USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Biden II

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Okay, we've had a good run. Some have had a good laugh and others have melted a little, but from this point we're improving the standard of discussion.

The rules for the SRP are thus:
... and I'd like you all to stick to them.

From the Trump threads:
Mod Notice
* Thread monitored actively. User who drag it down will be removed

Specifically: reference to TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) and its counterpart 'Trumpanzee' or anything similar will no longer be allowed.

Personal attacks are also to be kept to a minimum.
Play nicely from here, please.
Trumpies in the RNC and their "criminalise abortion" folk.

Republican Party platform guy eager to get some revenge on women.

Even the pre-teen girl that was in the news wouldn't get an abortion in his utopia.

Jail time for any female who gets an abortion. Top ideas from the mad fash.

IVF and birth control next.

The "abortion is murder" mob will not stop until they get what they want.

Just in case of "why do you care" - this will embolden all of the women-haters in other countries - like ours.

Rupert will give them airtime because they draw in the crazies who don't know that buying NFTs or silver "investments" off of TV ads is a stupid idea, and the Republicans don't legislate against grifters and crooks.


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We are talking about democrats here. Not fox news.

black and white simplicitly of he is either 1) fine now and forever or 2) not fine from right now is actually the sort of stuff you would expect from fox news viewers.
We're talking about swinging voters, many of whom watch Fox and other associated media outlets. They're the ones Biden needs to convince that he's good for another 4 years.

I think Biden is a way better President than Trump, but do I think he'll last 4 years? Most likely not. I'd still vote for Biden (Because Harris would be better than Trump IMO), but there would be swinging voters who would be thinking of voting for Trump because they don't think Biden will last and don't want Harris.
We're talking about swinging voters, many of whom watch Fox and other associated media outlets. They're the ones Biden needs to convince that he's good for another 4 years.

I think Biden is a way better President than Trump, but do I think he'll last 4 years? Most likely not. I'd still vote for Biden (Because Harris would be better than Trump IMO), but there would be swinging voters who would be thinking of voting for Trump because they don't think Biden will last and don't want Harris.


Biden of 4 yrs ago is slightly better than trump, but not better in the current incantation.

I don't think Biden nor the Democrats have the capacity to convince those swinging voters. People see through the lies that have been put forward, for well over a year there have been questions circulating about his capacity but no transparency with the public, and now it has become obvious and they can't dismiss it anymore, they are uncoordinated in their response to the debate fall out. This leave Joe and Jill and the Blue MAGA around him stridently saying " im not stepping down unless god stops me." This just reeks of arrogance and selfishness for the sake of power (Essentially what the Democrats and left hate about trump). The fallout will only worsen as Joe has more gaffes, more appearances and trips over himself as the weeks wear on.... people will just keep falling off the cart. He could step down now, retain some of his dignity and not completely raze the Dems but for the love of power....he wont...and his legacy will be destroyed.

Biden of 4 yrs ago is slightly better than trump, but not better in the current incantation.

I don't think Biden nor the Democrats have the capacity to convince those swinging voters. People see through the lies that have been put forward, for well over a year there have been questions circulating about his capacity but no transparency with the public, and now it has become obvious and they can't dismiss it anymore, they are uncoordinated in their response to the debate fall out. This leave Joe and Jill and the Blue MAGA around him stridently saying " im not stepping down unless god stops me." This just reeks of arrogance and selfishness for the sake of power (Essentially what the Democrats and left hate about trump). The fallout will only worsen as Joe has more gaffes, more appearances and trips over himself as the weeks wear on.... people will just keep falling off the cart. He could step down now, retain some of his dignity and not completely raze the Dems but for the love of power....he wont...and his legacy will be destroyed.
Blue MAGA, are they people who'd prefer not to see a child rapist in the WH?
Blue MAGA, are they people who'd prefer not to see a child rapist in the WH?

