Mega Thread 2024 Media & Miscellaneous Thread

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I don’t think that it’s fair to pot supporters that have come to the game late and say the level of passion is less than people who were “born and bred Fremantle.”

In a day and age where growing the game against competing codes in a finite market is so important to the viability of the game moving forward, it would be stupid of the club to draw lines meant to exclude and not value fans just because they’re not born into the right postcode and were not OG.

I came to Australia in 2008 and fell into the Freo cult in 2012. In that time, I’ve ridden the ups and downs of being a Freo supporter with a fan base old and new.

Is my support any less true and valuable than someone who can name all the stalwarts that played for us before I became a supporter of the club? The way the old timers are talking, it sounds like you’re all holding your noses to barely tolerate the presence of new fans of my ilk. Frankly, if that’s your reason for the drop in your support for the club, that the supporter base is not the same, it actually says more about you than the club.
Well said.
Social norms and behaviours change with time. It's the natural way of things for the older generations to clash with the younger.

Having said that, a flag would be an absolute game changer and bring about a stepchange in mood, think Ninthmond to Triple premiers on another level.

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Nah it's just society and modern supporters.

Games at Subi used to be filled with passion and dedication and it came in many forms and the experience and club in general was better for it.

Now people love James Aish and Frederick because they're recognisable. someone like Shane Parker or Antoni Grover wouldn't get an ounce of respect these days.

I used to watch the odd game at a pub in Freo and couldn't hack it in the end because most of the supporters had no clue; people would clap points ffs.

The demographic of crowd is just entirely different.

It's families, groups of 20-somethings on the piss, and people more interested in the latest retro jacket than the actual football. it's a really weird thing to say but I never see a dad and son at the footy anymore and that used to make up a large portion of the packed train back to Freo Station.

I also think a lot of those 50+ supporters who've been with the club since inception have had their passion humbled through disappointment, but that disappointment hasn't just come from losses but the decision making, ownership, and associations of the club. I know plenty directly and I've had plenty of beers with this demographic and there's a sense of distate around the club. people on bigfooty will say they're 'not real supporters' but these are people who love Winston Abraham, Troy Cooke, and the Carr brothers, went to Richmond Primary, proper dyed in the wool Freo people who don't really see it as the same club anymore.

A bunch of people who got into the sport and club in adulthood in 2006, that's sort of the core now.

People bang on about the game not being the same and it's easy to say it's because of the rules, but I actually think it's because of bland private school boys dominating lists, homogenised comfortable stadiums, corporatised clubs, the lack of 'investment' at games...

I sound like I'm 65 but even in my lifetime it's changed massively.

Even small shit. I go to games now and there's a cost of living crisis and all I see are people buying 30 bucks worth of food and going to the bar for their allocated four beers every quarter. it's just a day out with some loose association to a club these days.
Gees errant...
Whats with 2006?
All my grandchildren were born after 2006 and only the two year old is yet to become a fully committed and passionate Freo supporter.
We're a broad church and I don't care if someone got on board yesterday or was inducted into the Bulldogs or Sharks kick to kick 70 years ago.
I care even less how much they know about the game.
Let's go Freo!
I'm shocked the AFL website reporters have us slipping to 5th and being replaced by Geelong and Brisbane in the top 4 by season end.
I'm shocked that you are shocked!
Those reporters had us 12th or worse at start of season.
And that's still what they wish for.
We can beat any and all of the teams we face in the last seven rounds!
That is based on our total performance this season.
Will we win all seven? Probably not.
But this applies to all the top teams, the unbeatable Swans just lost two on the trot!
No reason we can't keep #3, and if Carlton drop only one more game than us, no reason we can't finish second.
My take...
We are MORE likely to finish #3 than #5!

Call me Pollyanna if you like.
I like the part where they talk about cutting out superstitions from they game day routine. (East) Freo is lucky to have him.
I'm not crash hot on the sneakers/music taste though.

Love his relationships with other players (especially Andy) - you can see they are all playing for each other

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Wonder if it's worth the club doing what the Wildcats used to do with crowds.

Was it the uni kids that got tickets in groups in prominent positions with the sole intent to make as much noise as possible?

