Past #26: Tarryn Thomas [Part II] - will honor his contract and play on at NMFC in 2024, so says the reality TV manager

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So I did a google search for Tarryn Trindall (TT's legal name) to see what the go is with his folks.

Found his name was in a 2010 Doonside public school newsletter (Doonside is in outer west Sydney).

TT, who would've been about 10 at the time, was cited for his athletic ability, along with his brother Jacob.

Anyway, this Jacob dude is FB friends with TT, and I noticed he had previously liked a newspaper article referencing a 2021 prison riot in Western Sydney.

It seemed like a strange thing to like, so I had a look at the reports of that incident and lo and behold, Jacob was one of inmates arrested for rioting.

So yeah, it does appear like Tarryn has some complex s**t going on in the background.
interesting info. thanks for that.

Trindall’s lawyer applied for bail on his behalf, which was opposed by Mr Kumar.

He said: “He has had numerous prison sentences and has obviously not learnt anything.

“This is a very strong prosecution case, he is young and has a 68 page record, so he clearly cannot be trusted to comply with bail."
BW was happy to have his mug all over the draft doco last year. And then he was on all the Adelaide radio after JHFF signed with Port.
He strikes me as a slippery opportunist with an eye for easy money. I don't get the impression he likes to work particularly hard for his money, unless it involves working a room to get a foot in the door. Hopefully the parents of future draft prospects will have the good sense to look into the background of the player agents who come knocking so they can guide their sons to one who will be there actively involved in both good and bad times. TT blowing up his career is partially attributable to Ben Williams.

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Completely separate incidents that have nothing to do with each other. If you look hard enough you'll find 100 analogies he has used in the past that have nothing to do with race. So which correlation should we use?
I get what Eddie’s getting at, probably not a brilliant analogy to use but yeah don’t think there’s any intent
Frankly I don’t have a clue anymore.

I haven’t flipped this much since the last time I made pancakes.

I see the completely unacceptable shit and don’t want anything to do with him I mean there’s some inexcusable shit going one

Then I see someone who I want to succeed cos I’m a soft touch empath.

Fuuuuuuu make it stop

What have we learned? Not to do it again. Although I don’t know what the **** I’ve done/doing.

This club is gonna break me……well brake me more.
So I did a google search for Tarryn Trindall (TT's legal name) to see what the go is with his folks.

Found his name was in a 2010 Doonside public school newsletter (Doonside is in outer west Sydney).

TT, who would've been about 10 at the time, was cited for his athletic ability, along with his brother Jacob.

Anyway, this Jacob dude is FB friends with TT, and I noticed he had previously liked a newspaper article referencing a 2021 prison riot in Western Sydney.

It seemed like a strange thing to like, so I had a look at the reports of that incident and lo and behold, Jacob was one of inmates arrested for rioting.

So yeah, it does appear like Tarryn has some complex s**t going on in the background.
That's some brilliant detective work, MP. 👏
I still have a little bug nibbling away in the back of my mind that the behaviours we are seeing are the result of some sort of semi-functional addiction.

If that's the case, I really hope we can help TT find himself a path out.

On SM-G781B using mobile app
and when the f*ck have we NOT been helping him?

everything, LITERALLY EVERYTHING the club has done in response to ALL this bullshit has been aimed at helping him. Catoring entierly to his needs for development and growth.

So, he was rightly suspended for what happened and told "here are very clearly the things you need to do to get back to playing". A whole program made just for him.

He doesn't do it.

Now we're supposed to pat him on the head and say "well done, you didn't do what we asked of you, you can go back to playing". That's an ABSOLUTELY gauranteed way to make sure there is no behavioural change, or it gets worse.

Let alone the very likely possibility that Tarryn's behaviour is effecting the rest of the playing group. If he gets to waltz back in without actually having made any change or done what's asked of him, then that will also definitely create fractures.
I couldn't agree more. Rod Stoker reported earlier that according to information from someone within the club that players had advised management that they had had enough of TT and didn't want him around, so he has already burnt bridges that might be hard to repair. Every new negative report only widens the rift. People also keep on referring to him as a KID, but this MAN has turned 23, so he can't rely on being treated a talented young prospect anymore. Compare what he has achieved to plenty of other 23 year olds or younger in the AFL. He hasn't really delivered in too many of his 57 games, so how good is he really? That makes his $700-750k salary even more ridiculous, which I can only blame the club for.
I do think as fans of the club we are entitled to be a bit miffed.

I understand the story is probably bigger than we know but this new narrative about him needing help is a bit unfair on the club.

The club has given TT plenty of support, if we go through the timeline.

