Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 19: Law and Odour

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You've got your knickers in a twist.

You accused Achy Blakey Heart of lying. I showed you are wrong. Rather than apologise, you're gone off on some rant about illogical logic, thinking you're clever.
So do you admit that the 2016 election was rigged?

Russian interference did happen. This is a proven fact. You cannot maintain that Russian interference is 'rigging' without conceding that the election was, in fact, rigged. You cannot maintain that the 2016 election wasn't rigged without conceding that Hillary isn't saying the 2016 election was rigged by mentioning Russian interference. So pick one.

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So we have

Conceded on the night
Congratulated the winner
Attended the inauguration
Questioned whether other countries tried to interfere with election via social media
Reports ultimately found that other countries did try to interfere via social media
Claims that the winner was assisted by social media disinformation campaigns orchestrated by foreign countries

Did not concede on the night.
Did not congratulate the winner.
Tried to pressure electors into ignoring the results.
Challenged results multiple times in court unsuccessfully.
Overall rhetoric led to insurrection attempt of Jan 6.
Did not attend inauguration
Spent the next 3 years claiming they won the election.
Cast unnecessary doubt on election integrity, due to an inability to accept loss.

These are not the same thing, surely you know this

Who cares about all of that.

Trump claimed election was rigged

Hilliary claimed election was rigged

They are the same despite what CM86 thinks.
So do you admit that the 2016 election was rigged?

Russian interference did happen. This is a proven fact. You cannot maintain that Russian interference is 'rigging' without conceding that the election was, in fact, rigged. You cannot maintain that the 2016 election wasn't rigged without conceding that Hillary isn't saying the 2016 election was rigged by mentioning Russian interference. So pick one.

Who cares what I think. Did Hilliary say the election was rigged? Stop trying for a gotcha moment.
You've got your knickers in a twist.

You accused Achy Blakey Heart of lying. I showed you are wrong. Rather than apologise, you're gone off on some rant about illogical logic, thinking you're clever.
I'm soying out with lefty rage tears!

A poster lied, I pointed out they lied.

You then jumped in to support the lie, because you're MAGA.
You referenced a clip of Hillary agreeing with the findings of the Republican-led senate, as evidence of Hillary stating the election was rigged.

Then almost every other post since, including mine, has been correcting you on this.

But instead of pausing and using any critical thought, you're just being defensive and refusing to accept that you were tricked.

Agreeing with a report, is not the same as saying an election was stolen.
To rig something, is to deliberately cause a specific outcome.
Hillary didn't say it was rigged.
You pointed out yourself, that she didn't say that... But somehow thought it was evidence of her actually saying it... somehow...

If you want to just pretend you don't understand what the word 'rigged' means, go for it. I think everyone is feeling as sorry for you as I am, so they'll give you a pass.

I'll try to stop posting about it now. As I'm actually feeling bad about it.
Who cares what I think.
Hillary Clinton doesn't post here, you do. So yes, I'd like to hear what you think. Defend your position.
Did Hilliary say the election was rigged? Stop trying for a gotcha moment.
No, she didn't. Unless you think Russian interference constitutes 'rigging'. In which case you believe the 2016 election was rigged. Do you believe the 2016 election was rigged?
I guess you think Russia didn't manipulate the election by deceptive or dishonest means.

There is proof that they did interfere.

But you're still unwilling to address the fundamental fact that Hillary says she lost the election. And yes, she references the Russian interference in the election lead-up but accepts that she lost the 2016 election.

Are you starting to see the difference between this and 2020?
Who cares about all of that.

Trump claimed election was rigged

Hilliary claimed election was rigged

They are the same despite what CM86 thinks.
Claiming is one thing(and there at least was truth to Hillary’s claims) but then being a big baby and refusing to concede is a totally other magnitude. They are not the same thing.

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What lie. Hilliary says she lost due to Russian interference.

"The absolute answer that the Russians interfered in our federal election , they did so to favour Donald Trump"

Right from the horse's mouth

There was Russian interference.

This has been proven.

It was also shown that the GOP was aware of this, and quite a few people went to prison over it.

What was not shown was that the GOP asked for or invited it, or actively participated in it, as opposed to passively.

You do recall that Russia hacked the Dems don't you, and released sensitive information.

See, this is the cognitive dissonance happening.

Hillary stated the Russians actively inferred, in an election where the Russians hacked a major American political party. In an election that a major investigation found significant Russian interference, in an election where people were jailed for it.

Trump mounted a campaign to claim election interference, and lawyers working the cases have been deregistered, because the cases so lacked substance as to be seen as an abuse of process.

