3 scumbag thugs at Sunshine station

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Screw this. I am sick of our police 'pleading' and being 'outraged'. They have no respect amongst the perpertrators of these crimes, they need to get out and enforce the law like the good old days and screw Nixons 'keep the peace' mantra.

Go out into the community aggressively hunt them down, charge them jail them and deport them. Make an example of them to all the other scumbags who think they carry on like this. Where we can deport, deport, where we can't jail them for a long time.

Ah, now the good old 'its the police at fault'
. I'm sick of hearing this crap, police risk there lives every single day in pursuit of justice and all they get is ridiculed.

What those African melons did was disgusting. I have no doubt with CCTV footage like that they will be arrested in afew days. Just got to hope the courts have no mercy on them and sentence them to 5-6 years jail, not the usual 2-3 year sentences.

If they are indeed immigrants the government could perhaps introduce a law in which if a serious crime is commited within 5 years of being in the country they are automatically deported.
Watching the footage of it, it is absolutely terrible. I really struggle to understand how one human being can do that to another.

Taking the racial aspect out of the debate for a minute, why is there an increase in senseless violence and gang type attacks like this? There must be something wrong with society somewhere for these types of things to regularly occur.

You look at the overall picture of it, Australia is the country of opportunity. Anyone, no matter what race or religious creed can make it here with some application, and you see youths kicking some defenceless guys head in. I just don't understand it :confused:

Anyway, interested in peoples opinions or reasons as to why this sort of thing would happen.
These sort of things seem to be happening alot more now. Myself and a few friends were recently the target of a group of 9 or 10 straight peak hat, baggy clothes wearing w***ers, for seemingly no reason at all after a night out.

I can sleep easy tonight knowing that these dog's will die in jail from whatever disease they are carrying. The video that i watched was brutal, these people have no right to walk the streets, i don't care about their backgrounds or their troubles. They should be locked up for a long time, as they serve zero purpose to Australian soceity. I really doubt they have completed VCE or gotten a Uni degree, or even hold down a job, it is only the bleeding hearts who see fit to give these tossers a second chance. All that will happen is that they will find a new train station or bus station to spend their days harassing people.

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Screw this. I am sick of our police 'pleading' and being 'outraged'. They have no respect amongst the perpertrators of these crimes, they need to get out and enforce the law like the good old days and screw Nixons 'keep the peace' mantra.

Go out into the community aggressively hunt them down, charge them jail them and deport them. Make an example of them to all the other scumbags who think they carry on like this. Where we can deport, deport, where we can't jail them for a long time.

using your beliefs, police are allowed to be judge, jury and executioner. when did the process change? I obviously dont pay attention? Last time I checked, police were empowered to arrest crooks and take them before a court. As far as I was aware, the court then chose the result? I also wasnt aware police were in charge of immigration either? geez, i cant believe i missed this massive change to our legal system?

And as you stated, why would the police keep being outraged by this offending? given that the police are just uniforms with no souls, no hearts, no care for the community, suppose that makes sense?

And why they are at it, the police should forget about rank structure and ignore what their employer tells them to do. that will get them places, like the unemployment queue. great place to be at the moment, especially in this fickle employment environment we currently live in...

you sir, obviously have no idea :rolleyes:
using your beliefs, police are allowed to be judge, jury and executioner. when did the process change? I obviously dont pay attention? Last time I checked, police were empowered to arrest crooks and take them before a court. As far as I was aware, the court then chose the result? I also wasnt aware police were in charge of immigration either? geez, i cant believe i missed this massive change to our legal system?

And as you stated, why would the police keep being outraged by this offending? given that the police are just uniforms with no souls, no hearts, no care for the community, suppose that makes sense?

And why they are at it, the police should forget about rank structure and ignore what their employer tells them to do. that will get them places, like the unemployment queue. great place to be at the moment, especially in this fickle employment environment we currently live in...

you sir, obviously have no idea :rolleyes:

To take the emotion out of it, which is hard after viewing the footage, is to look at the clowns atop of this structure. Nixon, Overland and the other top brass that send out such a soft approach.

