2015 Delistings

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Unfortunately, Mackay's contract means that he's going to be on our team list next year - whether we like it or not.

No other club is going to trade for him, given that he still has 3 years left to run on his contract. Not even if Adelaide were to pay part of his salary. I doubt he'd agree to be traded anyway, given the statements that he's made about this in the past.

Adelaide can't afford to pay out his salary and terminate his contract either. It's not that they can't afford the dollars, so much as having to include the payout in this year's salary cap. If, as alleged, he still has 3 years left to run at $400k per season, then that would be an additional $1.2M which would need to be included in the 2015 TPP. There's just no way Adelaide can do that.

Mackay's contract is the single biggest blunder Noble has made during his time as list manager. He should never have been given a 4 year contract.
Do I recall hearing/reading that there would be some things he'd have to tick off to get the 4th year option? One can only hope.

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Unfortunately, Mackay's contract means that he's going to be on our team list next year - whether we like it or not.

No other club is going to trade for him, given that he still has 3 years left to run on his contract. Not even if Adelaide were to pay part of his salary. I doubt he'd agree to be traded anyway, given the statements that he's made about this in the past.

Adelaide can't afford to pay out his salary and terminate his contract either. It's not that they can't afford the dollars, so much as having to include the payout in this year's salary cap. If, as alleged, he still has 3 years left to run at $400k per season, then that would be an additional $1.2M which would need to be included in the 2015 TPP. There's just no way Adelaide can do that.

Mackay's contract is the single biggest blunder Noble has made during his time as list manager. He should never have been given a 4 year contract.

Agree with all of this and it goes to other players as well who have contracts, it is very unlikely we will terminate their contracts and just pay out their other years money now. With Mackays contract, his last year had KPIs that had to be ticked off from what I've been told so whilst the idea of two more years is still unpalatable at lest it won't be three. As to the rest of them, those with contracts can be moved on next year, we have enough in line this year who can be cleared out, will be interesting to see what we can do with trades during trade week...hopefully someone can overpay for one of our players for once.
Agree with all of this and it goes to other players as well who have contracts, it is very unlikely we will terminate their contracts and just pay out their other years money now. With Mackays contract, his last year had KPIs that had to be ticked off from what I've been told so whilst the idea of two more years is still unpalatable at lest it won't be three. As to the rest of them, those with contracts can be moved on next year, we have enough in line this year who can be cleared out, will be interesting to see what we can do with trades during trade week...hopefully someone can overpay for one of our players for once.
I'm hoping that 2015 and 2016 will see most of our "Mr Mediocrity" players moved on.

2015 sees Martin, Wright, CEY, Grigg and Kerridge all out of contract. I don't expect all of them to be gone, but at least 3 should be.
2016 sees VB and Lyons will both be out of contract. VB should be encouraged to retire, with Lyons traded or delisted (along with the survivors from the 2015 group).

If Mackay's contract is 2 years, with a 3rd triggered by performance clauses, then they should also strongly consider buying out his contract at the end of 2016.
I'm guessing we'll get 2x 1st round picks for Dangerfield, with our existing 1st round pick going to Brisbane for Aish. I think we'll use those 2x 1sts and our 2nd in the draft. Just a guess though.
if we get 2 1st there is a good chance 1 would be in next years draft, which if it is a stronger draft and we have no immediate plans for it in another trade could even be our preference.
I'm hoping that 2015 and 2016 will see most of our "Mr Mediocrity" players moved on.

2015 sees Martin, Wright, CEY, Grigg and Kerridge all out of contract. I don't expect all of them to be gone, but at least 3 should be.
2016 sees VB and Lyons will both be out of contract. VB should be encouraged to retire, with Lyons traded or delisted (along with the survivors from the 2015 group).

If Mackay's contract is 2 years, with a 3rd triggered by performance clauses, then they should also strongly consider buying out his contract at the end of 2016.

Sorry mate but I don't think we can judge a young player such as Lyons like that yet. Surely you wouldn't plan to delist him a year before his contracts out, regardless of his 2016 performance.
I'm hoping that 2015 and 2016 will see most of our "Mr Mediocrity" players moved on.

2015 sees Martin, Wright, CEY, Grigg and Kerridge all out of contract. I don't expect all of them to be gone, but at least 3 should be.

Out of those, the one I'd keep is CEY, he is a big bodied mid, we shouldn't trade that out if we can help it
Out of those, the one I'd keep is CEY, he is a big bodied mid, we shouldn't trade that out if we can help it
I agree.

