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  1. F

    What is the worst action you've seen or heard that was committed by AFL footy fans?

    Hahaha Classic :D Best bandwagoner comment I've heard in ages! Last Saturday night me and 15 mates had a big one. Hungover the next day, we unanimously decided that if we threw up, we would never drink again! But to be truthful, I'll probably be on the piss again the coming weekend. Just like...
  2. F

    Team Melbourne

    What a bunch of B grade sporting organisations (apart from the racing club I guess, not really a ‘team’ tho is it) Not surprising that Victory does want to have a bar of it. Same day that TeaMelbourne is announced, Victory announce a match that will probably have the highest TV...
  3. F

    Atmosphere at the soccer better?

    Piss off, don’t try and make me watch that foreign crap. They take so long between dives, I fall asleep! Just because a billion Chinese people watch it doesn’t make it a good sport. I was always stick to my first love, our indigenous sport of Bombing into pool from the top spring board!
  4. F

    Someone seriously needs to change the direction of the game before it's too late.

    Plenty of people rightfully complain about where footy is headed, but realistically, what can we do about it? The AFL makes decisions based on $’s and not much else. They knows mugs like us are going to keep supporting our clubs even we find the modern game drifting further and further...
  5. F

    Culina: AFL supporters who dont embrace football are "insecure in their code"

    Don't buy one now, you'd be getting the old one. The new shirt should be out soon, I've seen a pic The Big V is back! (i miss state of origin :()
  6. F

    Football Victoria becomes "AFL Victoria"

    Lol, that's like saying: People in this country (well bar those with a сock) are women. Personally, if your going to call the game something else besides footy, I reckon aussie rules is the go, mind you that's probably more to do with my dislike of the AFL administrators rather than the actual...
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    ROFL @ thread hijack :D Anyway, did anyone notice the large amount of people standing during the A-league grand final, particularly at the Coventry end? Is this a specific standing area? Or are there just less whingers shouting “down in front” at the soccer?
  8. F


    Simple Question, do you stand at games? Personally, I stand a fair bit, especially during night games, just behind the seats on the first level both the dome and the G. I find I get louder and a bit more into the game when I'm on my feet, and I'm wondering if others feel the same.
  9. F

    Victorians turn to soccer : Are they giving up on there AFL teams?

    It's not a matter of complacency, it's simply that I don't care about how strong the AFL is in a financial sense. Footy is not made better by money. The A-league, however, with more money would be able to increase quality on the field, so I don't mind at all if soccer gets a bigger slice...
  10. F

    Victorians turn to soccer : Are they giving up on there AFL teams?

    This whole Soccer V Footy debate and the general paranoia over the growth of soccer ignores the reason why footy is great in the first place, and always will remain great: the game. Seriously, arguing that the AFL is so great because of the $780m, or that soccer is better because Harry Kewell...
  11. F

    Mike Sheahan

    I think what Sheahan, and maybe some of the posters on here, don’t understand is that to enjoy the A-league you have to invest a bit of emotional energy into it. What I mean is that; unless you are a true soccer lover, you might not really enjoy watching the A-league from a neutral or...
  12. F

    Atmosphere at the soccer better?

    People (such as the bloke your arguing with, and i think he's just trying to wind you up) seem to disregard the benefits of having clubs segregated on ethic or other lines. Just look at Brazil, virtually all their clubs can be roughly categorized into ethnic and/or socio economic groups. Having...
  13. F

    Atmosphere at the soccer better?

    Apart from Brisbane Hollandia of course. "You're Dutch, and you know you are" :D
  14. F

    Return of the Grog squads?

    Could someone tell me more about these grog squads (I've heard the name before, but that's about it) Do they do barmy army/soccer style chants and songs? Or are they just a bunch of blokes on the piss together? Bit of both I guess??? Do they like to make themselves well know and are they open...
  15. F

    Why the AFL isn't successful.

    To answer the question of this thread, it depends on how you measure success. The AFL as a business is the envy on all other sports in Australia, so yes, in a conventional since it's extremely successful. The question that we really should be asking is; has that business success made game...