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  1. M

    Game Day 2024 AFL Season, Round 17: St Kilda Saints v Sydney Swans, Sunday 7th of July 3:20pm AEST, Marvel Stadium

    Is it just me, or does Nick Blakey have the weirdest physique ever seen on an AFL footballer? He's got a torso like a cylinder of meat. He reminds me of one of those inflatable, arm-waving tube guys you see out the front of used car yards. Not knocking his play. The guy can obviously run and...
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    News 2024 St.Kilda Media Thread

    Her bitterness and hatred has started to show on her face. Like the picture of Dorian Gray, her inner self is now exposed on her surface. I've had the misfortune of mixing with her, socially, through colleagues and a couple of mutual friends. My impression of her? A thoroughly nasty and cold...
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    List Mgmt. 2024 Trade Thread

    It's not crap, according to a very reliable source of mine.
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    List Mgmt. 2024 List Mgmt

    It was terrible as the budget was 100k of which 75K was for Bevo's salary. Appalling when you consider the best heads of recruiting at the leading clubs were being payed around 250-300K. It's why we recruited players sight unseen. Howard and Sweeney come to mind. Typical amateur hour at the saints.
  5. M

    Autopsy Round 8, 2024: St.Kilda v North Melbourne

    Only 5cm magd2992? I haven't experienced "personal growth" like that which Wilson caused since watching a young Roo in 2002.
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    List Mgmt. 2024 Trade Thread

    RTB doesn't tolerate players who give anything less than 100% effort. I'm a Keeler fan, but I hope he has gotten the message and is working his arse off.
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    Toast Welcome to St.Kilda - HUGO GARCIA!

    Great debut, Hugo! The reports from our trackwatchers over preseason have proved correct. We may have landed the steal of the 2023 draft. I only saw him play once before today and that was against the dopers in the VFL. I must say, I was impressed by what I saw, especially his ferocious attack...
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    Discussion Random Discussion (No Politics, Religion) - SHOW CHIN PASSPORT ON ENTRY

    Hyphenated Non-Hyphenated. Oh the irony!
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    Autopsy Round 4, 2021: St.Kilda v West Coast

    According to my wife, his wife must be blind as well. 🙈
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    Injury 2021 Injuries

    As the great Scottish poet wrote,"The best-laid plans of mice and men oft go awry!" They'll have to try harder next time, lewdogs 😃!
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    Autopsy Round 4, 2021: St.Kilda v West Coast

    Any and all of them plugger66. Even Lethlean.
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    Autopsy Round 4, 2021: St.Kilda v West Coast

    Two weeks.
  13. M

    Autopsy Round 4, 2021: St.Kilda v West Coast

    The symptoms of bipolar correlate with those of being a saints' supporter. I hate having bipolar. It's awesome!