2010 Membership tally

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Odd you didn't get them to fix both. Don't think it would be too big an issue unless it's a concession or under-age thingie. Get 'em to fix it or it will keep happening - and welcome to the Fred Flintstone Membership Circus.
Cheers, Yeh I told them about the name difference on the card and all they replied back in the email was that they would send the silver football out straight-away. No mention of the name error.

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My mother received her pack in the mail today but mine and my father's is nowhere to be seen and they all automatically renew together each year in Nov. I really shouldn't be surprised.... :rolleyes:
Odd you didn't get them to fix both. Don't think it would be too big an issue unless it's a concession or under-age thingie. Get 'em to fix it or it will keep happening - and welcome to the Fred Flintstone Membership Circus.

Thy generally your comments are pretty insightful however on this topic your attitude disappoints me so much that I feel compelled to comment.

Firstly our membership department do a sensational job. I dare say they get it right 99% of the time so if you do the math thats about 450 mistakes per year. Not bad considering we have 45,000 odd members plus thousands of non-member supporters. Every business in the world would love to have that kind of success rate.

Secondly they put up with an incredible amount of shit from the nuffy supporters and those people who expect the club to bend over backwards for them just because they pay $200 a year.

Thirdly, say the average membership is $300-$400 for 17 games. Your at the footy for a total of 3 hours.
17 games x 3 hours = 51 hours of footy.
$350 / 51 = $6.86 per hour of entertainment
What better value could you want? $6.86 per hour to see a professional sport and world class athletes. Consider the ACDC concert that is on tonight. to sit in those VERY SAME seats as you would at the footy, some people are paying $200 for a concert that goes for 4 hours.
$200 / 4 hours = $50 per hour of entertainment.
Do you realise how good the value of having a membership is? In comparison to other world class entertainment you pay sweet FA.
So perhaps before you even think of complaining about the "cd sized packet" you should consider that your paying next to nothing (even if you have the top priced membership)

I'm not sure if you fully understand but the club is trying to run a business. Sure its all well and good to dream that "its all about the players and winning a premiership so don't give a stuff about the business side", but in reality if the clubs business side is running poorly then the team has no chance of winning games. So maybe you should be happy with your "cd sized packet" because if the club was to give every member a plaque or life size cut out of their favourite player as part of membership there would be no money left to spend on the footy department which does help win games. I'm pretty sure when swanny is tossing up whether to spend more money on the footy department or more money on members its an open & shut case. This next bit may hurt a little...in reality members and supporters cannot win you games. Giving members that little extra something thing is not going to help you win games, ever. Don't get me wrong the year in year out financial contribution that members make is vital but the needs to be a balance of what you expect. No member is bigger than the club.

Thy next time you speak to the membership department ask them who is responsible for the mailing outs. After speaking with one of the membership team for about 20 minutes earlier this week i found out that the afl are in charge of all mail outs (hmm, go figure :rolleyes:), so if your missing something from you membership pack or your member since date is stuffed up then its usually the afl's fault not Carlton's. Also if something gets lost in the mail then thats not Carlton's fault either, Australia Post are in charge of our mail service these days.

In regards to NavyGuns_2008 issue, what more do you want them to do? NavyGuns_2008 made the mistake of filling out the application in his name instead of his brothers. When he contacted the club they gave him an instant reply (try getting that from telstra), all he needed was the junior membership replaced and that's exactly what they did, with no fuss at all. It costs the club money to send another card but i bet the club didn't charge him for it.

Its probably fair to say that most issues are caused by the member not the club, most likely because the have misunderstood or misinterpreted something. It sound like you had a bad experience in the past thy? i wonder how it started, i dare say you may have had a request that the club couldn't fulfill or something got lost or was missing from you "cd sized packet" which is completely out of the clubs control.

Finally how brave of you to stick the boots in to the membership department in an online forum where they have no right of reply. I've spoken to more than one membership operator this summer and on all occasions they have been extremely pleasant, helpful and informative. The people working there are genuinely interested in helping your member experience and its ashame they are on the end of so much negativity from some individuals. By the way did you forget that our membership and marketing team has been the most successful in the last 2 years?

So Thy if you ever happen to venture down off that high horse of yours feel free to drop then patronising tone as well. You either expect far too much from the club or you just a tad bitter about something.

