USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Biden II

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Okay, we've had a good run. Some have had a good laugh and others have melted a little, but from this point we're improving the standard of discussion.

The rules for the SRP are thus:
... and I'd like you all to stick to them.

From the Trump threads:
Mod Notice
* Thread monitored actively. User who drag it down will be removed

Specifically: reference to TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) and its counterpart 'Trumpanzee' or anything similar will no longer be allowed.

Personal attacks are also to be kept to a minimum.
Play nicely from here, please.
Also for those who think Hungary and Orban have nothing to do with America. Trump has openly admired him, Tucker Carlson has visited Hungary and interviewed him, and Orban given heroes welcome at CPAC:

They are basically an instructional guide of what Trump and his enablers want to do to the US. Trouble is many wont believe it when its happening right in front of their eyes.
I hate to use the comparison to Nazi Germany but the rise to power and the erosion of rights mirrors very similarly

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Also for those who think Hungary and Orban have nothing to do with America. Trump has openly admired him, Tucker Carlson has visited Hungary and interviewed him, and Orban given heroes welcome at CPAC:

They are basically an instructional guide of what Trump and his enablers want to do to the US. Trouble is many wont believe it when its happening right in front of their eyes.
Give me a spell.
'Tucker Carlson has visited Hungary' - who gives a flying f##k. He has also just visited Australia.
Why didn't they do this from 2016-2020 then?
Coz there was no Project 2017? Ask an obvious question get an obvious answer :tearsofjoy:

Seriously though, I don't think Trump even expected he'd win. A bit more prepared this time round, and various hard right nufties have seen an opening with an empty vessel like Donnie running the show in the mood that he is (thirsting for his vengeance, "dictator for 1 day" etc). Just curry favour, indulge whatever batshit insanity he's on about, do whatever he asks in every instance, make sure you've told him how awesome he is and be the most recent person to whisper a sweet nothing in his ear and you're golden lol
Coz there was no Project 2017? Ask an obvious question get an obvious answer :tearsofjoy:

Seriously though, I don't think Trump even expected he'd win. A bit more prepared this time round, and various hard right nufties have seen an opening with an empty vessel like Donnie running the show in the mood that he is (thirsting for his vengeance, "dictator for 1 day" etc). Just curry favour, indulge whatever batshit insanity he's on about, do whatever he asks in every instance, make sure you've told him how awesome he is and be the most recent person to whisper a sweet nothing in his ear and you're golden lol
Throw in that they didn’t have a stacked Supreme Court let alone the lower courts which the republicans did in the Trump years’s been a hostile takeover of the legal system in preparation for their end goals
Why didn't they do this from 2016-2020 then?

They sort of tried, but didn't really know how. It was a surprise win, with no real plan for what happened after the election.

Now there's a plan. It won't be a surprise. They know what worked or didn't work last time. There's little doubt Trump plans to replace every position possible with someone loyal to Trump, not the USA. He's told us that's the plan. He's told us he wants to go after political opponents - and no, Biden has not used the DoJ to do that to Trump, and no the NYC case was not brought about by Biden.

All those people and process that limit the whims and powers of the office of the President will be replaced. We've already seen exactly this with the SCOTUS ruling on Presidential power. Sure Biden could use that ruling to become a dictator and order political opponents to be jailed, but he won't. Biden, for all his many faults, is still ultimately wedded to the idea of democracy. Trump isn't.

Will the world end on election day if Trump gets in? Of course not. Will we likely see a continuing of the curtailing of freedoms in the US that the SCOTUS has already begun, a widening of the already exceptionally wide inequality in their society, increasing violence against minorities, even more gerrymandering, an attempt to remove the two-term restriction, an attempt to limit the freedom of the press, among other things? Most likely yes.
They sort of tried, but didn't really know how. It was a surprise win, with no real plan for what happened after the election.

Now there's a plan. It won't be a surprise. They know what worked or didn't work last time. There's little doubt Trump plans to replace every position possible with someone loyal to Trump, not the USA. He's told us that's the plan. He's told us he wants to go after political opponents - and no, Biden has not used the DoJ to do that to Trump, and no the NYC case was not brought about by Biden.

