He didn’t do my rotator cuff, but I know a guy that did have him do the surgery and I can confirm that Hoy is a genius.Yeah the bloke’s a shoulder guru.
After my own second reco I made the mistake of praising him to his face and adding “what a waste of two years I had leading to seeing you. Tens of physio appointments, sports medico’s doing manipulation and eventually cortisone injections followed by guided ones under Xray or MRI and then the hydrodilatation injections at Vic House to free up the joint. All pointless!”
I say mistake because he responded with “well I can’t see everyone…….I don’t have the time!” in a stern voice. We got through that and were very well acquainted by the final appointment post the 3rd.
Rapt for Sausage. He’s made the right impression around the team and club and we are indeed backing him in. It sends the right message to the rest of the boys that we’ll stick by you as well, which could be important among the group as we rise.
This guys recovery was so much faster than mine (though not all rotator cuff injuries are the same), he was doing stuff that I could only dream of early in his rehab.
Having said that, my specialist in Wangaratta did a great job of mine, 8 years on, no dramas, golf, kayaking, etc, no problems at all.