Here's one for the membership & marketing team :thumbsu:

(ps i've never been carded before mostly because i don't feel the need to comment most of the time, but the piece above its not a personal attack rather it is an attack on some of the opinions he has).

Thy other than this thread i genuinely think you post extremely good quality stuff and are an asset to this board
Attitudes like yours perpetuate and tolerate the crap treatment we long suffering paid up members have been copping for years. I don't give a **** who they employ or how "pleasant" they sound - get it right. Also, please don't be so deluded in believing length of post relates to significance.
Thy generally your comments are pretty insightful however on this topic your attitude disappoints me so much that I feel compelled to comment.

Firstly our membership department do a sensational job. I dare say they get it right 99% of the time so if you do the math thats about 450 mistakes per year. Not bad considering we have 45,000 odd members plus thousands of non-member supporters. Every business in the world would love to have that kind of success rate.

Secondly they put up with an incredible amount of shit from the nuffy supporters and those people who expect the club to bend over backwards for them just because they pay $200 a year.

Thirdly, say the average membership is $300-$400 for 17 games. Your at the footy for a total of 3 hours.
17 games x 3 hours = 51 hours of footy.
$350 / 51 = $6.86 per hour of entertainment
What better value could you want? $6.86 per hour to see a professional sport and world class athletes. Consider the ACDC concert that is on tonight. to sit in those VERY SAME seats as you would at the footy, some people are paying $200 for a concert that goes for 4 hours.
$200 / 4 hours = $50 per hour of entertainment.
Do you realise how good the value of having a membership is? In comparison to other world class entertainment you pay sweet FA.
So perhaps before you even think of complaining about the "cd sized packet" you should consider that your paying next to nothing (even if you have the top priced membership)

I'm not sure if you fully understand but the club is trying to run a business. Sure its all well and good to dream that "its all about the players and winning a premiership so don't give a stuff about the business side", but in reality if the clubs business side is running poorly then the team has no chance of winning games. So maybe you should be happy with your "cd sized packet" because if the club was to give every member a plaque or life size cut out of their favourite player as part of membership there would be no money left to spend on the footy department which does help win games. I'm pretty sure when swanny is tossing up whether to spend more money on the footy department or more money on members its an open & shut case. This next bit may hurt a little...in reality members and supporters cannot win you games. Giving members that little extra something thing is not going to help you win games, ever. Don't get me wrong the year in year out financial contribution that members make is vital but the needs to be a balance of what you expect. No member is bigger than the club.

Thy next time you speak to the membership department ask them who is responsible for the mailing outs. After speaking with one of the membership team for about 20 minutes earlier this week i found out that the afl are in charge of all mail outs (hmm, go figure :rolleyes:), so if your missing something from you membership pack or your member since date is stuffed up then its usually the afl's fault not Carlton's. Also if something gets lost in the mail then thats not Carlton's fault either, Australia Post are in charge of our mail service these days.

In regards to NavyGuns_2008 issue, what more do you want them to do? NavyGuns_2008 made the mistake of filling out the application in his name instead of his brothers. When he contacted the club they gave him an instant reply (try getting that from telstra), all he needed was the junior membership replaced and that's exactly what they did, with no fuss at all. It costs the club money to send another card but i bet the club didn't charge him for it.

Its probably fair to say that most issues are caused by the member not the club, most likely because the have misunderstood or misinterpreted something. It sound like you had a bad experience in the past thy? i wonder how it started, i dare say you may have had a request that the club couldn't fulfill or something got lost or was missing from you "cd sized packet" which is completely out of the clubs control.

Finally how brave of you to stick the boots in to the membership department in an online forum where they have no right of reply. I've spoken to more than one membership operator this summer and on all occasions they have been extremely pleasant, helpful and informative. The people working there are genuinely interested in helping your member experience and its ashame they are on the end of so much negativity from some individuals. By the way did you forget that our membership and marketing team has been the most successful in the last 2 years?

So Thy if you ever happen to venture down off that high horse of yours feel free to drop then patronising tone as well. You either expect far too much from the club or you just a tad bitter about something.

Here's one for the membership & marketing team :thumbsu:

(ps i've never been carded before mostly because i don't feel the need to comment most of the time, but the piece above its not a personal attack rather it is an attack on some of the opinions he has).

Thy other than this thread i genuinely think you post extremely good quality stuff and are an asset to this board

That is totally incorrect !!!!!!!

