Player Watch #29: Will Phillips - tags N.Daicos vs Collingwood - subbed off at 3/4 time??

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That is some quality work by Phillips, no one can deny that. Is that after all of his illnesses or before. And I am fyi in the keep him camp, we got plenty to move on.

But I am concerned he may want to leave us, which is understandable.
That was in his first year after being drafted, before he got sick.
I would like us to keep Phillips for at least 1-2 more years to see what role Clarkson can find for him. And I agree that he he has good hands and can pinpoint a pass.

But Cunnington's skills by hand and foot were elite, in-close, of one step or kicking for goal. He was just not flashy, but whenever he had the ball it would find the right coloured jumper.

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I would like us to keep Phillips for at least 1-2 more years to see what role Clarkson can find for him. And I agree that he he has good hands and can pinpoint a pass.

But Cunnington's skills by hand and foot were elite, in-close, of one step or kicking for goal. He was just not flashy, but whenever he had the ball it would find the right coloured jumper.

Will can have that kind of impact as well. From what I've seen of him he is clean with the ball, makes good decisions, and hits targets regularly by hand or foot. If he does that often enough in every game he will have a strong career. He doesn't have to look flashy, or have too many obvious "elite traits".

I'm not saying he will be as good as Cunnington, but the vast majority of AFL careers aren't as good as Cunner's.

Another reasonable reference point would be Sam Mitchell. He didn't have too many visible "elite traits' as a junior as evidenced by him being overlooked in the 2000 draft. Short, slow, and can't kick very far, would have been said about Mitchell at the time. Mitchell's early stats also look similar to Will's.

Again, I'm not saying Will will be as good as Mitchell, but again most who have substantial AFL careers aren't.

Looking at our current make-up, Liam Shiel has a clearly defined role as the defensive midfielder. He is also highly likely to be in his last season. That's Will's opportunity to take. I hope he does.
At 1:14 in his debut year. The pick up, fend off and then goals. You can’t tell me that’s not elite.

you've posted multiple times how much you don't think he will make it. what's the point of wasting your weekends on here trashing him, instead of silently cheering for him?

There is an AFL footballer in there. Absolutely

With all his setbacks and his health etc.

He has a the case of “delayed onset of second year blues”

The campaigner can football, he will be part of our team moving forward. If you dont like that, or you are one of those campaigners barracking for his demise.. you will end up being looked at as someone with NFC whatsoever… you’ll end up looking like that Mostradamus ****er
There is an AFL footballer in there. Absolutely

With all his setbacks and his health etc.

He has a the case of “delayed onset of second year blues”

The campaigner can football, he will be part of our team moving forward. If you dont like that, or you are one of those campaigners barracking for his demise.. you will end up being looked at as someone with NFC whatsoever… you’ll end up looking like that Mostradamus ****er

The highlights shows that he has AFL traits. Nothing in there is particularly outstanding but part of what an AFL mid needs as part of his repertoire. I also think his fitness levels are not the big issue that some think. Yes he had some setbacks but he had a full season last year and preseason and he ran out games pretty well last year.

Saturday was the first time that I can remember that he showed a little zip around the contest that looked more than just shuffling. He didn't suddenly gain 3 months of training so hopefully it is an attitude change that might spark his career from here.
The highlights shows that he has AFL traits. Nothing in there is particularly outstanding but part of what an AFL mid needs as part of his repertoire. I also think his fitness levels are not the big issue that some think. Yes he had some setbacks but he had a full season last year and preseason and he ran out games pretty well last year.

Saturday was the first time that I can remember that he showed a little zip around the contest that looked more than just shuffling. He didn't suddenly gain 3 months of training so hopefully it is an attitude change that might spark his career from here.
“Second year delayed onset blues”

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The highlights shows that he has AFL traits. Nothing in there is particularly outstanding but part of what an AFL mid needs as part of his repertoire. I also think his fitness levels are not the big issue that some think. Yes he had some setbacks but he had a full season last year and preseason and he ran out games pretty well last year.