Coined recently on the Young Turks.
They are the deluded remaining few who still believe Joe is 100% cognitively fit, will see out another 4 years like a 21 year old and that he is the best person in the DNC for the job. Their numbers are dwindling, but they are still out there....a couple in here too :)

Thoughts on Kayleigh "Baghdad Barbie" McEnany mate? I know you wouldn't be just flailing around blinding ascribing evil to a spectrum of politics you personally disagree with :tearsofjoy:
I honestly can't recall what politics was like pre-covid. I remember it not being a constant stream of doublespeak - but can't be sure to be fair. I think we've all had our minds re-programmed by left wing governments telling us less autonomy is freedom, dangerous and untested is safe and effective, immigration improves the economy and crimes are social enrichment. Such that i honestly can't recall what life was like before this.

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I honestly can't recall what politics was like pre-covid. I remember it not being a constant stream of doublespeak - but can't be sure to be fair.
Well this is all very convenient for your chosen position :tearsofjoy:

If only there was some kind of public worldwide digital knowledge base you could use to remind yourself of life before the dark times, and perhaps in this case use it pull up some of KayKay's greatest hits to educate yourself, with a mind towards the methods and tenor of WH press secretaries in general.

Alas, clearly no such resource exists, and you will have to continue toiling away in intellectual darkness I suppose, forever in fear of the pure evil and malevolence emanating from teh left.

I think we've all had our minds re-programmed by left wing governments telling us less autonomy is freedom, dangerous and untested is safe and effective, immigration improves the economy and crimes are social enrichment. Such that i honestly can't recall what life was like before this.
I'm dumb as a box of hammers, I dun don't remember shit and it waz da left wot did it to me!

Very convincing, mate :tearsofjoy:
Well this is all very convenient for your chosen position :tearsofjoy:

If only there was some kind of public worldwide digital knowledge base you could use to remind yourself of life before the dark times, and perhaps in this case use it pull up some of KayKay's greatest hits to educate yourself, with a mind towards the general methods and tenor of WH press secretaries.

Alas, clearly no such resource exists, and you will have to continue toiling away in intellectual darkness I suppose.

I'm dumb as a box of hammers, I dun don't remember shit and it waz da left wot did it to me!

Very convincing, mate :tearsofjoy:
I'm just waiting for the light to return in November.
I'm just waiting for the light to return in November.
At which point no doubt the veil will be lifted, and your brain will magically be able to assimilate and retain information again. Kinda the point I'm making lol

You're now at the point where you appear psychologically unable to engage with facts detrimental to your chosen positions. Instead, you deflect and offer snide throw-away lines, coz deep down I suspect you do actually know the vast majority of those positions range from merely inconsistent to batshit insane.

Weak, weak shit mate :(
At which point no doubt the veil will be lifted, and your brain will magically be able to assimilate and retain information again. Kinda the point I'm making lol

You're now at the point where you appear psychologically unable to engage with facts detrimental to your chosen positions. Instead, you offer snide throw-away lines, coz deep down I suspect you do actually know the vast majority of those positions range from merely inconsistent to batshit insane.

Weak, weak shit mate :(
On the contrary Bourbons. I learnt long ago that 1. it's not allowed to win any arguments against the left on this platform, you'll get banned before you do, and 2. it's not like i'm going to convince anyone on here otherwise. So I just make points around the edges, enjoy the discussion, and read eulogies to the death of decency and reason in global politics.
On the contrary Bourbons. I learnt long ago that 1. it's not allowed to win any arguments against the left on this platform, you'll get banned before you do, and 2. it's not like i'm going to convince anyone on here otherwise. So I just make points around the edges, enjoy the discussion, and read eulogies to the death of decency and reason in global politics.

Claims to be getting censored.

Is not getting censored whilst complaining about being censored.
On the contrary Bourbons. I learnt long ago that 1. it's not allowed to win any arguments against the left on this platform, you'll get banned before you do, and 2. it's not like i'm going to convince anyone on here otherwise. So I just make points around the edges, enjoy the discussion, and read eulogies to the death of decency and reason in global politics.

Have you tried putting forward a winning argument?

Most of what you post is nonsense.
Trump supporters (and press secretaries) have always lied on Trump's behalf. The reason the politics over there is so toxic right now is that one candidate is a lying rapist felon and was a terrible president. To convince people to vote for him, you're going to have to lie to cover that up.

Unfortunately, the other side has decided to stick with a decent enough guy who is in physical decline. And some of them are trying to cover it up as best they can.

And the ones who support the rapist felon are hell-bent on making it all about Biden, because if they talk about their guy, they're going to have to lie and continue to forego their morals.

