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  1. BLPC08

    Movie So Ellen Page is gay

    I really hope she doesn't go ultra butch and start looking like Chaz Bono.
  2. BLPC08

    Survivor 28: Cagayan (Brawn, Brains, Beauty) [No Spoilers]

    She looks stunning everywhere!!! Knockout body:))))))
  3. BLPC08

    Survivor 28: Cagayan (Brawn, Brains, Beauty) [No Spoilers]

    Go Cliff!!! I'm a huge Miami fan, but i've always had a soft spot for the Blazers and it'd be great to see Cliff go far. He certainly appears to be on the strongest tribe....for how long though? As for the first episode, it was crazy!!! Chucking the rice in the fire and surviving the vote...
  4. BLPC08

    FTA-TV Survivor 27: Blood vs Water (No Spoilers)

    Whilst I don't disagree with you, Tyson attempted to make a fool out of him by saying "Russel is a persons name". He was being a smartarse, and was duly put in his place.
  5. BLPC08

    FTA-TV Survivor 27: Blood vs Water (No Spoilers)

    Brad Culpepper was very entertaining whilst he was in the game also. He was far too aggressive and that was his undoing in the end, however he provided great value. Rupert Bonehead's wife probably has him covered by default as well. One's incredibly bad, the other one's worse.
  6. BLPC08

    FTA-TV Survivor 27: Blood vs Water (No Spoilers)

    "R-U-S-T-L-E" Absolute gold. Put that smug p*** right in his place. Hayden has been great, however he's been unlucky as well. He wasn't in any position to make a power move until last week, but Ciera f***ed him over with her stupidity. He's still there, however I feel his days are numbered...
  7. BLPC08

    FTA-TV Survivor 27: Blood vs Water (No Spoilers)

    Another great episode to add to the collection. This has been a truly great season so far. Vytas should've been gone for all money, yet Kat somehow managed to dig her own grave. Tyson seems to have become obsessed with making a power move on Aras (similarly to how he was hellbent on voting out...
  8. BLPC08

    FTA-TV Survivor 27: Blood vs Water (No Spoilers)

    Bit OTT.
  9. BLPC08

    FTA-TV Survivor 27: Blood vs Water (No Spoilers)

    Yes, but the merge will be very interesting. Players on the outside will have no hesitation in trying to change the game up, and it will be very hard for some to go against a relative.
  10. BLPC08

    FTA-TV Survivor 27: Blood vs Water (No Spoilers)

    Great episode. Drama non-stop and a great blind-side. I'm loving this concept, most were against it but I was looking forward to it because it was something different. It hasn't failed to disappoint. "F*** you Culpepper". The highlights for the next episode look great too. Candice giving it...
  11. BLPC08

    FTA-TV Survivor 27: Blood vs Water (No Spoilers)

    Rupert's wife will be the first one voted out by the Returning-players tribe, that is if Colton doesn't have a Brandon Hantz meltdown.
  12. BLPC08

    FTA-TV Survivor 27: Blood vs Water (No Spoilers)

    I can't understand why such a boring and mundane person like Candice can be invited back to play a third time. Rupert has and always will be excruciating, his wife isn't much better. I can see a Brandon Hantz esque meltdown from Colton coming soon. I actually prefer the loved-ones tribe...
  13. BLPC08

    FTA-TV **SPOILERS** Survivor: Caramoan... no spoilers beyond aired episodes!!

    I just rewatched S19 and S20. I'd have to say they were both superior to Caramoan. Heroes Vs Villains is undoubtedly the best season we'll ever see. There was a blind-side nearly every episode, so many masterminds duking it out. I forgot how damn powerful Parvati was, she'd have to be close...
  14. BLPC08

    Hangover Part III

    Chow was hilarious throughout the whole film. John Goodman played a great bad-guy as well. Ed Helms and Brad Cooper were somewhat disappointing, I didn't think they were given the screentime they deserved (in particular Helms). I personally thought it was on par with 'The Hangover', most will...
  15. BLPC08

    FTA-TV **SPOILERS** Survivor: Caramoan... no spoilers beyond aired episodes!!

    Couldn't have said it better. If I was Dawn i'd tell her to get f***ed. She played the game and lost.
  16. BLPC08

    FTA-TV **SPOILERS** Survivor: Caramoan... no spoilers beyond aired episodes!!