Saturday was the first time that I can remember that he showed a little zip around the contest that looked more than just shuffling. He didn't suddenly gain 3 months of training so hopefully it is an attitude change that might spark his career from here.
He’s being modelled into a prototype by the coaching staff. He can achieve it. He will be known as the archetype.. Will is Clarksons Sam Mitchel by design
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He’s up against it

There is a concern about job security.
He is out of contract and well down the pecking order for spots in one of the worst teams of all time.
Confidence is low.

If he was promised a run of 4-6 games in the seniors to hone is craft, get comfortable with LDU, Wardlaw, Powell etc and build some synergy then that may be the catalyst that sees him nail down a spot.
He did deserve to be dropped after the Adelaide game however. There is still a lot of confusion on the gameplan and frustration as to why Tucker, McDonald, Corr etc are locks.

I reckon he turns himself into a tagger. Try something different.
What do we have to lose?
Glad we’re going down this path.
It makes sense for him in his development and there’s a role for him there.
If we can turn into a good negater, that would be a good start.

Anthony stevens started his career as a tagger, turned into a 340 game stelwart.
sure mate. i'm imagining you the 150kg bloke who is sitting on the couch all weekend- picking the ball up running at pace, fending off opposition while having one hot on your tail and kicking it over oppositions head for a goal. shut up and let him play ffs
No need to be nasty. Part of the fun of being a footy fan is debating with other fans about players, list management, tactics etc. Denigrating players to their faces or on social media is not on and is super counter productive. Debating the team on a footy forum is perfectly and is kind of the point of this website.

Also I’m glad you posted that clip because it was very interesting to watch. That one hand pick up and goal is exactly the kind of moment I’ve been waiting for! Maybe Ive been slightly unfair in saying he doesn’t have an elite trait because he clearly has super clean hands. I don’t agree with you on the kicking though.
I think he needs to desperately work on his craft as a high half forward. Emphasise pressuring the ball carrier coming out defence, work up to stoppages as required, and provide a ground level presence in the forward 50. I keep looking at Rhylee West at the Dogs and think why couldn't Will commit himself to a similar role for the time being, and an opportunities might arise in the midfield moving forward.
I think he needs to desperately work on his craft as a high half forward. Emphasise pressuring the ball carrier coming out defence, work up to stoppages as required, and provide a ground level presence in the forward 50. I keep looking at Rhylee West at the Dogs and think why couldn't Will commit himself to a similar role for the time being, and an opportunities might arise in the midfield moving forward.

He could certainly work on this if the coaches were willing to give him the opportunity to play that role at VFL level. Of course, we'd still have people on here looking at the stats sheet and trashing him for not getting 40-50 possessions as a high half forward.
Hr reminds me of Ben Jacobs. Hugely regarded juniour that never translated that to senior footy.

Then became a gun tagger and was rapidly evolving into a gun two way midfielder before cruelly struck down.

That's Will's go imo
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Hr reminds me of Ben Jacobs. Hugely regarded juniour that never translated that to senior footy.

Then became a gun tagger and was rapidly evolving into a gun twp play midfielder before cruelly struck down.

That's Will's go imo
Still think he can be a rotation mid and havr posted I'd give him a 1 year deal.

But Jacobs (185cm) like Cunnington (186cm) had the size, that Will lacks, not to be pushed around.

Plus Jacobs had a great tank.
Still think he can be a rotation mid and havr posted I'd give him a 1 year deal.

But Jacobs (185cm) like Cunnington (186cm) had the size, that Will lacks, not to be pushed around.

Plus Jacobs had a great tank.
As a tagger, a huge tank is an absolute must. I'd be happy to retain Will on a 1 year deal as well, but not sure tagger is the spot for him.
Still think he can be a rotation mid and havr posted I'd give him a 1 year deal.

But Jacobs (185cm) like Cunnington (186cm) had the size, that Will lacks, not to be pushed around.

Plus Jacobs had a great tank.
He’s a depth midfielder at best.

LDU, Simpkin, Wardlaw, Sheezel, Powell, McKercher.

He sits seventh, level with Lazzaro, and don’t see him overtaking any of them, regardless of his professionalism.

As you say, he doesn’t have the size, or the tank, to play like Ben Jacobs (who also coincidentally had glandular fever).
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