The problem is and after watching the policeman speaking in the video saying "they arent aware of the consequences, its a brazen attack in front of security camera's" (not word for word but those sentiments) is well they are aware of the consequences, pretty much there are none, they'll get caught, they'll get charged and going on precedent their lawyer will ask for leniency due to any of: hard upbringing, disadvantaged, mentally unstable etc and they will cop 18 months community service and walk out laughing.

**** soft sentences for such blatant attacks, give the pricks what they deserve. Honestly three men like that attacking a small and thinly built bloke, tough boys.
Screw this. I am sick of our police 'pleading' and being 'outraged'. They have no respect amongst the perpertrators of these crimes, they need to get out and enforce the law like the good old days and screw Nixons 'keep the peace' mantra.

Go out into the community aggressively hunt them down, charge them jail them and deport them. Make an example of them to all the other scumbags who think they carry on like this. Where we can deport, deport, where we can't jail them for a long time.

Slam some criminal heads in. This includes drunk ppl trying to pick fights.:thumbsu:
To take the emotion out of it, which is hard after viewing the footage, is to look at the clowns atop of this structure. Nixon, Overland and the other top brass that send out such a soft approach.

The problem is and after watching the policeman speaking in the video saying "they arent aware of the consequences, its a brazen attack in front of security camera's" (not word for word but those sentiments) is well they are aware of the consequences, pretty much there are none, they'll get caught, they'll get charged and going on precedent their lawyer will ask for leniency due to any of: hard upbringing, disadvantaged, mentally unstable etc and they will cop 18 months community service and walk out laughing.

**** soft sentences for such blatant attacks, give the pricks what they deserve. Honestly three men like that attacking a small and thinly built bloke, tough boys.

i certainly dont disagree with what your saying. My point is, if the detective came out and said, "they knew what they were doing and its consequences, that the court would give them sweet F/A", he would most certainly get the ass.

What pisses me off though is when people come out and say things like, "the police should bash their heads in and stop being weak". Comments like this tar the 10000 or so coppers who give their all to help the community and would happily bash heads if allowed. like you said, its the brass at the tops fault and such comments should be directed at them specifically. Anyways, its the weak governments who dictate the direction of police forces.
The race of these guys is an issue if arrests are not made and cases are dropped because of political reasons.

There is a problem with Sudanese gangs and our society is let down if the problem is not addressed directly.
i certainly dont disagree with what your saying. My point is, if the detective came out and said, "they knew what they were doing and its consequences, that the court would give them sweet F/A", he would most certainly get the ass.

What pisses me off though is when people come out and say things like, "the police should bash their heads in and stop being weak". Comments like this tar the 10000 or so coppers who give their all to help the community and would happily bash heads if allowed. like you said, its the brass at the tops fault and such comments should be directed at them specifically. Anyways, its the weak governments who dictate the direction of police forces.

I agree as much as I agree with your avatar:).
The problem is and after watching the policeman speaking in the video saying "they arent aware of the consequences, its a brazen attack in front of security camera's" (not word for word but those sentiments) is well they are aware of the consequences, pretty much there are none, they'll get caught, they'll get charged and going on precedent their lawyer will ask for leniency due to any of: hard upbringing, disadvantaged, mentally unstable etc and they will cop 18 months community service and walk out laughing.

**** soft sentences for such blatant attacks, give the pricks what they deserve. Honestly three men like that attacking a small and thinly built bloke, tough boys.

I believe the policeman said something along the lines of "they showed a total disregard for the consequences", a big difference to your quote.

Although sentencing may sometimes appear weak, I would think there would be a good case that the criminal law system is reasonably good as it stands.

But you have got to wonder what goes through people's brains when they commit such inhumane acts. I would personally rather them recieve a more lenient sentance if they can be rehabilitated rather than a long sentence which may not rehabilitate them.
The continual kicking to the defenceless guy's head is bad enough, but just to watch that poor guy have to sit on the ground in the bypass of a railway station, while this gang circle him like sharks, is just horrifying. You can only imagine what would be going through this young guys mind at the time. It is just horrible.

I hope that something will come out of this, not only in the form of a large prison sentence to those involved, but also a change to judges attitudes to those found guilty of violent crime. I have no doubt that there is a massive gap between community standards and expectations of these sorts of incidents with how the judicial system treats it. There should be no more lenient sentences or mitigating circumstances or feeling sorry for the person found guilty of violence, there should be sentences in accordance with what the public expects. This will not stop all mindless violence like this, but hopefully it might stop some of it.

