I'm still waiting for you to impart us with some knowledge.
Weren't you one of the stupid old fogeys who talked about absolute shit about Crozier and Sherro having massive 2015s before they disappeared into indifference? Didn't you help spread the ludicrous notion that Crowley was depressed when he was at worst a drug cheat, at best a ******* idiot after 15 years in the system? Don't the training watchers try and talk to the coaching staff about ideas for drills? FFS and apparently my ego is massive...
There is venom because I do not like Ross Lyon or the Steves.
This club was supposed to come in and dominate. I know people, my friends, their dads talk about how when they heard a Fremantle AFL side was coming in, they shat – they imagined a behemoth boasting the pride, working class, tough, cut-throat teams of Souths and Old Easts. And amalgamated?! They thought this side was going to be the hard nuts, who just came and won everything they should have had no right to. It is so sad to see we haven't become that yet.
I can post photos of my memberships if you need proof I support Freo.
Unfortunately I think you are far too insecure and feel a need to attack any negative thought. It's a bit like the bloke at the party and all his mates go "oi your girlfriend's dancing pretty close to that bloke," and this guy then has a go at you for bringing down his mood or being an arseh*le – he can't face reality, doesn't wanna, so has a go at those who sort of bring it to him. Aren't you just a tiiiiiny bit frustrated we still don't have a flag? So many prelims and semis and absolutely nothing to show? Blue balls.
I said Sheridan was training well and Crozier at times. Nothing on Crowley. Im done. Got better things to do. If you really are a supporter your way of doing it is beyond bizarre. Time to move on though.