USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Biden II

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Okay, we've had a good run. Some have had a good laugh and others have melted a little, but from this point we're improving the standard of discussion.

The rules for the SRP are thus:
... and I'd like you all to stick to them.

From the Trump threads:
Mod Notice
* Thread monitored actively. User who drag it down will be removed

Specifically: reference to TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) and its counterpart 'Trumpanzee' or anything similar will no longer be allowed.

Personal attacks are also to be kept to a minimum.
Play nicely from here, please.
Anyone else get the feeling the democrats are going to try to delude themselves into thinking biden is still their best bet?

2 days ago I thought it was a done deal. Now it looks far from that.

As strange as it sounds he might be a better bet than Harris, I think they're stuffed either way though.

I'm loving some of the commentary out of the White House though, heard one comment from John Kirby that Biden was asking him questions about the situation in Europe that he couldn't answer! Biden is sharp as a tack!

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I'm loving some of the commentary out of the White House though, heard one comment from John Kirby that Biden was asking him questions about the situation in Europe that he couldn't answer! Biden is sharp as a tack!
Transaltion : WTF did you say Joe?
So no, you can't.

As you have a functioning brain, (which you insist Biden doesn't), can you explain how any other candidate could beat Trump?
Without 'accidentally' denigrating Biden.

For clarity, I'm not asking for your 'Wishlist', I'm asking for am actual winner., that you'd put money on.
Denigrating he’s almost ready for palliative care.
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So you’re someone who only became politically aware from covid times, explains a lot.

You think you are on the right side of history (pardon the pun), and you’ve hitched your wagon to the alt right.

The whole “freedumb” crowd you don’t realise are the actual authoritarians and fascists.

The establishment centrists lie as well, but this is a case of the disease being way worse than a possible alt-right/fascist cure.
Not at all actually, i've been following politics my whole life and have a degree in it. I was just making the point that covid turned politics into something we couldn't reasonably comprehend before and now you all act like its normal.
Trump is a historically bad candidate. He has a small but extremely passionate base, and is widely disliked otherwise. Every poll indicates he is significantly more disliked than liked. He's previously been President, and did a catastophically bad job, including being responsible for the deaths of millions with his mishandling of Covid. He's currently facing 54 criminal indictments and has been convicted of 34. This is a woefully bad candidate who is extremely beatable, by Biden's own measure there's "around 50" Democrats who could beat him now.

Trump's Supreme Court overruled Roe v Wade, an incredibly unpopular decision, and one that he struggled to defend in his debate with Biden (which got overshadowed by Biden's bad performance, and his inability to lay a blow as Biden inexplicably answered the question about abortion by pivoting to talking about immigrants raping women). Someone who could prosecute that case properly would be game over for Trump, as this is one of his biggest Achilles heels.

Biden's badly bleeding votes on his complicity to the Israeli massacre of Palestinians. We saw in the UK some safe Labour seats go independent because of their softness on the issue, and Labor here has concerns about the same. But neither has been as all-in on this issue as Biden. He's historically been one of the most pro-Israel politicians in the Democratic Party, and is completely misreading the room today. It will cost him, and any candidate who can pivot and promise to halt the arming of the Israelis and join the rest of the world in standing up to Israel would do well.

Every poll shows "Generic Democrat" beating Trump. Biden is polling behind Democrats on a state level in basically every swing state race. He is an anchor on the party, and has given no plan on how he'll turn this around or any indication of what he'd do differently.

For clarity, I'm not asking for your 'Wishlist', I'm asking for am actual winner., that you'd put money on.

I'm literally stating that the only true opposition to the next Trump
Not at all actually, i've been following politics my whole life and have a degree in it. I was just making the point that covid turned politics into something we couldn't reasonably comprehend before and now you all act like its normal.
You have a degree in politics?

Hadnt realised education standards have slipped so far
No not at all, which is why she is so shocking. She doesn't even blink while acting as a Democrat Propagandist.