The Membership dept moved all Members onto a new database & "member since" dates defaulted to either 2008 or 2009.

The AFL has nothing to do with the Clubs's computer system. :rolleyes:
Come on - there might be a mistake here and there but it hardly equates to 'long suffering'. Circumstances have only permitted me to be a member these past three years (not a patch on your 30) but in that time I've had no qualms whatsoever...well, maybe the lack of a membership scarf this year but it's hardly a deal breaker.

Obviously some on here have had some rotten experiences with the membership department to hold such strong views. What's exactly happened for you to hold such negative views?
Come on - there might be a mistake here and there but it hardly equates to 'long suffering'. Circumstances have only permitted me to be a member these past three years (not a patch on your 30) but in that time I've had no qualms whatsoever...well, maybe the lack of a membership scarf this year but it's hardly a deal breaker.

Obviously some on here have had some rotten experiences with the membership department to hold such strong views. What's exactly happened for you to hold such negative views?

So you reckon if it hasn't been a problem for me it's not something I should take issue with? For the record 'long suffering' referred to the roller-coaster ride this club has taken me on of late. Rather than detail each and every ****-up members on this board have copped, go do your own research and check out a membership thread or two. ****ing ridiculous people.
So you reckon if it hasn't been a problem for me it's not something I should take issue with? For the record 'long suffering' referred to the roller-coaster ride this club has taken me on of late. Rather than detail each and every ****-up members on this board have copped, go do your own research and check out a membership thread or two. ****ing ridiculous people.

There really isn't a need to take it so personally. It's not an attack on you.

I've been following this thread and the only issue of note seems to be the membership date resetting to 2008/2009. Which came about because of an upgrade to the database system - perhaps in an attempt to improve the system?

Sure there's a grievance here and there but when you're receiving and processing hundreds of renewal a day it's not unexpected. They're hardly the rabble some make them out to be.

Memberships were sent out much faster this season than they've been in the past as a result of sending out the packages seperately. Good move by the club as it means no more nervous waiting hoping you'll get the card before family day as we've had in years past.

Some might wish the campaigns were a tad more conservative but that comes down to personal preference. Definitely hasn't hurt our numbers.
Thy considering the volume of processing they do, they do get it right pretty much all the time. Next time you speak to the club ask them the ratio of f••• ups, you'd be pleasantly supprised. The length has of my post has nothing to do with anything, all I did was respond to each individual critizism.

Your reply was pretty weak so mate stop taking pot shots at people who don't get a chance to reply. Coz on the whole they do a great job.

Aph sorry to disagree but if you talk to them they'll explain that it's the afls system, not carltons. So that issue of the since date was not the fault of Carlton, so any angst about that is directed at the wrong people.
Thy generally your comments are pretty insightful however on this topic your attitude disappoints me so much that I feel compelled to comment.

After reading this post, I discovered that it annoyed me a hell of a lot. Not so much your points, which in most cases are valid, just this 'fluffy' attitude that you have which seems to suggest that you would be happy if the Club posted you a t#rd as long as it was painted Navy Blue (or 'shit's gold' as the The General would put it).

Firstly our membership department do a sensational job. I dare say they get it right 99% of the time so if you do the math thats about 450 mistakes per year. Not bad considering we have 45,000 odd members plus thousands of non-member supporters. Every business in the world would love to have that kind of success rate.

If your estimations are correct then I agree it's a good effort. However, they don't do the job purely for the love of the club. They are paid to do it.

Secondly they put up with an incredible amount of shit from the nuffy supporters and those people who expect the club to bend over backwards for them just because they pay $200 a year.

If any member is unhappy for any reason with their membership then they have a right to complain. $200 paid membership gives them the right. It doesn't give them the right to personally attack the call taker, but they should be able to state their issue with the club if it hasn't been what they have paid for. People who pay for a service and don't receive it, and who don't report it, are letting themselves and other members down because if the club's service level drops it may actually cost them memberships.

Thirdly, say the average membership is $300-$400 for 17 games. Your at the footy for a total of 3 hours.
17 games x 3 hours = 51 hours of footy.
$350 / 51 = $6.86 per hour of entertainment
What better value could you want? $6.86 per hour to see a professional sport and world class athletes.

A good point and it IS value for money

I'm not sure if you fully understand but the club is trying to run a business.

