AFL Player #23: Harrison Jones - Adds wing to resume - 23/6

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If he's still rocking that mop on top we know this joker ain't serious.

First thing to do is go a clean no. 2 and focus all his efforts and mindspace on being a genuine footballer
After the Brisbane Carlton final it is obvious anyone that cares will be going for more hair.

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Biggest off season for Harry since his U18 one. If he finally puts it all together he could be a Matt Taberner type player but just need him to stay on the park for more than 8 games a year.

I don't trust his body but I do trust what he could become
He is going to kicks goals against us and do nothing else of note when he goes somewhere else ? :p

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Darcy Moore.
If he's going to keep the mop, spend some time on it to make it truly awful like Moore.
Who has actually said he is as good as them ?. Pretty sure he is being compared to style of forward he could be. You do not have to be Reidwalt or Richo to be a lead up forward. That is what he does. He is mobile and a decent mark on the lead. He is not a big brute.

I have seen him him play. One reason he has not been a massive goal kicker has been he has also done his share of ruck work. has also played a lot of game time up the ground more in a CHF role. I like his potential. Although he is not a contested mark beast he is a good mark , he is not slow and the has some athletic ability.

I think you can compare styles. Stewart plays in the style of Nick Riewoldt but is not Nick.
While I agree it is a stretch to be hoping he is the number 1 gun you do not always need an absolute gun KPF even though it would be nice. Two good B grade lead up forwards would be 1000% better than what we have had to put on the field in the last two seasons.

No you have gone way the other way without evidence.

Saying he does not kick goals because he has played CHF is not a cop out. It is a fact. You have used two champion players to try and make a point yet no one is saying Jones is a champion. They are saying he will play in a lead up style. There are styles of players. If you want to go down the champion path Reiwoldt played a different style to Lockett.
Stewart plays a lead up style but he is not Reiwodlt. Your complaint is more semantics.

I can not find one comment where anyone has said he is or will be a super star. All they have said as he plays the forward positions in the same way that a few super stars have. That is not saying he is as good as them at it.

You asked if anyone had actually seen him play more than 5 games yet you say part of my opinion is a cop out. So do you want to hear from someone who may have seen him or are you just going to look at a stats sheet and say he is a 3rd tall forward ?.
No one is drinking any bath water here. Not one person has said he will be a super star. They are just trying to work out what role he may play. Not that I like comparisons but whenever you ask what a young player may play like you generally get a comparison to a style a good player plays.

My opinion. Has the potential to be a good leading forward. He is mobile. He can take a strong mark but will never be a big brute who will stand at FF and take contested marks. He also works pretty hard with his pressure. Would think he can be a decent B grade KPF and work well if he had another decent B grade KPF in there with him. He can also have a spell in the ruck if need be but that is not his strong point and would really not want to be rucking against a genuine ruck.
His endurance testing says he can be a player who will get up and down the ground.

Good to see him have some impact in the last quarter. He tries 120% but it is getting close to him needing a VFL spell to find some form over 4 quarters.
I think he has a big upside but right now my opinion is he will need to drop back to work on his game soon. Good to see him get a look at a big game.

Agree. Have watched the game a few more times and he was good in the last. His pressure in the first three was pretty good to for a young bloke who was not getting much of the ball.

Would like to see him given a bit more room to lead in. Often he has little impact as he is working in a phone box with 6 others around him. When he can find space to lead into he is very good. At the moment his game snuffers from our poor forward sets ups just as much as his inexperience.

Not many KPF have that presence. Even Wright does not really have that presence even though he has done it a few times. Problem is Harry is your workhorse lead up forward. He is not going to be your number 1 guy. He is the bloke who can kick his 2 or 3 goals and make a lot of leads and allow the other forwards time to shine. Do you think he would be looking better if Wright was in the side and he was not drawing good defenders ?
The other thing is he is not Buddy or a player at that level. We seem to be trying to hold a number 2 forward to the standards of an A grade number 1 forward. His performance at the same age as nearly all of the second tall forwards is better than a lot of them. Biggest issue is we do not have a number 1 forward right now.

I still think the lack of confidence comes from the fact he has come into the side in the last 2 seasons without a good run of lead in form either from a good pre season or the VFL. At some stages he has played because he has been the last man standing for CHF. Last year he cam back and was not 100% and played a very limited time in the VFL and his form was horrible and he has continued from there. There is no doubt he is working harder than anyone in the forward half but it is just not converting into possessions and goals.
He may get a reprieve this week with Weideman being out again but he really needs some VFL time to gain the confidence again.

Not so good. My view now is he is more 40/60 to make it given the amount of time he keeps missing.

He ran to the right spot’s IMO . He just failed to mark enough of them .

Well he hasn't but he has also had a lot of injury interruptions and has probably played 15 more AFL games than he should have due to us being desperate to play someone in the spot. It is not wrong to question his form he has to prove he can actually do it given he has only had a couple of games where he has taken 5 contested marks. I still think him not having a decent VFL base has hurt him. He was a good lead up mark at under 18 level but he has never really played much VFL footy since he was drafted given 2020 had not VFL. Jury is out but there has been some excuses .

One thing that shows he is invested in the club has been the fact that during his time out he has been working with the VFL coaches and been in the box on VFL game day. Talking to the players during the breaks.

I am with Lore on this. He is 120% committed. He was at all the VFL games . Sitting with the coaches. Talking to the guys in the breaks .
The one year deal is simply due to the injuries and not being a proven performer. Suspect there will be a trigger in it to negotiate again once he reaches a certain point.
Just a random sample of my views on Jones for the bloke who says I was jumping up and down bout Jones to read :)

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