Get sections of level one blocked out with lunatics.
The Uni Loonie and the Hawaiian Shirts, they did their part for making the games entertainment but it also represented the Wildcats least productive period for on court success since the late '80s.

What actually started turning it for the Wildcats in my opinion was the natural growth you have talked about in your other posts. The club got back out and visible in the community, dragged back it's born and bred supporters who idolised them in the '90s. Those supporters brought their kids and mates, Challenge Stadium started to pack out. Lachy Reid became permanent court side announcer and the 'Jungle' became the most inhospitable place for opposition players to play.

I have many fond memories of that period as it was when I became a member. They were the days of the crown standing for an entire half and chanting to create an intimidation factor that kept a Sydney Kings team to 2 made baskets and the time of the "Wortho's a w***er" chant (unoriginal but so cathartic). Then Jack Bendat became more prominent as owner, he brought Bevo on board and openly talked of forming a new dynasty. They wanted multiple championships and the core players names to carry the same reverence and recognition as Grace, Crawford, Fisher, Ellis etc. As a young squad they captured a championship ahead of time in Bevo's first season. Basketbrawl was born, where Perth and NZ played a brand analogous to Hawthorn's "unsociable football". The fans grew rabid and we embraced the label that other teams gave us of "ferals". Then Trevor Gleeson came along and built on Bevo's success and rose to greater heights with the multiple championship dynasty that was promised. Names like Redhage, Martin, Knight, Wagstaff, Hire, Lisch, Cotton entered the legendary Wildcats vernacular.

I miss those days, the Arena was never the same atmosphere as Challenge but allowed more people to attend and the club to make money. I let my membership lapse as it was no longer for me. The club seems to have lost its way since Gleeson left, Jack passed away and SEG bought the team.

What were talking about again? Oh right Fremantle Football Club...

I say it is only a matter of time, the passion is there. It just lies dormant. I agree with people saying that the beast will awake when that first cup is lifted. Then, beware the purple wave.
I think the club still retains a fair bit of its character - they lean into Wharfie Time and they're very big into their retro stuff and are probably the best in the league at it cos of how much character it has. They're aware of their roots but have just moved with the times, like with the Tame Impala stuff. There's still an old dockery soul at the heart of the club
I think the club still retains a fair bit of its character - they lean into Wharfie Time and they're very big into their retro stuff and are probably the best in the league at it cos of how much character it has. They're aware of their roots but have just moved with the times, like with the Tame Impala stuff. There's still an old dockery soul at the heart of the club

I've never been to Australia and I've only been into footy for about 11 years. I don't know or understand Freo's history from a personal lens; I can only read and take in what is said in the media, on boards like BF, books (Pav's book is awesome), podcasts, and opinion pieces online. What the stadium atmosphere was like in 2000 vs today is unknowable to me.

But I will tell you this. When I was looking at all of the clubs 10 years ago and deciding who I would throw my support behind, Freo stood tall. I saw tons of empty stadiums (north, GWS, GC, etc...) but not at Freo's home games. There was a clear identity associated with the anchor and a workman, blue collar profession that is a Docker. I don't know how I was able to "get the ethos" and character of the club, but it happened. Some here may not see it because it's not what it was, but it's still there. All of what people are saying here about the history and the passion and the connection to the club was felt by me all the way over in the US, and it spoke to me. I could feel the club's soul.

The footy experience and fans probably have changed over the years; everything does. I've been going to Green Bay Packer games since 1993 and they've changed a ton. The fan base has changed. Expectations have changed. Beer prices have changed. 😝 Why people go to the stadium on Sunday has changed. But, the Packer culture and history is still there. That doesn't go away. This will never change and is why I'm a proud Packer season ticket holder.

I believe Freo have this too.

Their young history is still being written and when they win their first flag, people will come out of the woodwork to support the club. It is a proud club at it's heart and so are the members. We are already averaging the 5th highest attendance in the league, which says a lot about the fans commitment to the team.

I understand why some are crabby and cynical on here about this or that, but when the cup is lifted, I guarantee that all goes away and we can celebrate as a collective, side-by-side. All that other stuff won't matter. Our enjoyment of the sport and the pride we feel as part of the Purple Army will be all that matters.