2022 demoted for not meeting standard (initial issues with texting.

Club protected him by explaining it as issues with his gran

The intial case comes out

Additional cases reported, was he completely forthcoming with all potential related issues

Stepped down, entered into education course

Clarko cops it for protecting him against the media

More cases come out

Stepped down for not making sufficient progress on his education program

This car driving thing

He has been given more chances than a regular person would in their employment

And the club has paid him a day wage the whole time.

It’s fine to say the club needs to help him but he needs to be serious about that help, his actions is at odds with his words.

It might be harsh but ultimately our purpose as an entity is to win football games and looking at it coldly, the club is down a player, have a significant chunk of the salary cap for no return, and at his best he is an important player that we are missing.

All that aside I just think there’s a point where chances stop and to me that is where those chances don’t appear to want to be taken.

I don’t think that’s particularly unreasonable nor is it reason to be insulted for acting like a spurned lover.

The supporters want the club to succeed carrying expensive liabilities hinders that, if there are signs that rehabilitation is possible sure give it a go, but at present the available evidence suggests there isn’t.

I will state I’m sure I’ve been reactive to this case but basing it on what we are seeing it’s just getting to a point where enough is enough.

I will go further to say if this was the only issue the club has gone through in the last 4 or so years I’d be probably be a lot less vociferous but s**t it’s tiresome.
All entirely valid points Grillmaster and I'm not about to tell you that you can't feel the way that you feel. I'm feeling much the same.

One thing I've started to realize, which isn't that groundbreaking, is that this kind of thing doesn't just get resolved overnight, the trouble is we have become conditioned to just piss a problem off because it's a problem. "oh here comes TT again with some more idiocy, GONE", I've done it. On reflection I realized this is pretty poor on my behalf.
Everybody outside of North wants him gone, many of our supporters want him gone, and I get it, I really do, if I'm honest idgaf if he plays for us again, but I also want to see this young man turn his life around and get it back on track. This is more than football, as clarko has said a number of times, yeah we want to build great footballers but we also want to build great people.

Anecdotes are fun so I'm going to run with one,

I watched a loved one suffer with mental illness for years, I'm talking the absolute works which I won't detail because a lot of it is incredibly confronting.
We went through every service available to us, private, public, multiple psychologists, psychiatrists, hospitals, private health clinics, you name it, we tried it. This person just kept spiraling further and further. I was their primary carer throughout this time. We watched actual services give up on this person "theres nothing more we can do, they are resistant to treatment, we can't help" but I never gave up. Naturally close friends and family would remind me that it's ok for me to give up on this person because obviously they won't help themselves, so why should I? I loved this person, I couldn't give up, though I was close many times, especially as my own mental health started to decline. After many years of literal hell we finally started to see improvement. To the point now that 4 years after hitting rock bottom this person is working fulltime, has a family that loves them and is thriving!

Sorry for the rant, my point is no one is beyond turning their life around and the reality is it's not always quick and easy. I'm not suggesting these circumstances are in any way the same as what TT is going through, I'm just highlighting the fact that maybe we all need to practice a little patience.

We are quick to judge but slow to understand. Maybe its our inability to hold multiple viewpoints at the same time. We live in a world now where outrage is the default. Headlines, tweets, everything, if you're not outraged you clearly don't care enough.

Anyway, none of this probably makes any sense and maybe hasn't brought any clarity for anyone. I dunno.

Do you think there’s a point though where fans/members/supporters can get frustrated with the whole thing?
Of course there is. There are hundreds of thousands of examples of players who had every chance and didn't take it. If everyone behaved logically, and in their best interests and the best interests of others, the world would be a vastly different place.

It's not though. Everyone is motivated by different drivers, experiences, environments and ambitions. Please don't assume you know what everyone else's are.

It's probably fair to say that most people here could only dream of earning 750,000 pa (or less) just for playing AFL football. You'd reckon everyone who gets to that point would have it made for life right? It doesn't usually work like that though. We will all come across many people who have reached those heights, and are now battling a pretty bleak existence. I know many and I'm sure you could find a few too. Why is that?

And btw, I love your sig. Eddie Spaghetti should be huge!
All entirely valid points Grillmaster and I'm not about to tell you that you can't feel the way that you feel. I'm feeling much the same.

One thing I've started to realize, which isn't that groundbreaking, is that this kind of thing doesn't just get resolved overnight, the trouble is we have become conditioned to just piss a problem off because it's a problem. "oh here comes TT again with some more idiocy, GONE", I've done it. On reflection I realized this is pretty poor on my behalf.
Everybody outside of North wants him gone, many of our supporters want him gone, and I get it, I really do, if I'm honest idgaf if he plays for us again, but I also want to see this young man turn his life around and get it back on track. This is more than football, as clarko has said a number of times, yeah we want to build great footballers but we also want to build great people.