All those people and process that limit the whims and powers of the office of the President will be replaced. We've already seen exactly this with the SCOTUS ruling on Presidential power. Sure Biden could use that ruling to become a dictator and order political opponents to be jailed, but he won't. Biden, for all his many faults, is still ultimately wedded to the idea of democracy. Trump isn't.

Will the world end on election day if Trump gets in? Of course not. Will we likely see a continuing of the curtailing of freedoms in the US that the SCOTUS has already begun, a widening of the already exceptionally wide inequality in their society, increasing violence against minorities, even more gerrymandering, an attempt to remove the two-term restriction, an attempt to limit the freedom of the press, among other things? Most likely yes.

One of the pointers is how many people were either sacked or left the role they were in

They wanted no part in what Trump wanted

Even the military baulked at some of Donnys rantings

There will be no recalcitrants this time

One of the pointers is how many people were either sacked or left the role they were in

They wanted no part in what Trump wanted

Even the military baulked at some of Donnys rantings

There will be no recalcitrants this time
The orange turd has already declared he will Probbly use martial law on day one of his dictatorship. It’s going to get frightening very quickly with him I reckon if he wins
Fair bit of bed wetting in here.
Most likely outcome if Trump gets in is not that much changes, he sees out his term and he’s gone again. The guy also doesn’t look that healthy so could drop off the perch during his term.
Talk of US turning into Hungary is right out there.
Fair bit of bed wetting in here.
Most likely outcome if Trump gets in is not that much changes, he sees out his term and he’s gone again. The guy also doesn’t look that healthy so could drop off the perch during his term.
Talk of US turning into Hungary is right out there.
trump admires tough guys non of your mamby pamby oceania leaders
The orange turd has already declared he will Probbly use martial law on day one of his dictatorship. It’s going to get frightening very quickly with him I reckon if he wins
Did Trump do anything this insane last time he was president or are you projecting some fairly out there theories here.

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I think Trump will make life very difficult for certain groups. You'll likely see
1. Mass deportation
2. More states with stricter abortion laws
3. Less restrictions on gun ownership and therefore a few more mass shootings
4. Complete disregard for climate change.
5. Increased wealth inequality

But any talk of him extending his stay beyond 4 years, or becoming a Putin esque dictator I think is overdone. There are too many safeguards in the constitution and their democratic systems to allow for that. Not to mention that at any given point in time, over half the country ****ing hate the guy and can't stand him. Full takeovers of a nation only occur when you have significant support across both sides.

He will do damage to that country, but not civil war level irreparable damage.
Fair bit of bed wetting in here.
Most likely outcome if Trump gets in is not that much changes, he sees out his term and he’s gone again.
Just like Roe v Wade is going nowhere and Trump will go quietly once voted out eh.

I actually think you're probably right in that he's a fair chance to not do a whole lot more than sit on his arse eating big macs and watching Fox once he gets in. Problematic bit is if he just does nothing more than follow through on hollowing out various government departments and installing the lickspittles, loyalists and extremists that Project 2025 prescribes, thats still gonna be pretty bad.

Probably also worth considering what "dictator for the first day" looks like. Surely he can muster up some energy for the first 24 hours, he'll be like a kid on christmas morning strolling back into the Oval lol
The only safeguard will be the Big Mac that finally gets him

