

    Did you really watch that stuff? Must have been a selfless act for some collective good. I'm sure this has been discussed many times in this thread. Both in terms of the origin of Israel and the history of the Jewish people, I think, for good reason, there is a recognition that being passive or...
  26. N

    All things Politics

    The book was about a philosophy/approach to life that the author had learnt through his experiences in a number of camps, so in some ways he thought it did/does. I'm really not sure what you are asking here? Our behaviour is largely a product of the interaction between our genetics...
  27. N

    All things Politics

    Selfishness is about the individual gene. If there is only one meal left sharing it with you and both dying wouldn't benefit either of our genes. On the other hand if I needed you to help me hunt I may be inclined to share and support somewhat. Of course I would dump you as soon as I found an...
  28. N

    All things Politics

    Fair enuff. I wasn't trying to catch you out, just the last couple of posts didn't seem to match the bloke that wouldn't open the door to share his toilet with me. Glad you have the courage to post without agonising, this place can be pretty picky at times. Totally agree the current era of...
  29. N

    All things Politics

    How you see this? Selfishness has an obvious evolutionary advantage for individual gene. You seem to be caught up in the noble savage, past utopia concept when all the history of human evolution suggests competition.
  30. N

    Coach Craig McRae

    That's a good thing, right?