Really? I thought they did it for the love of football. I'm shocked that they are trying to make money... :rolleyes:

Blah Blah Blah, I don't think it's Thy who's on the high horse here.

Yes the membership team do a good job, but I don't feel that the marketing team do, and aren't really in touch with their members.

This years slogan for instance, I'm sure if a paid up existing member was given an opportunity to enter a slogan into a 'members-only' competition to come up with a slogan for the following year, and had members voting on what slogans made the final cut and eventually which wins, this would be yet another incentive for members to renew and draw in new members. If people actually have some kind of interaction/input into the Club, I'm sure they would feel happier they are actually contributing something rather than having no influence whatsoever in the clubs future.

They could also save money if they actually didn't send a bunch of cheap rubbish that isn't wanted and included a couple of alternative options listed as part of the sign-up.

eg. Player Sponsorship, a PDF version of 'Inside Carlton' emailed out or a secure online version that requires your member number to access. This shouldn't cost much as the club membership online already remembers all membership preferences.

Think of the money they could save if they didn't have to post out all the crap to those who don't want it? Yes I'm sure those members with kids do want stickers etc. but it shouldn't be a given for everyone.

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Thy considering the volume of processing they do, they do get it right pretty much all the time. Next time you speak to the club ask them the ratio of f••• ups, you'd be pleasantly supprised. The length has of my post has nothing to do with anything, all I did was respond to each individual critizism.

Your reply was pretty weak so mate stop taking pot shots at people who don't get a chance to reply. Coz on the whole they do a great job.

Aph sorry to disagree but if you talk to them they'll explain that it's the afls system, not carltons. So that issue of the since date was not the fault of Carlton, so any angst about that is directed at the wrong people.

Thy generally your comments are pretty insightful however on this topic your attitude disappoints me so much that I feel compelled to comment. (Excellent. Discussion is as good a way to bring attention to a problem as any).

Firstly our membership department do a sensational job. I dare say they get it right 99% of the time (says you) so if you do the math (silly Americanisms weaken your presentation) thats about 450 mistakes per year (sheer guesswork). Not bad considering we have 45,000 odd members plus thousands of non-member supporters. Every business in the world would love to have that kind of success rate (no offence but thank God you're not my surgeon, air-traffic controller, pilot or raw chicken provider).

Secondly they put up with an incredible amount of shit from the nuffy supporters (and I'm patronising?) and those people who expect the club to bend over backwards for them just because they pay $200 a year (closer to $600 - not an insignificant amount in my case).

Thirdly, say the average membership is $300-$400 for 17 games. Your at the footy for a total of 3 hours.
17 games x 3 hours = 51 hours of footy.
$350 / 51 = $6.86 per hour of entertainment
What better value could you want? $6.86 per hour to see a professional sport and world class athletes. Consider the ACDC concert that is on tonight. to sit in those VERY SAME seats as you would at the footy, some people are paying $200 for a concert that goes for 4 hours.
$200 / 4 hours = $50 per hour of entertainment.
Do you realise how good the value of having a membership is? In comparison to other world class entertainment you pay sweet FA.
So perhaps before you even think of complaining about the "cd sized packet" you should consider that your paying next to nothing (even if you have the top priced membership)
(Can't see what this has to do with a crap membership department).

I'm not sure if you fully understand but the club is trying to run a business. Sure its all well and good to dream that "its all about the players and winning a premiership so don't give a stuff about the business side", but in reality if the clubs business side is running poorly then the team has no chance of winning games (you're catching on). So maybe you should be happy with your "cd sized packet" because if the club was to give every member a plaque or life size cut out of their favourite player as part of membership there would be no money left to spend on the footy department which does help win games. I'm pretty sure when swanny is tossing up whether to spend more money on the footy department or more money on members its an open & shut case. This next bit may hurt a little...in reality members and supporters cannot win you games. Giving members that little extra something thing is not going to help you win games, ever. Don't get me wrong the year in year out financial contribution that members make is vital but the needs to be a balance of what you expect. No member is bigger than the club (Christ, I'm trying to remember that I'm the patronising one).

Thy next time you speak to the membership department ask them who is responsible for the mailing outs. After speaking with one of the membership team for about 20 minutes earlier this week i found out that the afl are in charge of all mail outs (hmm, go figure :rolleyes:), so if your missing something from you membership pack or your member since date is stuffed up then its usually the afl's fault not Carlton's (garbage). Also if something gets lost in the mail then thats not Carlton's fault either, Australia Post are in charge of our mail service these days.

