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  1. B

    Official Match Thread Season 24: Round 4 - Baghdad Bombers vs East Side Hawks at Abdu Prison

    no caps in my username. good to know my dick would be huge if i was a guy thanks
  2. B

    Official Match Thread Season 24, Round 3 - Dragons FFC vs Baghdad Bombers at Dragon Island

    no goals? someone has clearly miscounted. thanks for the game
  3. B

    Official Match Thread Season 24, Round 3 - Dragons FFC vs Baghdad Bombers at Dragon Island

    Game day you know what to do if i'm on the bench, get ya arse here so i can replace you if i'm on the field, get me the ****en ball lets go.
  4. B

    Official Match Thread Season 24, Round 3 - Dragons FFC vs Baghdad Bombers at Dragon Island

    starting on the bench again thats just how i like it. which poor bastard will be getting splinters on the sidelines as i kick another bag this week?
  5. B

    Official Match Thread Season 24, Round 2 – Baghdad Bombers vs Coney Island Warriors at Abdu Prison

    i got four goals in the first half and we cant even get close. Im sick and tired of carrying this team
  6. B

    Official Match Thread Season 24, Round 2 – Baghdad Bombers vs Coney Island Warriors at Abdu Prison

    did you think it was a coincedence that the superglue was on your half of the bench not mine?
  7. B

    Official Match Thread Season 24, Round 2 – Baghdad Bombers vs Coney Island Warriors at Abdu Prison

    if i keep kicking goals will the commentators get my gender right ?
  8. B

    Official Team Thread Baghdad Bombers S24 Official Team Thread - CONGRATULATIONS S24 ANT555 MEDALIST KOHPHI

    sorry to dissapoint you but i don't think he's ever coming back. Certainly not as a St Kilda supporter
  9. B

    Official Team Thread Baghdad Bombers S24 Official Team Thread - CONGRATULATIONS S24 ANT555 MEDALIST KOHPHI

    oh yeah i think he did mention that. i thought miggs was talking about me haha
  10. B

    Official Team Thread Baghdad Bombers S24 Official Team Thread - CONGRATULATIONS S24 ANT555 MEDALIST KOHPHI

    i dont want any of those things but its lovely of you to offer. I feel very much at home now
  11. B

    Official Match Thread Season 24, Round 2 – Baghdad Bombers vs Coney Island Warriors at Abdu Prison

    i hate those things. What is there purpose? must be the most useless invention ever. What was wrong with normal doors