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  1. R

    Attack on "working families"

    I work with helping the people who can't afford to own homes, Yet they are hard working people, they are the so called "inskilled workers' , just because they haven't had the opportunities in life, should they be looked down on, or not given any help by the government?
  2. R

    Krudd's first 100 days in office

    So many idiots, so few bullets.
  3. R

    Attack on "working families"

    Get a grip, in the last four years under coward, house prices went up by 400%. Petrol skyrocketed, food prices went through the roof, strange that you didn;t mention that. :mad: OOPS, also forgot that in the last five years, we have turned into a homphobic, racist, bigotted country as well...
  4. R

    How has Rudd helped the 'working family' ?

    Apart from the fact he has only been in governent for just over a month. As I said before, him & his missus are rich pricks, that's the problem with the country now, all the leaders only care about the rich, if only Gough wasn't targetted by the CIA, our country would be a better place now.
  5. R

    Suffer Essendon

    Just because your team Geelong won the GF last year, gives you no right to bag the Bombers by losing by a narrow margin to an almost full side.
  6. R

    I Worry About The Future Of This Great Country

    This country was stuffed the minute howard got into power. He created a divided country, full of rednecks & wealthy people who don't give a shit if their fellow aussies have to live on the streets, unfortunately, the rudd government won't be able to turn it around, because they are a little...
  7. R

    How has Rudd helped the 'working family' ?

    People can pay off their motgages, if they don't waste their money on plasmas TV's & surround sound & all the other expensive crap. That wasn't my point. What about the people who don't have rich parents, or well paid jobs, but are still married with kids. They also are working families...
  8. R

    How has Rudd helped the 'working family' ?

    I did & all I saw was whiney bastards saying but hey, we have huge mortgages & sending our kids to private schools, paying a fortune for petrol for our 4 wd;s, we need help. PPPFFFTTT. What about working families who can't afford to buy their own home & have to rent, they are struggling more...
  9. R

    How has Rudd helped the 'working family' ?

    If working families didn't want plasma screen TV's in every room, 2 4 wd's in the garage & mac mansions, maybe they wouldn't need government hand outs. Here's a tip, how about living within your means, burn your credit cards & only buy what you can afford to buy with cash. OH noes, you...
  10. R

    Goodes's GF >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rebecca Twigly

    Disagree, natural blondes rule. :thumbsu:
  11. R

    Is he really that good?

    You are an idiot & I hope the Swans beat the crap out of the Eagles saturday & you can whinge again about how you should have won not Swans.
  12. R

    Congratulations A. Goodes - 2006 Brownlow Medal Winner.

    Maube if you watched other teams play, without your west coast glasses on you might have a clue.
  13. R

    Congratulations A. Goodes - 2006 Brownlow Medal Winner.

    Exactly, all these disgusting comments about him not deserving & the abuse towards him is a disgrace.
  14. R

    Congratulations A. Goodes - 2006 Brownlow Medal Winner.

    Ditto, well deserved winner.
  15. R

    For all those who team isn't involved in the GF

    It's a hard decision, but there are so many idiot eagle supporters on here, comapred to swans supporters, you have to go for the swans.
  16. R

    Does the losing Grand Finalist deserve to be ridiculed?

    You obviously haven't been following footy long. :D
  17. R

    ATT: All Supporters of Interstate Teams.

    OH dear, looks like someone has taken over the biggest sook title, from chris_dudd & yze_tragic. :D I think the Non Vic teams get a better run than the Vics.
  18. R

    Banned Posters

    I would say that someone has hacked BF & found out how to ban people. :eek:
  19. R

    Another moron who deserves the same treatment

    santos where are you this sicko is saying 98 to 99% are going to comt suicide are you going to start a thread about him being banned.
  20. R

    Get behind Sydney

    Just wondering all of a sudden we are hearing Brisbane made a loss last year Sydney are broke & all since people have called for there extra salary cap consession to be scrapped, could this just be a trick to keep it in place?
  21. R

    Mantis Death Wish-List.

    Maybe 95% suicide.
  22. R

    I was right, Mccartney should have been delisted.

    I think McCartney is great coming back from what happened to him in Bali he must be so strong hell I gave up footy after a knee reco because I didn't want to risk doing it again & going through the pain. Anyone who has a go at him has never had to go through an expereince like him & I doubt if...
  23. R

    Another moron who deserves the same treatment

    Youi sick bastard saying 95% of people are going to comit suicide..
  24. R

    Sunday Footy Show - axed in Perth

    Mantis rang to complain about it not being on & they told her that they axed it because it goes for 2 hours now & they would have to axe one of their crappy current affair type shows like Business Sunday, or Sunday maybe if we all emailed nine complaining they might put it on, it is the only...
  25. R

    Neighbors- Dirty

    That is rubbish you can put up a fence on your property anytime if you pay for it yourselfs sounds more like you don't want to unless the neighbours pay half.
  26. R

    Neighbors- Dirty

    Ever thought of taking it to obecience training seems it needs it if you have a dog you have take responsibilty, Mantis has a huge dog which most people don't like because if it's breed but at least it is well trained & does what is't told.
  27. R

    Neighbors- Dirty

    Sorry no compassion for you at all, if the fence is run down & the neighbours won't help with fixing it do it yourselves. Sounds like you have a big dog like us we rent & no one wants to fix the fence so Mantis took it upon hertself to fix the fence, because she wanted her dog to stay in our...
  28. R

    Ben Cousins allowed to play!

    I agree VOR sorry I didn't quote all your post but if people are like me they hate reading through long quotes, Jackson is a disgrace as is the tribunal.
  29. R

    Shock and Awe

  30. R

    Shock and Awe

    Nup he is going to a doggy hotel for 2 weeks thank god I couldn't handle having to look after him he's to bloody spoilt.