Like when you catch Albo in one of his many lies, he stutters and mumbles a bit, maybe makes a slight concession or changes the subject.

Old mate will legitimately just stand there and say a variety of things that are blatant lies.
If you have a problem with lying, you can't possibly be a Trump supporter.
As strange as it sounds he might be a better bet than Harris, I think they're stuffed either way though.

I'm loving some of the commentary out of the White House though, heard one comment from John Kirby that Biden was asking him questions about the situation in Europe that he couldn't answer! Biden is sharp as a tack!
Harris is terrible. But biden is unbackable. He will get smashed.

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They will now say they think both are terrible but continue to highlight only Biden issues
Because everyone knows trump is terrible/dangerous and the republicans arent going to remove him from the ticket. Biden can be removed from the ticket. The whole point of asking for biden to be replaced is so the democrats can beat TRUMP.

At this point supporting BIDEN as the nominee is basically equivalent to supporting Trump for president as BIDEN has zero chance.
Because everyone knows trump is terrible/dangerous and the republicans arent going to remove him from the ticket. Biden can be removed from the ticket. The whole point of asking for biden to be replaced is so the democrats can beat TRUMP.

At this point supporting BIDEN as the nominee is basically equivalent to supporting Trump for president as BIDEN has zero chance.

Not easily as I understand it, Biden has to walk from what I've read.

Who would people nominate over Biden?

And don't just say "anyone", I genuinaley want a name.

Michelle Obama? I don't believe she wants to though, she'd probably win too.
I'm literally stating that the only true opposition to the next Trump

Who would people nominate over Biden?

And don't just say "anyone", I genuinaley want a name.

Kamala’s a flawed candidate (although I do think she has a charisma, it’s just a drunken aunt charisma, which mightn’t be what people are looking for but is what it is). If we had 18 months to prepare, she wouldn’t be many people’s ideal candidate. But it’s an awkward, unprecedented situation with few easy answers and she’s the easiest one. And whatever one’s thoughts of her, her brain is functioning, so I don’t see how she isn’t the person.
Because everyone knows trump is terrible/dangerous and the republicans arent going to remove him from the ticket. Biden can be removed from the ticket. The whole point of asking for biden to be replaced is so the democrats can beat TRUMP.

At this point supporting BIDEN as the nominee is basically equivalent to supporting Trump for president as BIDEN has zero chance.

It’s funny, you and I are so ideologically opposed on so many things, and yet are so together on this extremely obvious fact that some are so weirdly in denial over. Especially from people who four years ago said Bernie would be unelectable as a candidate and we needed to be pragmatic!!

I saw this posted elsewhere, seems a good summary.

Not at all actually, i've been following politics my whole life and have a degree in it. I was just making the point that covid turned politics into something we couldn't reasonably comprehend before and now you all act like its normal.
Translation... Enrolled in an Arts degree and attended just enough classes to be given a Pass ;)
How did anyone close to Biden think that having debates was a good idea?
I mean the Trump team kept him away from debates during the primaries.
Anyway, for the second debate, Biden just has to ignore any questions and just attack Trump for 90 mins.
I’m pretty sure he can at least do that.
I mean there’s so much material to work with.
I'm sorry, but the only person who has a chance of beating Trump this cycle, is Biden.

And yes, we can all gather around each other and burn him at the stake, constantly provided by the astroturfers.

We can keep insisting that literally anyone else would win, while ignoring the insane turn out Trump has had and the even more extreme turn out to offset it.

Trump is 90% guaranteed to win this next election, regardless of opposition. Anyone who thinks otherwise is in denial.

So we can all help the MAGAts by repeating their attacks on minor specifics while ignoring the unfathomably positive impact Biden's administration has had on not just the US, but the world.

Or we can set a minimum standard for both parties and candidates, and attack whoever falls under the standard equally. Rather than showing how virtuous we are by holding one to a standard that's impossible to the other.

Stop letting the narrative control you.
Start controlling the narrative.

Well said CM.

USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Biden II

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