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  1. J

    QAFA (A) 2016 Season

    Venue change again. Back on at Kedron.
  2. J

    QAFA (A) 2016 Season

    No at UQ ground St.Lucia
  3. J

    QAFA (A) 2015 season

    Don't know what your talking about there but if one of our players spoke to the umps like that after the game we will find out he will be severely dealt with by the club. Players don't speak to umps period. As for your front running ******s comment. WTF. Are you one of the umps ? What's your...
  4. J

    QAFA (A) 2015 season

    May have been only 30 frees paid but at least 20 went to Redcliffe and at least 10-15 not called at all. But as I said Redcliffe deserved the win. It's not sour grapes to Redcliffe it's telling those particular umps they seriously need to lift their standards if the want to be considered worthy...
  5. J

    QAFA (A) 2015 season

    Congratulations to Redcliffe ressies today. Definitely the best team on the day. No question about that. Your experienced players were smarter than ours. Congratulations to you all. As for the umpires phew i gotta say. Morro and your mate BJ. If that's the best you can do wow........Have a...
  6. J

    QAFA (A) 2015 season

    Finny. Rhys Finn
  7. J

    QAFA (A) 2015 season

    I agree with you Blocker about permitted players. I think permits should end June 30 with clearances. Just got a couple of questions about these players. How many games can they actually play on permits and can they be permitted to play finals ? I've heard a lot of stories both ways so I'd be...
  8. J

    QAFA (A) 2015 season

    I'm thinking if any, the first one was possibly the only one that may have been warranted. As for the 50's i agree 100%. Having said that everybody has bad games but when umpires do it frustrates the sh*t out of players and that's when blokes tend to lose the plot. And Macman we are very glad...
  9. J

    QAFA (A) 2015 season

    Also watched the game today Pea Nut and have to agree with you on some points. Carrara did lose the plot and let themselves down big time. There was 3 yellow cards to us but in saying that only 1 was warranted imo. I thought the umpiring was very ordinary at best but it wasn't the difference...
  10. J

    QAFA (A) 2015 season

    I think you should get your facts straight Always North. None of our players were standing over one of your blokes clapping cause he did a knee. Several players, not just one, clapped him after we scored a goal off his mistake. None of them were to know how badly injured he was, but I believe...
  11. J

    QAFA (A) 2015 season

    That's exactly what it's about. That and playing with your mates and having fun. Not cheap shots and bullying. As for Blackmagic17 comments about elbows being up, we all see things differently and always will have different views when we support opposing teams. That's part of the fun but as for...
  12. J

    QAFA (A) 2015 season

    Not sure why you'd say that about Carrara giving cheap shots. From where i was watching it looked like a young fast talented side playing against a bunch of bullies who tried to intimidate the kids with rough house tactics and were beaten by a better football side on the day. The Carrara boys...