    All of the returning contestants will be on one tribe, with the family members on the other tribe. It will make for very interesting viewing in the physical challenges, having to tackle a wife or a husband for the sake of the game. There will also be dilemma's with having to vote out a family...
  17. BLPC08

    FTA-TV **SPOILERS** Survivor: Caramoan... no spoilers beyond aired episodes!!

    "Somehow i'm still sitting here". Was she trying to lose?
  18. BLPC08

    FTA-TV **SPOILERS** Survivor: Caramoan... no spoilers beyond aired episodes!!

    Haha, Erik and Eddie were quickly forgotten and both didn't get spoken to at all!! Both were horrible competitors and poor casting choices. Sherri also didn't get a word in after the pre-vote talk.
  19. BLPC08

    FTA-TV **SPOILERS** Survivor: Caramoan... no spoilers beyond aired episodes!!

    He was certainly the most worthy winner since Boston. His jury effort was phenomenal; he didn't seem fake or desperate, just spoke his mind in an intelligent and educated manner. Well done Cochrane.
  20. BLPC08

    FTA-TV **SPOILERS** Survivor: Caramoan... no spoilers beyond aired episodes!!

    They barely talked to the first eight voted out anyway, it's not the worst idea they've had. I do agree that it should be longer though.
  21. BLPC08

    FTA-TV **SPOILERS** Survivor: Caramoan... no spoilers beyond aired episodes!!

    Blood is thicker than water. The next season is called 'Survivor Families' and features 10 returning contestants along with 10 family members. They're mostly husbands/wives. Colton is rumored to be one of the contestants along with his boyfriend. At least the 'loved ones' episode will...
  22. BLPC08

    FTA-TV **SPOILERS** Survivor: Caramoan... no spoilers beyond aired episodes!!

    Dwight looked sarcastic in that pic. Don't get offended, we're on an internet forum.
  23. BLPC08

    FTA-TV **SPOILERS** Survivor: Caramoan... no spoilers beyond aired episodes!!

    Agree to disagree. She's done a lot better than the rest of her original tribe, also remember that we don't get to see the whole picture - hours and hours of filming cut into one 42 minute episode.
  24. BLPC08

    FTA-TV **SPOILERS** Survivor: Caramoan... no spoilers beyond aired episodes!!

    Loved ones episode champ, I'm not a very emotional person and every year it gets more over the top.
  25. BLPC08

    FTA-TV **SPOILERS** Survivor: Caramoan... no spoilers beyond aired episodes!!

    You say she's lacking in strategy, yet she's come from a tribe that was completely outnumbered going into the merge. She was never in a position to make any bold moves, she had to ease her way in and let others be the target. Subtle brilliance IMO.
  26. BLPC08

    FTA-TV **SPOILERS** Survivor: Caramoan... no spoilers beyond aired episodes!!

    I'll break it down easier for you, Dawn is completely unlikable, Eddie's a complete idiot and Erik's no better. Cockroach is my first choice, then Sherri.
  27. BLPC08

    FTA-TV **SPOILERS** Survivor: Caramoan... no spoilers beyond aired episodes!!

    Nah, you're certainly not a prick. I cringe at the loved ones episode every season. If my brother or parents came to visit me after only 36 days, I'd greet them similarly to how I greet them every time I see them with a "hey, how's things?" Americans are just too damn emotional.
  28. BLPC08

    FTA-TV **SPOILERS** Survivor: Caramoan... no spoilers beyond aired episodes!!

    Sherri should've been easily picked off post merge. She played her under-the-radar role to perfection and eased into the dominant alliance. I respect her game as much as anyone's.
  29. BLPC08

    FTA-TV **SPOILERS** Survivor: Caramoan... no spoilers beyond aired episodes!!

    Horrible episode, great finish. We now need the other complete waste of space, Erik, to gtfo and we'll have a mildly satisfying finish. All of my favorites are long gone, I hope Cockroach or Sherri can take it from here.
  30. BLPC08

    FTA-TV **SPOILERS** Survivor: Caramoan... no spoilers beyond aired episodes!!

    Shattered with the two eliminations. Reynold was a gun, he had a really rough run with other contestants killing off any momentum he gained. Really unlucky imo. Why is Sherri still there? She's a complete waste of space. Dawn has always been painful, why she was picked as one of the...