And you equate the 2.

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Wow so weird that Captivating disappeared as soon as the hypocrisy was exposed and the position he was arguing was untenable, who could have ever seen that coming?

Why don't right-wingers ever stand by their bullshit?
Who cares about all of that.

Trump claimed election was rigged

Hilliary claimed election was rigged

They are the same despite what CM86 thinks.
Trump didn't just claim it was rigged, he claimed (and still claims to this day) that he won.

Outside of the usual clamoring around popular votes, Hillary has never claimed victory in the 2016 election. Thats a significant difference that you are deliberately choosing to ignore, despite it being pointed out to you numerous times.

Person A breaks a window
Person B breaks a window, then goes inside to rob the house.

You see how dumb it would be to equate Person A and Person B as the same because they both broke a window ?
You then jumped in to support the lie, because you're MAGA.
I don't think you understand, it's not a lie, it's the new truth.

I forget which US host it was, he was talking about how Trump mistakenly referred to Ronny Jackson as "Ronny Johnson"...he explained that under MAGA law, that is now Ronny's correct name, Ronny Johnson, it's just the way it is.

Actually she doesn't. How in the world you get that conclusion is beyond belief.

She conceded in her speech which is more than he is capable of doing.

I work at Federal and State elections. For it to succeed you would need every person in a polling booth to be in on it and multiply that by the number of booths in the state. The booth I worked in had about 3000 votes submitted. Work out how many votes would need to be altered to make a difference.

On arrival, it would be rare to know one other person working in that booth. Ballot papers are placed in a locked box and counted at the end with scrutineers from the major parties watching.

So I maintain it wouldn't be possible to erase votes and rewrite. At the end of a very long day all you want to do is go home.
Well the GOP are working on that...
Can you rig an election? Sure, look at the latest Russian election. The real question is can you do so in a manner such that most people are fooled that was free and fair. I would suggest that in any big election involving millions of voters, absent some poorly designed system that allows single point failure controlled by a tiny cabal, No.

It would be like faking the moon landings, too many people need to be involved, keeping it secret is simply impossible in practice. Indeed, I seem to recall one trumpist on here believed that the moon landings were faked.
There is proof that they did interfere.

But you're still unwilling to address the fundamental fact that Hillary says she lost the election. And yes, she references the Russian interference in the election lead-up but accepts that she lost the 2016 election.

Are you starting to see the difference between this and 2020?
Quite correct. Hilary conceded they lost the election, as she didn’t have the required electoral college votes following the national election. She wasn’t happy about Russian interference through deceptive or dishonest means in the lead-up to the 2016 election, rather than a corrupt electoral system or a Deep State.

Trump continues the big lie - the false and cynical claims of widespread voter fraud, orchestrated by Biden and the DNC. It is a card he played when he lost the ‘16 Iowa primary to Ted Cruz*, a card he shall no doubt call upon again.

This attempt at equivalency, has hung on the actual word used - ‘rigged’. A tad disingenuous, when most posters were addressing claims of cheating/election fraud from unsuccessful nominees.

* “Cruz did not win Iowa, he stole it." … "Based on the fraud committed by Senator Ted Cruz during the Iowa Caucus, either a new election should take place or Cruz’s results nullified." - Feb 2016. Roy Cohn disciple DJ Trump demanded Republican Party of Iowa chairman, Jeff Kaufmann, invalidate the results of the caucuses.
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Hillary Clinton doesn't post here, you do. So yes, I'd like to hear what you think. Defend your position.

No, she didn't. Unless you think Russian interference constitutes 'rigging'. In which case you believe the 2016 election was rigged. Do you believe the 2016 election was rigged?
You understand rigged, and interfered with are actually different words right? Thats why there are 2 of them. If I throw a rock at a horse race, I interfered in it. If I am a trainer in the race, and I juiced up a horse, or bribed a jockey to not win, thats rigging.

Interfering in, is what outside people do. Rigging is internal.

As already said, the Mueller report stated there was no evidence the GOP asked the Russians to do anything. So, its not rigged. But the Russians did meddle in it to advantage the GOP, so, it was interfered with.

Hillary said it was interfered, which is correct. By the Russians, which is correct.

We can say she is correct, because there is evidence, there was an investigation, there was a conclusion. It was interfered with.

The Orange **** said the election was rigged, not interfered with, rigged. He had many people investigate this, they came up with zero, there were many court cases, they come up with zero. He is lying.

Hillary said the election was interfered with, she is telling the truth.
Trump said the election was rigged, he is lying.

Is there anything else you are unclear with?
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