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Although sentencing may sometimes appear weak, I would think there would be a good case that the criminal law system is reasonably good as it stands.

But you have got to wonder what goes through people's brains when they commit such inhumane acts. I would personally rather them recieve a more lenient sentance if they can be rehabilitated rather than a long sentence which may not rehabilitate them.

I disagree on both your points Yarbs.

IMO, the rights of victims of crime should come before the perpetrators. It should be the victims we feel sorry for rather then people who carry out this kind of violence. If you were the parents of that boy, you would be absolutely distraught over this, and IMO it is up to the judicial system to protect honest law abiding citizens from people like this. If people want to act inhumanely like this gang did, then IMO they forbid the right to live in a free and civilised society. Everyone has to be responsilbe for their own actions.
Pretty ugly stuff right there.

You'd have to be crazy to walk through Sunshine station at night (or even during the day) on your own. I've lived here (west) all my life and I've seen some horrible things happen in and around the station, especially with those tunnels. Just sayin...
I think the worst part of the video was watching the poor bloke plead and beg with those ****ers to stop, only to be taunted and beaten even more. Until these guys actually cop a long sentence, rather than this community based order rubbish, this stuff is going to keep on happening.

The poor bloke is going to be scarred for life after what happened to him, his social life, work life etc is going to be changed because of those low pricks act.

Nobody who enjoys inflicting that kind of damage upon someone deserves to walk the streets
I believe the policeman said something along the lines of "they showed a total disregard for the consequences", a big difference to your quote.

Although sentencing may sometimes appear weak, I would think there would be a good case that the criminal law system is reasonably good as it stands.

But you have got to wonder what goes through people's brains when they commit such inhumane acts. I would personally rather them recieve a more lenient sentance if they can be rehabilitated rather than a long sentence which may not rehabilitate them.

Dont agree mate,

There isnt a lot of difference between what I said and you have pointed out, they didnt care that the camera's where there.

Rehab?? for the sake of not punishing them? These guys should cop a decent sentence, the nature of the attack is gutless and appalling. Give the thugs a light sentence and they will get back out and do it again, anyone that can continually kick a bloke (with two gutless w***ers with him ) while he was down doesnt need rehab he needs punishment!!.
if you import people from countries with a violent culture then you will also be importing violence. This comes as no mystery.

Given the piss weak country we have become, there is a good probability that the victim supports importing such people (as do many here), so it could well be a case of poetic justice.
One day these thugs are going to pick on the wrong person.

That video is shocking. The first kick knocked him out and the subsequent kicks were nothing short of cheap. Hopefully these thugs are pulled off the street and given the maximum penalty.
I was angry driving to work tonight after watching the footage.

If it's possible for any good to come out of it I think it may be the clarity of the vision captured. Generally when you see violent footage on tv it's black and white, it's fuzzy and it's just a lot of pissed people throwing wild punches and falling over each other.

This however is completely different. When these 3 mutts are caught and presuming they are found guilty the sentencing judge will be able to see exactly what they did and the level of mercy they showed their victim.
Until these guys actually cop a long sentence, rather than this community based order rubbish, this stuff is going to keep on happening.

wtf? I don't think anyone would think a "community based order" would be sufficient for a violent, thuggish assault like this.

What on earth makes you think that would occur?
well, your post is coming across that you are quite disturbed that they are of African descent (as others have pointed out to you).

i think the point he was trying to make was that they were from another country ie not born in australia.

I took no offense in what he said and i think that ppl jump on the racist bandwagon to quick.
I was angry driving to work tonight after watching the footage.

If it's possible for any good to come out of it I think it may be the clarity of the vision captured. Generally when you see violent footage on tv it's black and white, it's fuzzy and it's just a lot of pissed people throwing wild punches and falling over each other.

This however is completely different. When these 3 mutts are caught and presuming they are found guilty the sentencing judge will be able to see exactly what they did and the level of mercy they showed their victim.

They'll catch these guys, no worries about that, and then they'll get to see how tough they really are in the nick.

I've got a funny feeling they won't be in for a nice reception.

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3 scumbag thugs at Sunshine station

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