List Mgmt. 2024 Trade Thread - No.2

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What baffles me is how did the council approve a childcare facility for the players' kids situated on top of a toxic waste dump?

Only a matter of time before the poos n wees clubhouse is closed down due to a methane leak.
Experts advised that heavy metals contamination would not have a measurable negative effect on Hawthorn supporters.
What’s the story with Battle lying? Missed it.

I’ve seen Lewis Young play some good games, would definitely prefer him to Tomlinson but he is contracted so going to be harder to get.

Interesting that Twomeys latest mock draft had Draper at #8 (7 if you take out Ashcroft) yes please,
I also would like to understand the lying comment. Can somebody give us a quick summary please?
Was at the footy a month ago, but if I go on to his Facebook page it says no posts available.
Hope it is a false rumour.

On SM-S908E using mobile app
Saw him with his great mate Thomas before the Carlton game, he was in good spirits.

Can the OP shed any light on this? He's a lovely lovely guy and I do hope hes OK

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What baffles me is how did the council approve a childcare facility for the players' kids situated on top of a toxic waste dump?

Nek Minnit

wait...what other of our youngsters have kicked 50 goals in their second full season? or even come close to doing anything like that?
Wanganeen-Milera finished top 5 in our B&F in his 2nd year and has backed it up with another great year.
King finished equal 7th in his best year and has spent most of the last 2 years on the sidelines.
I know they play very different positions but I am much more confident in one of those player's ability to consistently contribute every week. King might kick 6.0 one game, 0.6 the next game, and then get injured the following game.
If we didn't give him this contract teams would of been lining up with over the top contracts - you only have to look at the latest Gold Coast contract with Mac Andrew.
He is already signed until 2026. What is the rush? Gold Coast are also notorious for their ridiculous contracts which backfire 2 years later, we should definitely not be looking at them as an example.
The most concerning thing to me is why King would want to sign the biggest contract of his career after such a disappointing year for him. I would much prefer him to put contract talks on hold, back himself to win the Coleman medal for the next two years and show that he is worth much more than what we are offering now.
Wanganeen-Milera finished top 5 in our B&F in his 2nd year and has backed it up with another great year.
King finished equal 7th in his best year and has spent most of the last 2 years on the sidelines.
I know they play very different positions but I am much more confident in one of those player's ability to consistently contribute every week. King might kick 6.0 one game, 0.6 the next game, and then get injured the following game.

He is already signed until 2026. What is the rush? Gold Coast are also notorious for their ridiculous contracts which backfire 2 years later, we should definitely not be looking at them as an example.
The most concerning thing to me is why King would want to sign the biggest contract of his career after such a disappointing year for him. I would much prefer him to put contract talks on hold, back himself to win the Coleman medal for the next two years and show that he is worth much more than what we are offering now.
Not in minority with me. Is yet to prove he's worth anywhere near that IMO.

I'm of the opinion that he has yet to fulfil a tenth of his undoubted talent. I am of two minds here.

Firstly, we spoke of an extension months ago - it would be embarrassing and concerning had he not taken it up. Saint for life means zero distractions and we have tied down a potential superstar. I am of the opinion that its a good thing for the club, assuming we have a sound contract in front of him.

Conversely, for a player who's developing a reputation for laziness among fans - he has had his future handed to him on a platter. He has been treated like the messiah since day one, so a long contract on the back of a couple of disappointing injured riddled seasons could send a weird message to him and his teammates

I think it's a necessary contract, one that wouldn't have been as controversial had he continued on the trajectory he showed two years ago. Fingers crossed we look back on it in 8 years with a fondness not often associated with decisions the club makes 🤣
I don’t think he is welcome back. From what I’ve been told Ross more or less told him to “get the fcuk out of my sight” after he lied to everyone one.
Lied in the sense that he assured his teammates and club he was staying then left, or something more? botts
Would imagine this early re-signing of Max King is because we know he'll be here for the next decade and we know that he'll demand a lot of money over this period

Therefore, we front-load the heck out of his deal while we still have a ton of cap space in order to afford the pay rises of the likes of Nas, Owens, Pou etc in future and not be hamstrung to the point we might have to trade out some of these guns

Smart list management
After what's transpired with Merrett I think we'd be pretty cautious about front-loading contracts to any extremes. If players think they are worth more than what they're being paid at the back end of a contract they'll just kick up a stink and ask to move to a club who'll pay them more. Of course clubs can force them to stay but players have the whip hand these days, the talk of the Bombers renegotiating Merrett's existing contract shows that.