Anecdotes are fun so I'm going to run with one,

I watched a loved one suffer with mental illness for years, I'm talking the absolute works which I won't detail because a lot of it is incredibly confronting.
We went through every service available to us, private, public, multiple psychologists, psychiatrists, hospitals, private health clinics, you name it, we tried it. This person just kept spiraling further and further. I was their primary carer throughout this time. We watched actual services give up on this person "theres nothing more we can do, they are resistant to treatment, we can't help" but I never gave up. Naturally close friends and family would remind me that it's ok for me to give up on this person because obviously they won't help themselves, so why should I? I loved this person, I couldn't give up, though I was close many times, especially as my own mental health started to decline. After many years of literal hell we finally started to see improvement. To the point now that 4 years after hitting rock bottom this person is working fulltime, has a family that loves them and is thriving!

Sorry for the rant, my point is no one is beyond turning their life around and the reality is it's not always quick and easy. I'm not suggesting these circumstances are in any way the same as what TT is going through, I'm just highlighting the fact that maybe we all need to practice a little patience.

We are quick to judge but slow to understand. Maybe its our inability to hold multiple viewpoints at the same time. We live in a world now where outrage is the default. Headlines, tweets, everything, if you're not outraged you clearly don't care enough.

Anyway, none of this probably makes any sense and maybe hasn't brought any clarity for anyone. I dunno.

Yeah I put my hands up to (particularly yesterday) going hard and reacting, whilst I still abhor the behaviour on reflection I simply don’t know anymore .

I’m passionate about the club, but I do believe in right or wrong and I’ve lived my life trying to be strict on that.

TLDR I’m confused

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Yeah I put my hands up to (particularly yesterday) going hard and reacting, whilst I still abhor the behaviour on reflection I simply don’t know anymore .

I’m passionate about the club, but I do believe in right or wrong and I’ve lived my life trying to be strict on that.

TLDR I’m confused
I don't think you (or anyone) is expected to have the answers on this one 🙂
Of course there is. There are hundreds of thousands of examples of players who had every chance and didn't take it. If everyone behaved logically, and in their best interests and the best interests of others, the world would be a vastly different place.

It's not though. Everyone is motivated by different drivers, experiences, environments and ambitions. Please don't assume you know what everyone else's are.

It's probably fair to say that most people here could only dream of earning 750,000 pa (or less) just for playing AFL football. You'd reckon everyone who gets to that point would have it made for life right? It doesn't usually work like that though. We will all come across many people who have reached those heights, and are now battling a pretty bleak existence. I know many and I'm sure you could find a few too. Why is that?

And btw, I love your sig. Eddie Spaghetti should be huge!
Yeah I guess (at least in my case) I reacted through passion and I would guess I am not the only one.

I would say I think particularly with this issue we can forgive rashly made comments or for my sake I hope we can.
Jy has the runs on the board in terms of getting his s**t together and working his arse off. He's a two time B&F winner and in the top ten players in the comp right now as a result.

As well as being the captain of the side and a blackfella.

I agree with the bolded bit but Jy is a great example and that's the best leadership.
I agree with everything you're saying but Jy is not in the top10 players in the comp right now.
Why must Jy be the one to take that bullet? Yeah, he's a captain. But we have two of those. Why not LMac? Why not any other senior player? Why not the coach? Or any coach? What if none of these people can change his behaviour? Have they failed in leadership?

Surely it's everyone's job to look out for him and care. But ultimately, instead of lumbering him on an individual and saying it's a test of his/her leadership, the only person who is really responsible for Tarryn is Tarryn.

It's been stated that Jy's strength in leadership is his ability to drive standards and professionalism, whereas Luke's strength is in bringing people together and creating cohesion within the team and the football department. Both would have a role to play in reintegrating TT if that is to happen.
i cant remember if i even posted my previous thoughts in here, but ive done a bit of a 180 since that post by Makeshift Park and my own research into some of tarryns sydney family today. the tasmania move makes a lot of sense now.

we need to stand by him and do everything we can to turn this around. if hes tossed out of the system, this is going to be a disaster.

this is a VERY complicated situation with the clarko mess in the mix.
Tarryn’s biggest problem is Tarryn.

It begins and ends with his choices.

If I could offer him one piece of advice, I’d reference an all time Denis Pagan quote.

‘Don’t piss down our back and tell us it’s raining.’
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