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  1. H

    Santos or Hank? You Decide!

    I believe the time has come to put this incredibly important 'big footy' decision to you my adoring public. I have noticed some unrest since my name change, somewhat akin to Prince changing his name to that symbol a few years back. So here's your chance to let me know what you think it should...
  2. H

    Port will get thumped

    Or conversely, make the finals or just be quiet.
  3. H


    I hope you also didn't say you were able to spell or use grammar.
  4. H

    Bottle thrown at Triple M box in Adelaide

    Hehe..............hope you have a good tv, because the only live one's you'll see are Box hill games.
  5. H

    Bottle thrown at Triple M box in Adelaide

    Wasn't it Eddie who dragged Joffa onto the footy show to make light of him throwing cans at Scott Cummings? Now correct me if I'm wrong, but Cummings wasn't protected by perspex, or anything else, except fat. So why doesn't Eddie bring the culprit to the footy show and shower him/her with...
  6. H

    Almost Famous

    Hallaleuha! Not often I agree with an Essendon supporter, but this movie was awful. I somehow manged to watch the whole thing and keep all the bile in my stomach, which was some feat.
  7. H

    Crap Lyrics

    The whole of 'American Pie'
  8. H

    Glenelg Coaching Rumour

    I thought Glenelg had a gun FF easty? Someone named Marcus Baldwin? Well at least that's what you were spouting earlier this year. Looks like you were proven wrong again.
  9. H

    Question for Legal-Minded Persons

    You don't go to someone and ask permission to satirize them. There's no lack of class or balls to satirize a tv show or personality, and you don't need his permission.
  10. H

    Question for Legal-Minded Persons

    Why, will he rise from the grave? ps. my apologies if he's still alive.
  11. H

    Question for Legal-Minded Persons

    I am now convinced. I hereby welcome Brigitte (or is it Brijette?) to the Peanut Gallery. I'm not convinced all stairs lead to the attic here. ps. Mr Appleyard, please put her back in her place after that awful outburst.
  12. H

    Hank Jones on Sportswatch.

  13. H

    Question for Legal-Minded Persons

    cough *rookie* cough, i think you better find out a little about who invented the Peanut Gallery, then ask me kindly to consider you.
  14. H

    Does you partner affect....

    Yeah, you'd need one credible person in the relationship.
  15. H

    Question for Legal-Minded Persons

    Too easy!! Make her earn it with some more stupidity. ;)
  16. H

    Question for Legal-Minded Persons

    Brigette, there is only one person who can annoint 'peanut gallery' status and whilst your close, you have yet to prove yourself. Your signature is incorrect.
  17. H


    Seeing as you miss the point entirely. You will, in fact, be taking drugs when you're 24. One of them will be one of the most addictive drugs known to man, the other will be a drug banned in recent history for its undue influence on society. If I have to dumb it down for you, I'm talking about...
  18. H

    Question for men....

    Re: Re: Re: Question for men.... I see you're sexist too. Why do guys like you have to place expectations on women and what makes you a spokesperson for anyone?
  19. H


    Will you be drinking? Will you drink anything with caffeine? These are classified as psychoactive drugs and are all addictive. So what will it be junior.....bread and water?
  20. H


    No, you're just ignorant and nieve.
  21. H

    Tragedy in Brisbane

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Tragedy in Brisbane Haha, that's three in a row. Your team are now officially our bitches. Even if we lose to a great team next week, at least YOUR team gave us our first finals victory, something every other supporter was scared their team might do. You made...
  22. H

    Brave Essendon

    You only have yourselves to blame for a tough finals draw. Finish higher and it could have been easier.
  23. H

    Tragedy in Brisbane

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Tragedy in Brisbane Haha, next year? I love it, you are finished.......enjoy the holiday.
  24. H

    Tragedy in Brisbane

    Re: Re: Re: Tragedy in Brisbane Yeah GAAAAAAAAAAAN further than the bombers!
  25. H

    Hank Jones on Sportswatch.

    Lookout, we have a hero.
  26. H

    Hank Jones on Sportswatch.

    Re: Re: Hank Jones on Sportswatch. Nah, it won't be cut because the guy I was with works with the interviewer at Ch7.
  27. H

    Hank Jones on Sportswatch.

    keep this up top so everyone gets to bask in my all glowing glow.
  28. H

    Question for Legal-Minded Persons

    Just change the player to a picture of Eddie with the ball. That is way over the required amount of variation.
  29. H

    Hank Jones on Sportswatch.

    I was interviewed tonight for tomorrows Sportswatch program. Plenty of questions asked after plenty of beers drunk. If you watch it, I'm the guy with black hair, looking half p*ssed and confused. I think I said something about Dan26 and his stats equating to nothing, but i could be wrong. ;)...
  30. H

    Question for Legal-Minded Persons

    I believe that only 25% of the original design needs to be different for it to be legal. My old band changed the NHL logo by just enough to get away with it and I'm almost positive that it's a 25% rule.