Obviously I have no idea about the details or $$$ but in Max's case I'd be guessing that he has chosen long term security over maximising his earnings, hence why we are happy to sign him long term despite some indifferent form and body issues. I'd say it'd also be indexed to the CBA so he doesn't end up in an Alistair Lynch-type situation (or Merrett for that matter). Keeps enough room in the cap over the years to put some good players alongside him. Happy for him and hope he repays the faith.

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Lied in the sense that he assured his teammates and club he was staying then left, or something more? botts
All I've seen was one day he told everyone at the club to their face that he was staying, the next day he sent out a group text to everyone with a picture of Borat and the caption ...NOT!
King deal makes a lot of sense. The guy averages 2+ goals per game (45+ if he plays a full year) in multiple seasons so far in his career. There are only a dozen guys who do that in the AFL these days.

King also knows that by signing this deal he is a Saint for life. So he will be with us for better or worse until the bitter end. Strength through loyalty anyone? He's giving up free agency rights by signing the contract.

Back him in to fulfil his talent. People would have laughed at signing Joe Daniher to an 8 year deal at the same age and now the guy regularly dominates finals.

This is also good cap management as it allows us to shift the King money around and reward guys like Mattaes and Nas who will have offers galore from every other club.
You would imagine so.

With the flipside being he immediately would get a bump that puts him into the really well paid category

It’s now time for Max to go to the next level. Big bucks comes big responsibility and big pressure. He has to do everything he can to be the elite player we hope he will be.

Huge show of faith on behalf of BOTH parties to commit to each other.

No more indifferent body language. Time to take games by the scruff of the neck and dominate them.

Huge pre-season for him. Get ripped and super fit. Be so hungry he wants to eat a football.
He will be one of our most expensive today.

If he becomes the player we think he will. It will be a bargain deal by the end.
King has kicked over 40 goals 1 time his entire career. To have him signed up for the next 8 on 1m+ a year no doubt, is utterly terrifying.

If he has a poor year next year he is on the cusp of a complete collapse in value. He is on everybody's radar now, the media are already waking up to the fact he is hugely overrated. To throw a big deal at him now is insane.

We won't be able to move him because he will be one of the worst contracts in footy if he doesn't turn his form around.

We are left with a 40 goal a year forward on 1m a year, if he actually stays fit. 25k a goal seems pretty damn steep to me.

He is not Buddy Franklin ffs. He is not a known commodity. He is yet to prove himself as an elite player he has "potential". Just as likely to be a good ordinary player as he is elite at this point. Just a poor risk/return decision and completely unnecessary.
[emoji[emoji6]][emoji[emoji6][emoji6]][emoji6]" data-quote="stavro#" data-source="post: 0" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch">
“Penny pinching”

Surely you jest.

There was a deal done for a reported [emoji[emoji6]][emoji[emoji6][emoji6]][emoji[emoji6][emoji6]]/[emoji6] years in March.

It’s hilarious that supporters believe the club is [emoji[emoji6][emoji6]][emoji[emoji6][emoji6]]% at fault here

He didn’t want us. Even accepted less to leave us.

Hope he flops at Hawthorn.

He’s now dead to me.
Thrilled about King. Hope Membrey stays too but looks like another club will offer 2y so we’re lining up in the forward line;

Butler. King. Higgins.
Owens. Sharman. Caminiti.

Henry (int)
Collard (emerg) Keeler (emerg)

Keeler probably 1 more year away from contributing let alone becoming a weapon. Hopefully plays 10+ games.