A little story...The Packers SUCKED for decades in the 70's and 80's and early 90's (my first memory of the Packers is the late 80's). When the Packers just started coming good in the mid 1990's, there was such excitement in the fan base. They beat the SF 49ers in the playoff with a last minute field goal and my housemates and I screamed and yelled and burst out from the house into the street, only to find that everyone else was doing it too. We ran around hugging people and hi fiving. It was incredible. When they won Super Bowl in 96, I took my car and mates and we drove into the heart of our University campus. It was packed. Like packed, packed. I slowly crept my car into the crowd down the street. People were banging on the car, screaming, hi-fiving us, jumping on the car, bouncing the car up and down. We were surrounded by hundreds of people ecstatic by the Packers long, overdue success. To say the energy was palpable is an understatement.

When Freo win the flag, I hope you all are able to have a moment in time like this. Shared with your fellow fan. Who was a member longer, or behaves a certain way at the footy WON'T matter. I know a lot of what is said here is just banter, but when Freo come good, make sure to enjoy the ride.
Embracing the present doesn’t mean rejecting the past, I think that’s a false dichotomy that every older generation resistant to change like to peddle. (As part of the middle generation - late Gen X - so I fall into this trap sometimes, too!)

lol now apparently freo attack is very highly rated but defense is questionable...

who woulda thunk it.

Every excuse in the book. 🙄

Don’t mind the eastern media copium - will make it so much sweeter when we jag one.

lol now apparently freo attack is very highly rated but defense is questionable...

who woulda thunk it.

Yeah, amazing that missing your first choice key defenders and playing rookies will affect your scores against.

Incredible that taking more risks on attack may result in a few more turnovers and easy scores to the oppo.
I think the club still retains a fair bit of its character - they lean into Wharfie Time and they're very big into their retro stuff and are probably the best in the league at it cos of how much character it has. They're aware of their roots but have just moved with the times, like with the Tame Impala stuff. There's still an old dockery soul at the heart of the club
And I think it’s fair to say that they’ve leaned it to that stuff more in the last 5 or so years then it did for a fair chunk of the Rosich years which is a good change imo.
The whole, "just attack more" mantra is ludicrous.

You need to be confident that you can score more often than you turn it over, because your defense is then left vulnerable.

Think we have that confidence now.
And I think it’s fair to say that they’ve leaned it to that stuff more in the last 5 or so years then it did for a fair chunk of the Rosich years which is a good change imo.
Love the players talking about the anchor as the values that keep them grounded, stable and safe. Garlic has done bloody well.

lol now apparently freo attack is very highly rated but defense is questionable...

who woulda thunk it.

Hoyne said something similar last week and was essentially down to our game plan etc being very dependent on winning clearances - our differentials have been significant all year in there, but when they aren’t that’s when opposition sides are able to score on us much more + we’re apparently relatively easy to score against at centre bounce.

The prognosis that actually having all of Ryan, Cox and Pearce back there together should improve that is fair, but that said we’ve been pretty dependent on clearance for most of JL’s tenure and haven’t won too much when we haven’t won it I don’t think (ironically this weekend was an exception). How much our ball movement usually goes to shit when we have shitter field position has to be a concern of the coaches

lol now apparently freo attack is very highly rated but defense is questionable...

who woulda thunk it.

It's Champion Data - it's always come up with one or two strange conclusions tbh.

Think you've just got to take it for it is. It's a statistical measure of performance which is right a lot of the time but also wrong occasionally. Not sure AFL is ever a good sport to measure entirely off stats but there's always going to be a group of people that try and until someone comes up with something way better Champion Data probably has a place. Still think the 'eye test' (i.e. watching games) is the best measure but that'll always come with bias for most people.
It's Champion Data - it's always come up with one or two strange conclusions tbh.

Think you've just got to take it for it is. It's a statistical measure of performance which is right a lot of the time but also wrong occasionally. Not sure AFL is ever a good sport to measure entirely off stats but there's always going to be a group of people that try and until someone comes up with something way better Champion Data probably has a place. Still think the 'eye test' (i.e. watching games) is the best measure but that'll always come with bias for most people.
Perfect stats would be perfect analysis, but stats are never perfect. I suspect some of what they do is very useful but I feel like plenty of it isn't.

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Mega Thread 2024 Media & Miscellaneous Thread

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