No Oppo Supporters 2024 AFL General Discussion

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So he becomes the agitator for change. What happens when they move on from Ken Hinkley and he doesn’t like the replacement?
I'm sure he'll have plenty to say if and when the board are considering replacements. Who knows if he'll get his way.

Though the sack Hinkley camp want an actual cleanout rather than just replacing the coach. i.e. get rid of the Administrators who have enabled things to go on for this long. So I don't think it'll end if it's just Carr taking over with the same off field leadership.
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The Sack Hinkley thread is going crazy, wowzers.

Wish we could have been the ones to beat them by 80 odd at the Adelaide Oval though. But then again, media would have said but its the Swans, they are the best team! So Hinkley doesn't get run through as much in the media...

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I legit had to watch it back 3 times to make sure I wasn't missing something. If they had any of our mids Essendon fans would be in a coma.

He couldn't hold it and made an uncontrolled handball woo hoo
Oh geez, Tom Barrass is now joining the chorus of people criticising the Optus Stadium surface. It's bad for them now. It really is a dump. Beautiful to look at, but a lifeless atmosphere, exorbitant AF, and a nightmare to get to.
And therein lies the problem.

The fact that we need to use interstate or non-Victorian indicates a clear division in the league. Surely even Mr. Devil’s Advocate can see this.

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It does but just purely from a practical perspective. Any majority in a situation will be treated as the assumed norm with all other groups denoted as "non-".
The AFL is just the VFL with the other states tacked on. It's pretty poor for what's meant to be a national league. Sure, have a concentration in Victoria because that's where the support is. Bit they really should have folded a couple of the weaker clubs. Diehard fans will just adopt a new club and away you go. A few will mourn the loss of their club but after a couple of generations that's it.

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