Without Membrey we’re pretty short up there with almost all of our starting forward line having off season surgery.

Membrey goes, we would need to retain Hayes, as well as finding a key back replacement.

Full blown play the kids is fine with me but think we need to make sure Membrey stays, I’d be okay with offering him 2 years and letting Hayes go.

Scarily similar - so the only question is whether Max can keep it going for another 6 to 8 years.

Joe, Max, Joe, Max - almost interchangeable!!

At face value, Joe Daniher is straight off the footballing peg. He’s 201cm, an excellent mark, a thumping kick and moves like a gazelle. If he was a yearling at the sales, they’d have taken one look at his bloodlines and his physical scope, and paid record prices for him.

But in the space of a game, in the space of a quarter, sometimes in the same passage of play, he’ll veer from the sublime to the farcical; from the totally inept to eye-poppingly good. Sometimes he’ll dominate a game from the opening whistle. Sometimes he’ll barely be present. Sometimes he’ll drift in and out of a game, like a cat hopping on a lap.

The football world has never quite known what to make of him. There’s a cottage industry of former champion forwards in the media who have always marked him harshly. He doesn’t fit the bill. He’s too casual. He doesn’t seem to care enough. And he doesn’t give them anything.

What makes him all the more frustrating and inscrutable is that he always exudes the same body language – whether he’s thwacking a goal from the boundary line or kicking sideways from the top of the goal square. Win or lose, big haul or bagel, he’ll chew his gum, shrug his shoulders, decline the interview and drive the two or so hours back to his home in the Byron Bay hinterland.

Only a certain type of coach could handle a player like that. “You need to say to someone like him, ‘Joe. We’ll wear your odd mistake,’” Leigh Matthews said on Footy Furnace several weeks ago. “‘You’ll make a bad decision every now and then.’ Because he’s an instinctive player. I heard people critiquing the coach saying, ‘he hasn’t been coached hard enough.’ But if Joe gets scared of making mistakes, and if we keep talking about what he’s not good at, he’ll lose confidence in himself.”

Matthews was always someone who could adapt his coaching to different personalities. He knew which players would respond to a bake, and which ones would capitulate. And he knew which players had to rigidly adhere to his systems and structures, and which ones had to be left to play on instinct.

At both Collingwood and Brisbane, he was also fiercely loyal to players who had performed for him in finals. That’s where Daniher has always excelled and where he’s earned his own coach Chris Fagan’s trust and forgiveness. Even at Essendon, he saved his best for the Anzac Day and Dreamtime at the ’G matches. For Brisbane, he scrambled the winning goal in the 2022 elimination final, was their best player in last year’s qualifying final, booted two crucial goals when the preliminary final was up for grabs and had the better of the All-Australian captain in the 2023 grand final.

The full gamut was on display in the semi-final against GWS Giants on Saturday night – the early miss, the wraparound handball from a Josh Dunkley set shot that he sent sailing out on the full, the field kick halfway through the final term where he U-turned and kicked it straight to his direct opponent. His coach chewed his gum a little more furiously, presumably thinking, “I could be at home with my grandkids building cubby houses rather than dealing with this bullshit, Joe.”

But in the madness of those final minutes, Daniher was the one who kept his cool. He found himself in the gutter, on the wrong side for a left-footer. When golfers hit a draw, they close their clubface more than usual and Daniher’s set shot, on a squally nigh, was the perfect draw. A few minutes later, he got separation from one of the best defenders in the game, Sam Taylor, and launched himself sideways. A month earlier against Collingwood, his tardy kicking arguably cost them the double chance. Now he’d put the Lions into a preliminary final.

Normally he projects a laconic air. But there he was, pumping his fists, screaming at his teammates. Then, in a rare interview, with players and spectators surely unable to process what had just happened, he was the only one making a syllable of sense. Just when you’ve given up on him, just when you think you’re out, he pulls you back in. Dwayne Russell, a considerably more excitable individual, called him “the sickness and the cure”.

Such is the Joe Daniher experience.
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List Mgmt. 2024 Trade Thread - No.2

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