In the Obama years (and before), nobody had to lie because it wasn't necessary to lie for the President. (They told lies about wars and stuff, but that's par for the course, they weren't telling lies specifically to protect their guy back then, they were just telling the lies they've always told).
Trump supporters (and press secretaries) have always lied on Trump's behalf. The reason the politics over there is so toxic right now is that one candidate is a lying rapist felon and was a terrible president. To convince people to vote for him, you're going to have to lie to cover that up.

Unfortunately, the other side has decided to stick with a decent enough guy who is in physical decline. And some of them are trying to cover it up as best they can.

And the ones who support the rapist felon are hell-bent on making it all about Biden, because if they talk about their guy, they're going to have to lie and continue to forego their morals.

In the Obama years (and before), nobody had to lie because it wasn't necessary to lie for the President. (They told lies about wars and stuff, but that's par for the course, they weren't telling lies specifically to protect their guy back then, they were just telling the lies they've always told).

I just think its so cute that some Blue Maga still think there is a good guy and a bad guy in this do realize how corrupt Biden is right? He has a track record of lying about the most basic things when running years ago, so much he had to drop out....
Sure that pales somewhat with Trumps misdeeds, however that doesn't make Biden a 'decent enough guy'. I know its programmed into all of us to have a victim and villain, a persecutor and an innocent, a goodie and a baddie....but this is actual the biggest lie of all that we have been fed and the sooner we all take that power back the better and less divided we will be.

They are all utter deplorables...the question is which one is ever so slightly less deplorable.
Trump supporters (and press secretaries) have always lied on Trump's behalf.

you do realize how corrupt Biden is right?

Right on cue.

No, Biden and Trump aren't in any way equivalent. There's very clearly an absolute gulf between how bad one is versus the other.

Starting with one fundamentally believing in Democracy and the other, not. Which seems a pretty key point when it comes to electing President.

Democratic backsliding is a very real risk, we've already seen the SCOTUS ruling putting the President above most criminal laws so long as they can justify it's an official act. This would have been absolutely unimaginable under Obama.

edit: No, I'm not arguing Biden is the best candidate, he's a poor one, as was Hillary. Trump has faced probably the two weakest Democrat nominees imaginable.
I just think its so cute that some Blue Maga still think there is a good guy and a bad guy in this do realize how corrupt Biden is right? He has a track record of lying about the most basic things when running years ago, so much he had to drop out....
Sure that pales somewhat with Trumps misdeeds, however that doesn't make Biden a 'decent enough guy'. I know its programmed into all of us to have a victim and villain, a persecutor and an innocent, a goodie and a baddie....but this is actual the biggest lie of all that we have been fed and the sooner we all take that power back the better and less divided we will be.

They are all utter deplorables...the question is which one is ever so slightly less deplorable.
And yet Trump is the only President impeached in the last 2 cycles

Cromer spent 4 years looking for corruption on Hunters laptop he had time to copy all the dick pics for his private bank

And still couldnt find Joe corrupt. Good on him for trying but Joe may be corrupt but nothing has surfaced
I just think its so cute that some Blue Maga still think there is a good guy and a bad guy in this do realize how corrupt Biden is right? He has a track record of lying about the most basic things when running years ago, so much he had to drop out....
Sure that pales somewhat with Trumps misdeeds, however that doesn't make Biden a 'decent enough guy'. I know its programmed into all of us to have a victim and villain, a persecutor and an innocent, a goodie and a baddie....but this is actual the biggest lie of all that we have been fed and the sooner we all take that power back the better and less divided we will be.

They are all utter deplorables...the question is which one is ever so slightly less deplorable.
So Maga is just a generic pejorative term now? That's interesting.

The point of progressives is that they don't just accept that the US was great once and needs to go back in time to make it great "again".

It's only one side of politics which wants to mire itself in misery and imagine a better past.

Trying to drag down Biden as if he's as bad as Trump is just nonsense. Name one thing Biden has done which has been as bad as anything Trump has done. You can go personal or in office. Trump is twice impeached, convicted felon, racist, rapist, not allowed to run a charity, says awful things about every group and habitual liar. These are all proven things he has done.

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