Traded 2. Paddy Dow

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I like how Dow just hovers around when the balls on the ground being fought over by some players, then he just plucks it out really quickly and bolts.
Reminds me of a fox or something, stalking it's prey until just the right moment, Bang!

It's a different motion to most midfielders (imo)

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But ..but..the coaches are all hopeless..... ;)

Anyway Paddy was always going to come good. It takes time and we are all impatient.
His class was never in doubt.
Think his mindset and approach has changed in the last couple of games. In the early games this year he seemed to be a bit hesitant and hanging back at contests.

But last night he was great, especially in the first half...going in grabbing the ball and bursting away is the Dow we all want to see.
Love what he's doing at the moment, but found his comments after the game interesting.
Asked about his turnaround and said something along the lines of a lift in training standards. Not sure if he was talking about himself specifically, or the group as a whole.
Think his mindset and approach has changed in the last couple of games. In the early games this year he seemed to be a bit hesitant and hanging back at contests.

But last night he was great, especially in the first half...going in grabbing the ball and bursting away is the Dow we all want to see.
Spot on GB, there’s a noticeable difference with his mindset and approach, he was just sitting on the outskirts in no mans land looking hesitant, with little impact...
He seems to have gone back to just playing on instinct and hunting the ball like he used to first coming into the AFL system...
Another thing is his kicking, his kicking action looks incredible the improvement is amazing, it has such a beautiful fluent action about it now, his kicks have punch power accuracy and some have been beautifully weighted...
Love what he's doing at the moment, but found his comments after the game interesting.
Asked about his turnaround and said something along the lines of a lift in training standards. Not sure if he was talking about himself specifically, or the group as a whole.

To be fair I think he was a bit nervous having his first post game interview, don't think he said everything the way he wanted in his head.
To be fair I think he was a bit nervous having his first post game interview, don't think he said everything the way he wanted in his head.
The funny thing with that though, is that he's more likely to be raw and honest, rather than reserved and diplomatic (clichéd).
I would be intrigued to get a clarification on that.
If it's his own training standards, understandable but still concerning in a way, but positive that it's been identified and addressed.
If it's the entire group, that's a bit more concerning, for obvious reasons.
**** yeah. Was so pumped watching that first quarter - he was unbelievable.

Best player on the ground by a mile in that first quarter and whilst he couldn't replicate it over the remaining 3 quarters he was still one of the best out there.

We didn't see it all night but we saw glimpses of the player he can become. It's not just the burst away from congestion. It's the burst and the sidestep and the strength to run through his opponent to get the ball.

Add the excellent delivery inside 50 and you see serious weapons all over his game. Yeah he has weaknesses and they'll continue to be worked on but the strengths are glaring.

The comparisons to a young Dangerfield have been made since day one. And they're as apt today as they were back then.

Yes he has struggled for a little while but it's so important to remember he's just 21. Make no mistake something has clicked. Hard to say exactly what but you can see it in his game. Compare his last two weeks to his performances last year or even early this year and you can barely believe they're the same player.

He's still a kid so he's not the finished product and he'll have bad days along the way but he's getting there. And he will get there.

I'd just like to reiterate that I never lost faith and god help those who did when he puts it all together on a consistent basis. Not if, but when.

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fu** yeah. Was so pumped watching that first quarter - he was unbelievable.

Best player on the ground by a mile in that first quarter and whilst he couldn't replicate it over the remaining 3 quarters he was still one of the best out there.

Eventually, he will be challenged to go on and finish with 30+ touches after he gets off to a start like that.

Doesn't have to be anytime soon, the kid is just getting his confidence back, no need to heap a bunch of pressure on him now. I'm just saying, we still have that to look forward to. :cool:

Easily his best game. His first was outstanding, but what i was really impressed with was his will to fight, scrap and dig in, when game was on the line in the last.

He has also added goal kicking to his repertoire, which makes him really valuable.

Our best passages of play last night were when we moved the ball through a chain of handballs. Dow is very good with his hands.

Heres hoping he becomes consistant.
Got a feeling he won’t be dropped for a long time….needs to build the tank but is starting to come good on a regular basis…next step
25 touches and 2 goals

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Looking like he is going to be a goal kicking midfielder which is gold.

Great first half 84 ranking points second best on ground after Darcy, not so good second half as ended the game on 82 ranking points a -2 half. Don’t think his role changed so needs to learn to impact the game even when tired.
Dow's burst speed and side-step are creating havoc with the opposition who think they have him covered, then he's gone.

Hoping he continues to build that tank, work on the defensive side of his game, and get more time in the middle, as he is a point of difference and complements the Cripps/Kennedy/Ed Curnow/Setterfield types with the Walsh/SPS/Williams types.
If he can build even half of the endurance that Ed and Walsh have… he’ll be a hell of a player. Those side steps of his are magic.
I like how Dow just hovers around when the balls on the ground being fought over by some players, then he just plucks it out really quickly and bolts.
Reminds me of a fox or something, stalking it's prey until just the right moment, Bang!

It's a different motion to most midfielders (imo)

This is one of his assets. You'll notice he doesn't go to ground very often. Keeps his fit and when he gets the ball uses his acceleration to open up. He is exactly what we need. Just needs to stop giving the ball to Cripps every time and look for the further option. Not the only one either. :p
The next part of his game I’d like to see is him not handballing as much as he does to someone just a few metres away who are a little hot when he has more time and space than he realizes, own the ball and the passage of play use his pace and exit the zone away from congestion, creating space creates more options for yourself by hand or foot...
It will come, you can tell he’s beginning to believe in himself...
Your welcome HBF 👍

His first quarter was damn good on Saturday night.
With Cripps and Walsh getting all the attention he really should be able to take full advantage of this as his career continues.
His first quarter was damn good on Saturday night.
With Cripps and Walsh getting all the attention he really should be able to take full advantage of this as his career continues.
It was a glimpse into what’s to come, can’t wait til he starts putting it altogether for a full games...
Cripps Walsh Dow Cunners Fisher SPS hopefully Kennedy keeps progressing Stocker and cameos from when Williams and Martin are finally fully fit and up and flying...
Kemp Carroll and Philp progress next year without injury...
Hopefully we’re finally building some midfield depth...

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