USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Biden II

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Okay, we've had a good run. Some have had a good laugh and others have melted a little, but from this point we're improving the standard of discussion.

The rules for the SRP are thus:
... and I'd like you all to stick to them.

From the Trump threads:
Mod Notice
* Thread monitored actively. User who drag it down will be removed

Specifically: reference to TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) and its counterpart 'Trumpanzee' or anything similar will no longer be allowed.

Personal attacks are also to be kept to a minimum.
Play nicely from here, please.
A few constitutional elements that will prevent Trump from going full Putin
1. He'll need a strong majority of MAGA Republicans in the House and Senate to get anything through. The Democrats and sensible Republicans you'd think would be able to stall or knock back anything that is seen to be particularly egregious.
2. You still have state governments that can provide push back and power on certain issues like Abortion. Once again you are not going to have 50 MAGA Governors that support Trump.
3. Despite being conservative leaning, the supreme court is not a free for all for the conservative majority. Amy Coney Barrett has proven a few times she's willing to side with the progressive side of the bench on legal issues. The nutters in Alito and Thomas are concerning, but are largely counteracted by the rest.
4. Don't underestimate the influence of international influence. As much as Trump may want to be domestic focused, if he starts pissing off allies across the world, expect a lot less investment $ to be going to the US which will hurt Trump.
5. Also don't underestimate as I said the approx 40% of the country that despise and hate this man with a passion. If it came down to it, they wouldn't just sit by and let Trump become King.
On the bolded I don’t know how you can come to this conclusion considering the recent ruiling and the Roe ruiling it’s a very pro MAGA SCOTUS and also considering the high level corruptions occurring with those judges there’s no consequences for their life time appointments with their clear political bias to all things MAGA…hell Thomas wife was actively involved with Jan 6 with Thomas stepping in to protect her from any consequences
He has said this …this isn’t a theory this is quoting him
Do you have this quote? I acknowledge the fool says a lot of stupid things. How many of them actually happen is another thing.
Fair bit of bed wetting in here.
Most likely outcome if Trump gets in is not that much changes, he sees out his term and he’s gone again. The guy also doesn’t look that healthy so could drop off the perch during his term.
Talk of US turning into Hungary is right out there.
Liz Truss smashed the UK in two weeks.

Let's see how this turns out.

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Liz Truss smashed the UK in two weeks.

Let's see how this turns out.
Sure. The UK is not a dictatorship as a result though.
I’m just not as worried about Trump as others. He will do some dumb shit but very little of it will be long lasting.
Do you have this quote? I acknowledge the fool says a lot of stupid things. How many of them actually happen is another thing.
Google broken for you?

And again the president is little more than a figuire head for the administration…it’s those around him that should give cause for concerns about project 2025 being implemented
Google broken for you?

And again the president is little more than a figuire head for the administration…it’s those around him that should give cause for concerns about project 2025 being implemented
Why can’t you just provide the quote?
You’re the one making some paranoid accusation.
I hate to use the comparison to Nazi Germany but the rise to power and the erosion of rights mirrors very similarly

Yeah I mean I don’t think Trump will begin gassing Jews etc; which is why I look at the Hungary analogy a bit more closely.

It isn’t as well known, but it’s more likely a 2nd Trump term and beyond will look like what Orban has done in Hungary.
Give me a spell.
'Tucker Carlson has visited Hungary' - who gives a flying f##k. He has also just visited Australia.

So you ignore everything else I said and take an isolated part of it that Tucker has gone to Hungary without context and claim all is ok.

He’s there trying to normalise the regime over there, if it was him on his own, no big deal, but put all the other pieces together.

You just want to believe all is ok, that’s fine, you do you.

If I told you in 2019 that there would be an angry mob attacking the capitol on Jan 6 because they thought the election was stolen and 6 people got killed, you’d have thought that was hyperbole too. You’d have probably thought overturning roe v wade would never happen and hysteria, yet here we are.

Thing is you’ve probably normalised that, normalised Trump claiming the election was stolen, normalised the presidential immunity a 2nd Trump term would have, normalised the overturning of abortion rights etc.
Google broken for you?

And again the president is little more than a figuire head for the administration…it’s those around him that should give cause for concerns about project 2025 being implemented
It’s my job to validate your sources?

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So you ignore everything else I said and take an isolated part of it that Tucker has gone to Hungary without context and claim all is ok.

He’s there trying to normalise the regime over there, if it was him on his own, no big deal, but put all the other pieces together.

You just want to believe all is ok, that’s fine, you do you.

If I told you in 2019 that there would be an angry mob attacking the capitol on Jan 6 because they thought the election was stolen and 6 people got killed, you’d have thought that was hyperbole too. You’d have probably thought overturning roe v wade would never happen and hysteria, yet here we are.

Thing is you’ve probably normalised that, normalised Trump claiming the election was stolen, normalised the presidential immunity a 2nd Trump term would have, normalised the overturning of abortion rights etc.
Not really. I can see the US having spot fires of rioting, deaths and conflict after this next election.
But different than a dictatorship emerging.
Yeah I mean I don’t think Trump will begin gassing Jews etc; which is why I look at the Hungary analogy a bit more closely.

It isn’t as well known, but it’s more likely a 2nd Trump term and beyond will look like what Orban has done in Hungary.
I don’t get the obsession with Hungary. What has Orban done there that is so terrible?
It’s my job to provide every source for a trump quote ? I’ve played this game before you’ll only accept sources that you agree with a then shift the goal posts

I’m not playing that game accept it or don’t he said those things deal with it
Huh? Have we replied to each other before?
I wasn’t looking for a “gotcha” I was genuinely interested if he said that.
Anyways do what ever I’m not really that bothered, have a good day.
Roe vs Wade …read project 2025 they want to strip away further rights including gay marriages, interracial marriages and turn USA back pre civil rights time. This isn’t a hypothetical thing this is a published plan of action from the republicans which has already taken key steps in restricting voting rights in the states they control.

It can’t be made more clearer even with Trump declaring what he will do “day one” with a dictatorship and revenge attack against politicians and other minority groups and talking about martial law.
And pr0n.


They want to explicitly ban pr0n.
Not really. I can see the US having spot fires of rioting, deaths and conflict after this next election.
But different than a dictatorship emerging.

It could be fairly bloodless and just further rights eroded over his term.

As I said, it would be gradual, I mean it’s already happened to a degree in that so much what was considered unthinkable a decade ago is now considered normal.

Doesn’t mean we are at a dictatorship but the trend line is going towards authoritarianism.

Best case scenario is the system holds in a 2nd trump term through a mix of good people still refusing to do Trumps bidding or his administration is still too inept and undisciplined to get too much done.

They aren’t really the type of things I’d prefer to be relying on.
Seriously - you can't make this shit up :eek:

The likely POTUS is a serial lying rapist convicted felon who wouldn't know a fact if it bit his yuge orange arse.
The incumbent couldn't put 2 words together in a critical debate and made Trump look better than him - FFS are you kidding me?
Next in line is a generationally privileged conspiracy theorising idiot who has had a worm eat some of his brain - plus he's a former coke addict who's also a sexpest who would allegedly root an ottoman or venetian blind...........

USA !! USA !! USA !!
The real game in the November election will be who holds the majority in the House of Reps and the Senate in 2025.

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