Yep exactly.I didnt see any posts from Phillyroo regarding Gaff......not to the levels of confidence of last year. Poor bugger getting lambasted for nothing here in my book.
There were huge levels of confidence from those who are in the know.....but until we see a presser where said player announcing his intentions to leave his club and join ours its never set in stone.
Those who share inside of trading info shouldn't be shot nor lambasted........if they know anything next year and didnt share with us all people here will be bugging the sch1t out them to hear the gossip and chatter. Its a no win situation lads.....probably best to share inside knowledge to those you know will keep it mum, and behind private messages away from lazy reporters as well. This way they can conjure up fake stories elsewhere from other "thourses" and other clubs.
A particular poster gave me a laugh.
Don't shoot the messenger. But seems some people do when it doesn't go their way. Only been here for a couple of years now but I know NN, GBS, Snake, GR aint making up BS either.
And don't hesitate to share more info as it comes across either guys. Or anyone for that matter.