It's a travesty he hasn't played more in the back half of the year…I'd have him on a wing well before Mackay even if it wasn't his primary position.

Also, with his height/physique he can play as a flanker and add to mid rotations.

One thing CEY also does which most of our clearance players don't is actually dispose of the ball CONSTRUCTIVELY!
all players cut from the list will come from the list below
Contracted until end 2015
Patrick Dangerfield (8yrs)
Cameron Ellis-Yolmen
Matthew Wright
Mitchell Grigg
Sam Kerridge
Andy Otten
James Podsiadly
Matt Crouch
Rory Atkins
Jack Osborn
Sam Shaw
Brodie Martin
Anthony Wilson
Keenan Ramsey
Sorry mate but I don't think we can judge a young player such as Lyons like that yet. Surely you wouldn't plan to delist him a year before his contracts out, regardless of his 2016 performance.
Of course you can. Martin got a 12 month contract at the end of last year. They would have been planning there and then to delist him this year. They just didn't want to go too deep in last year's draft, which is the only thing that saved him back then.

You can always change those plans if the player shows unexpected improvement, but that's unlikely to happen with Lyons who has already been on the list for 5 years.

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Of course you can. Martin got a 12 month contract at the end of last year. They would have been planning there and then to delist him this year. They just didn't want to go too deep in last year's draft, which is the only thing that saved him back then.

You can always change those plans if the player shows unexpected improvement, but that's unlikely to happen with Lyons who has already been on the list for 5 years.

Alright as long as next years performance is not disregarded. I agree that having so many mediocre players is not good enough, we need some elite talents.

However I cant for the life of me think why they would play him more than the bulk of our younger players only planning to delist him. Not a pick at your post but just not understanding why we wouldn't have developed future players.
It angers me that Martin is a way better footballer than Mackay and yet one has 3 years left on a vastly overpriced contract.

One of those 2 runs hard all day, tackles with intensity, has evasive skills, kicks long, can play a variety of positions, is very strong overhead…and one just embarrassed himself at the MCG.
all players cut from the list will come from the list below
Contracted until end 2015
Patrick Dangerfield (8yrs)…match the offer and get a trade
Cameron Ellis-Yolmen…keep
Matthew Wright…trade for modest pick upgrades
Mitchell Grigg…keep
Sam Kerridge…trade
Andy Otten…DELIST
James Podsiadly…DELIST
Matt Crouch…keep
Rory Atkins…keep
Jack Osborn…DELIST
Sam Shaw…keep
Brodie Martin…last man standing depending on list numbers but likely DELIST
Anthony Wilson…DELIST
Keenan Ramsey…keep

Also trade Mackay if at all possible, offer VB a 3yr development coaching role if he retires, trade Henderson.
I know everyone on here will jump on me but Martin should not be delisted. The only reason he was out of our side was due to tonsalitis. Bloke knows how the F*** to play football and is excellent depth. Anyone who says otherwise is a chode and doesn't understand the game. Want proof have a very close look at the games he played this year.
I can't believe that makay was playing ahead of him in that game.
I think he's great depth and has shown to give it his all when he plays but he'll be 27 next season I think, still less then 50 games and we've got younger guys fighting for similar positions. Just don't see room for him unless we were to lose 3 of Grigg/Kerridge/Lyons/CEY or actually traded Mackay (even paying a bit of his salary) and keeping Martin at a cheap price. He's not a game winner but he's solid depth which is why we held onto him this year, just don't see him lasting the cut this year given there aren't many obvious guys to be cut.

Would love to see him go to another AFL club and have a proper crack, but for memory last season when there were a few articles out, he still lives near his parents in the country somewhere so I get the feeling he wouldn't be interested in leaving SA.

I think at best he might get a spot on the rookie list.
Martin to Melbourne for pick 3? Hope he gets another chance, in a side which isn't stacked with Mids of the same calibre overall.
It would just be stupid to delist martin. We know he is good enough to play in the team and he would e bloody cheap. Whether you want him in the starting 22 or depth he is solid. he makes an impact when he plays.
It would just be stupid to delist martin. We know he is good enough to play in the team and he would e bloody cheap. Whether you want him in the starting 22 or depth he is solid. he makes an impact when he plays.
Ive never had a problem with Martin. Plays like every game is his last because it quite realistically could be.

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2015 Delistings

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