I note happy_eagle mentions the Constitution stopping Trump but given the SC of the last year is anybody really going to stop him?
A few constitutional elements that will prevent Trump from going full Putin
1. He'll need a strong majority of MAGA Republicans in the House and Senate to get anything through. The Democrats and sensible Republicans you'd think would be able to stall or knock back anything that is seen to be particularly egregious.
2. You still have state governments that can provide push back and power on certain issues like Abortion. Once again you are not going to have 50 MAGA Governors that support Trump.
3. Despite being conservative leaning, the supreme court is not a free for all for the conservative majority. Amy Coney Barrett has proven a few times she's willing to side with the progressive side of the bench on legal issues. The nutters in Alito and Thomas are concerning, but are largely counteracted by the rest.
4. Don't underestimate the influence of international influence. As much as Trump may want to be domestic focused, if he starts pissing off allies across the world, expect a lot less investment $ to be going to the US which will hurt Trump.
5. Also don't underestimate as I said the approx 40% of the country that despise and hate this man with a passion. If it came down to it, they wouldn't just sit by and let Trump become King.
Fair bit of bed wetting in here.
Most likely outcome if Trump gets in is not that much changes, he sees out his term and he’s gone again. The guy also doesn’t look that healthy so could drop off the perch during his term.
Talk of US turning into Hungary is right out there.
The republicans will put guardrails in place in preparation for that …if a faccist is telling you their plan take them at face value they have been very clear in what they want to achieve and with the stacked legal system lower and upper courts filled with MAGA judges it is very achievable
I think Trump will make life very difficult for certain groups. You'll likely see
1. Mass deportation
2. More states with stricter abortion laws
3. Less restrictions on gun ownership and therefore a few more mass shootings
4. Complete disregard for climate change.
5. Increased wealth inequality

But any talk of him extending his stay beyond 4 years, or becoming a Putin esque dictator I think is overdone. There are too many safeguards in the constitution and their democratic systems to allow for that. Not to mention that at any given point in time, over half the country ****ing hate the guy and can't stand him. Full takeovers of a nation only occur when you have significant support across both sides.

He will do damage to that country, but not civil war level irreparable damage.
Roe vs Wade …read project 2025 they want to strip away further rights including gay marriages, interracial marriages and turn USA back pre civil rights time. This isn’t a hypothetical thing this is a published plan of action from the republicans which has already taken key steps in restricting voting rights in the states they control.

It can’t be made more clearer even with Trump declaring what he will do “day one” with a dictatorship and revenge attack against politicians and other minority groups and talking about martial law.
A few constitutional elements that will prevent Trump from going full Putin
1. He'll need a strong majority of MAGA Republicans in the House and Senate to get anything through. The Democrats and sensible Republicans you'd think would be able to stall or knock back anything that is seen to be particularly egregious.
2. You still have state governments that can provide push back and power on certain issues like Abortion. Once again you are not going to have 50 MAGA Governors that support Trump.
3. Despite being conservative leaning, the supreme court is not a free for all for the conservative majority. Amy Coney Barrett has proven a few times she's willing to side with the progressive side of the bench on legal issues. The nutters in Alito and Thomas are concerning, but are largely counteracted by the rest.
4. Don't underestimate the influence of international influence. As much as Trump may want to be domestic focused, if he starts pissing off allies across the world, expect a lot less investment $ to be going to the US which will hurt Trump.
5. Also don't underestimate as I said the approx 40% of the country that despise and hate this man with a passion. If it came down to it, they wouldn't just sit by and let Trump become King.
The courts are stacked with MAGA acolytes that are actively ruiling against the constitution and just destroyed the whole reason for having one by declaring the president above the law ….they don’t care about the constitution they will ignore it and they already control the house so if they win the presidency and control the house and congress with the courts stacked in their favour they will just do as they please …the army will protect the government not the people on the event of a civil war.
Just like Roe v Wade is going nowhere and Trump will go quietly once voted out eh.

I actually think you're probably right in that he's a fair chance to not do a whole lot more than sit on his arse eating big macs and watching Fox once he gets in. Problematic bit is if he just does nothing more than follow through on hollowing out various government departments and installing the lickspittles, loyalists and extremists that Project 2025 prescribes, thats still gonna be pretty bad.

Probably also worth considering what "dictator for the first day" looks like. Surely he can muster up some energy for the first 24 hours, he'll be like a kid on christmas morning strolling back into the Oval lol
I never denied anything about Trump and RvW or leaving quietly. These two outcomes align with his personality - lazy, poor values and a cry baby when he loses.

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