Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 19: Law and Odour

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I have a question for our right wingers/conservatives.

You frequently talk a big game concerning how little you trust politicians to act on their better natures or to tell you the truth. With this in mind, why do you trust Donald Trump when he tells you that he isn't affiliated with those who want to institute Project 2025?

I’m not right wing per se… but I don’t trust any politician to do what they say.

They are selfish self aggrandising twats some just hide it better than others.
In terms of cultishness, they're different.

Red MAGA are focused on Trump the Leader, not the Party. He has dismantled the GOP and made it his own. They follow Trump, not the Republican Party.

Blue MAGA are focused on the Party. They will follow whoever the leader is, but very easily switch to the new leader. They follow the Democratic Party, not the specific leader.

Blue Maga is a term developed for those numpties who think Biden just had a bad day at the debate, think he just struggles with language a little bit or that he should still run for election.

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Apart from (a) the guns in use by the security services and (b) guns that some attendees had stashed away at a remote location and didn’t access, I don’t remember guns being involved?
I said I was using a turn of phrase, though it’s odd you wish to downplay America’s extraordinary gun sickness. Also revealing that you have no issue with hundreds of people smashing their way into the Capitol and threatening to kill politicians, so long as guns weren’t involved.

I’m done with this exchange. Bye.
I said I was using a turn of phrase, though it’s odd you wish to downplay America’s extraordinary gun sickness. Also revealing that you have no issue with hundreds of people smashing their way into the Capitol and threatening to kill politicians, so long as guns weren’t involved.

I’m done with this exchange. Bye.

Cya bro!
The head of the secret service has to resign, its come out they identified the shooter being a weirdo before Trump even arrived and then seen him hopping on the roof well before shots were fired... you'd get better security at a rural bowling club.

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I said I was using a turn of phrase, though it’s odd you wish to downplay America’s extraordinary gun sickness.

I’m not a fan of America’s second amendment at all, and if I were a US citizen I’d happily support any amendment that repeals it. Where did I suggest otherwise?

I’m just calling out the facts regardless of whether they do or don’t support my opinions. (IMO the political dialogue would be a tonne more constructive if more people did that)

Also revealing that you have no issue with hundreds of people smashing their way into the Capitol and threatening to kill politicians, so long as guns weren’t involved.

I think it’s entirely appropriate that Jan 6 rioters were charged and made to be accountable for their actions. Again, where did I suggest otherwise?
Yes weird no medical report from what was potentially a very devastating injury, and which required a massive ear bandage.

Not that weird.

As a candidate Trump is not obliged to disclose anything except his eligibility (US citizen, > 35 years old, hasn’t already served two terms)

Yeah, it’s typically in a candidate’s best interests to be transparent - but with Trump that ship sailed a long time ago when he stalled the release of his tax returns.
I’m not a fan of America’s second amendment at all, and if I were a US citizen I’d happily support any amendment that repeals it. Where did I suggest otherwise?

I’m just calling out the facts regardless of whether they do or don’t support my opinions. (IMO the political dialogue would be a tonne more constructive if more people did that)

I think it’s entirely appropriate that Jan 6 rioters were charged and made to be accountable for their actions. Again, where did I suggest otherwise?
You can nitpick to your heart’s content, but it’s not very interesting to engage with, so I’m dipping out.

My central point stands. Even if tribalism is the same impulse in evidence in both American political rallies and Australian football crowds, the easy availability of firearms in the US and the alarmingly violent rhetoric found in its current political discourse - particularly emanating from some of Trump’s less savoury fellow travellers - make the former expression of tribalism considerably more dangerous than the latter.

Signing off now compadre.
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