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  1. B

    Premier C - 2016

    Things were beginning to get too nice on this forum. I needed to bring back some genuine sledging & distain. Mission accomplished! Don't think that it's only Kew that I don't like. I don't like any other team.
  2. B

    Premier C - 2016

    I noticed that on Saturday the Farkew team had the word "Brutal" written on their warm up tops. Quite fitting I reckon, The flogging they copped was absolutely brutal!
  3. B

    Premier C - 2016

    Smartest thing you've ever said.
  4. B

    Premier C - 2016

    I'll just spend time potting your shit club.
  5. B

    Premier C - 2016

    It tends to be the Kew flogs that talk up how good their players are. Reality has kicked in now. Were you at the game yesterday? I'm hoping you saw your blokes jumping at shadows all day. Wow. It was embarrassing to say the least
  6. B

    Premier C - 2016

    Jealous. Haha. Not likely champ. I may have been heavily involved in premierships in higher grades than C. You'll be living on your 3 flags in mediocre grades for a long time to come
  7. B

    Premier C - 2016

    They might lack objectivity, but they are chocked full of fact. I understand that after 3 successful years, it must be hard to accept now, that your team is mediocre at best.
  8. B

    Premier C - 2016

    The reason I had a crack at your apparent "young guns" haha, is because they run around like they are superstars. Especially the apparent midfielders I mentioned. Did you happen to see when your number 13 was 20 metres in the clear & he jumped at a shadow. He wasn't the only one the heard...
  9. B

    Premier C - 2016

    As for Beaser or Beasy or whatever the f@&k you call him, he behaves like a spoilt little brat. I'd be ashamed if that peanut was the face of my footy club. I wonder if he will hang around now that the premiership run has come to a grinding halt.
  10. B

    Premier C - 2016

    Lacked height? Were you watching the same game? Kew easily had more height than oakleigh. You reckon oakleigh weren't missing players? Brazz was comprehensively beaten by a 19 year old & was moved down back in the second half. Maibaum or whatever his name is was absolutely towelled up by a 35...
  11. B

    D1 2016 discussion

    I think enough has been said on the decisions made by Ormond. What's done is done. Let's all move on & look forward to what should be an exciting year in C section (for some)
  12. B

    D1 2016 discussion

    An inquiry is due to be held at Como Park after training tomorrow night. The full committee & power brokers have been summonsed to attend. My inside sources suggest that the club & supporters are seething with senior coach & the questions as to why a bunch of senior footballers weren't dropped...
  13. B

    D1 2016 discussion

    Really good post from you. As we all know the councils we work under run the show. For the 3 rd straight year we haven't been allowed access to our ground until the week before the first game. They make it extremely difficult to organise practice games & at times appear to lose sight as to what...
  14. B

    D1 2016 discussion

  15. B

    D1 2016 discussion

    Richo, if u think your ground & facilities are up to scratch u need give your seeing eye dog a pat. Unlike Bedford I don't rave on about the players & their age. All good sides have a number of youngsters playing & ours did well today. See u in 3 weeks at hopefully a better set up than your...
  16. B

    D1 2016 discussion

    Hey richo. The post was primarily about the facilities at Victoria park. What an absolute shithole! Bedford forgot to mention the blue stones that surround the boundary line. What a flipping joke. One of the ressies boys got thrown onto the stones & broke his leg. It's a disgrace that a ground is set...
  17. B

    D1 2016 discussion

  18. B

    D1 2016 discussion

    Very rarely will a side go through a season without defeat. Based on the results over the last few weeks, it appears that any side can beat another on any given day. Kew were always going to have a period of time where their form might drop off. It just proves that form is temporary. Kew...
  19. B

    D1 2016 discussion

    When Ormond played there earlier in the year, there was an U/19 game going on, so the ressies had to wait outside whilst the U/19 team were in the rooms. A heap of OGGS mums were walking around offering the boys scones, cakes & other tasty morsels. I'm not sure if they knew we weren't from OGGS...
  20. B

    D1 2016 discussion

    Haha Bedford. As we all know, never let the truth get in the way of a good story! I wasn't able to make it down to the Gunn yesterday. There had been a lot of talk on here about how good the OGGS were travelling. The score certainly didn't back those thoughts up. I also see that MM played in the...
  21. B

    D1 2016 discussion

    Hey perspective, I'd love to see you in the pond for about 18 hours, face down. Unless I have totally lost my mind, I support Collingwood (as is stated on my profile) , thus the name Beamsy you f$&kwit. Enjoy the Shitty Football League. Here's a tip stay there.
  22. B

    D1 2016 discussion

    Prahran are easily the 4th best side in the division. Simple as that. I hope they make it to spice up the finals series.
  23. B

    D1 2016 discussion

    Hey perspective, seeing as you seem to think that myself & Bedford are 1 in the same, feel free to show your face this weekend at the Gunn. I'm sure that the both of us will make you feel more than welcome. Please ask around & im sure that someone will introduce us to you.
  24. B

    D1 2016 discussion

    u reckon. F&$k me you must be the smartest bloke going around. Please give the rest of us some of your insightful comments again you f$&ckin moron.
  25. B

    D1 2016 discussion

    I think I think you missed the point of the post AM
  26. B

    D1 2016 discussion

    Sorry Bedford but I just wanted to keep everybody up to speed. In order for OGGS to maintain their D1 status, as we all know they will, come finals time they will do the reverse of what they've done so beautifully in the past. They are going to promote 10 of their clubbies & 2's players to the...
  27. B

    D1 2016 discussion

    4th place in this years finals series should be removed & we should just have a final 3. I propose a 60's type state carnival fixture approach. Each team plays each other once & then the two sides with the most wins / highest aggregate score play off in the GF. If a tiebreaker is needed to...
  28. B

    D1 2016 discussion

    He will 100% be back this week.
  29. B

    D1 2016 discussion

    I'm glad that you missed me bob. I was touched. Glad to see u back after a little holiday. Reckon the break has come at a good time for a lot of clubs. The race to the end will continue next week with some big games to come. Those that make it will deserve it. Those that don't will deserve it...
  30. B

    D1 2016 discussion

    I'm just telling you what I'm being told. You can take it how you like. Simple as that. Time will tell if I'm on the money or not.