In regards to NavyGuns_2008 issue, what more do you want them to do? NavyGuns_2008 made the mistake of filling out the application in his name instead of his brothers. When he contacted the club they gave him an instant reply (try getting that from telstra) (being more efficient than Telstra is your idea of service excellence?), all he needed was the junior membership replaced and that's exactly what they did, with no fuss at all. It costs the club money to send another card but i bet the club didn't charge him for it (he really is a lucky camper then).

Its probably fair to say that most issues are caused by the member not the club (oh, of course), most likely because the have misunderstood or misinterpreted something. It sound like you had a bad experience in the past thy? i wonder how it started, i dare say you may have had a request that the club couldn't fulfill or something got lost or was missing from you "cd sized packet" which is completely out of the clubs control. (Your ridiculous repetition regarding the cd box is just that. A poster asked is there anything exciting in there? what was I going to say, yeah the car stickers will have you jizzing all over the windscreen)?
Finally how brave of you to stick the boots in to the membership department in an online forum where they have no right of reply. (Yep, really should restrict myself to registered BF posters - there goes my in-depth political analysis) I've spoken to more than one membership operator this summer and on all occasions they have been extremely pleasant, helpful and informative (when did I say they weren't? - nothing to do with individual characters, it's the procedures that suck). The people working there are genuinely interested in helping your member experience and its ashame they are on the end of so much negativity from some individuals. By the way did you forget that our membership and marketing team has been the most successful in the last 2 years?

So Thy if you ever happen to venture down off that high horse of yours feel free to drop then patronising tone as well. You either expect far too much from the club or you just a tad bitter about something.

Here's one for the me mbership & marketing team :thumbsu:

(ps i've never been carded before mostly because i don't feel the need to comment most of the time, but the piece above its not a personal attack rather it is an attack on some of the opinions he has).

Thy other than this thread i genuinely think you post extremely good quality stuff and are an asset to this board
I too pay $600 a year and the m'ship department has made at least one mistake every year, without fail. Thankfully they got my 'member since' date correct, but there's always something.

In 2008 my gf got sent two memberships!

Whether it be names, dates or addresses, there's always an error. Merchandise shop is no better.
Thy considering the volume of processing they do, they do get it right pretty much all the time. Next time you speak to the club ask them the ratio of f••• ups, you'd be pleasantly supprised. The length has of my post has nothing to do with anything, all I did was respond to each individual critizism.

Your reply was pretty weak so mate stop taking pot shots at people who don't get a chance to reply. Coz on the whole they do a great job.

Aph sorry to disagree but if you talk to them they'll explain that it's the afls system, not carltons. So that issue of the since date was not the fault of Carlton, so any angst about that is directed at the wrong people.

I don't need to talk to them as I know that the Club moved all members to a new database & a few problems occurred with m/ship details.

The AFL has nothing whatsoever to do with the Clubs database & computer systems.

I stand corrected if I am wrong but I am NOT !!!!!!!
Didn't get mine today.
I'll be waiting very impatiently by the letter box tomorrow morning. :cool:

Got mine today. :thumbsu:

Also today, i've learned that Gibbs is close to re-signing with the club, and i'm heading out to Visy Park this afternoon to watch the intra-club match. Friday's don't come much better than this.

Got mine today. :thumbsu:

Also today, i've learned that Gibbs is close to re-signing with the club, and i'm heading out to Visy Park this afternoon to watch the intra-club match. Friday's don't come much better than this.


Same. Will be off in a quarter hour. :thumbsu:

Pity there's no Carlton Shop discount coupons included this year, but. :thumbsdown:
I too pay $600 a year and the m'ship department has made at least one mistake every year, without fail. Thankfully they got my 'member since' date correct, but there's always something.

In 2008 my gf got sent two memberships!

Whether it be names, dates or addresses, there's always an error. Merchandise shop is no better.

A few years ago, three of us received two memberships each.... funnily enough, that year was a record membership year for the club :rolleyes:

In 2008 they introduced automatic renewal of membership, to which myself and my folks ticked the box. So what happens in 2009? The wrong membership category was renewed. They fixed it but it took a phone call, an email and an angry letter, not to mention they had given our reserved seats to three other people.

Pay peanuts get monkeys I suppose....

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2010 Membership tally

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