Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 19: Law and Odour

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I'm not sure what your angle was here. Once he was spotted on the roof police were dispatched to the roof to investigate. Brooks turned his gun on a police officer that attempted to climb on the roof who ducked for cover.
Yes thats once he was on the roof, but he was acting suspiciously for a significantly longer period than that if the BBC's timeline is correct, including 20 minutes prior he was spotted near the building actually using the range finder. It wouldn't take 20 minutes to get someone to go and question him to find out what he is doing. The level of incompetence on that day just seems insane.
Very shortly after Brooks was disturbed he fired (probably because he was disturbed by LE) and was killed shortly thereafter The return fire kill was extremely difficult as Brooks was on his stomach on the other side of a pitched roof which gave him cover. Reportedly the counter sniper got him by aiming near the scope which is an absolute top notch kill if true.
It was 26 seconds and as far as I am aware none of that information has been corroborated.
No conspiracies if you actually bother to look at the known facts and associated logical explanations.
Did you read my post though? I don't believe in those conspiracies at all. My point is the huge failings and incompetence that occurred and the lack of transparency since is fueling conspiracy theorists to make up their own stories which is incredibly dangerous in this climate. We saw what happened with that PizzaGate conspiracy theory where someone turned up with a gun to a pizza place. There needs to be more transparency and answers than what the public have been given so far which only happened under subpoena and even then lacked basic answers.

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He conveniently parks his religious view for a presidential nominee who’s broken all Ten Commandments, the seven deadly sins and would have been kicked out of both Sodom and Gomorrah for not paying his bills.

Such a righteous man.
Yep. Cos that person will deliver the religious policies that he wants.

Pretty much everyone is self serving. The religious certainly arent excluded from that.
MAGA investor Elon Musk has blocked accounts of followers of Kamala Harris on Twitter/X

I’m pretty sure that’s interference for the election? And not suprising seeing he’s investing $45 million into Trumps’s election propaganda monthly

He's like a 4yo having a tantrum.
That woman on the right must be so embarrassed to be snapped with a couple of narcissistic weirdos.
I think she has done far more questionable things than that with no shame tbh

Im sure she reflecting on all of that in her prison cell…long may she rot in it

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Do you realise how stigmatizing that is against people with dementia. Trump is a deplorable...but please don't drag down the journey of people and families with dementia, by utilizing the diagnosis as a character insult. That is retrograde psychiatry from the 1980's that is not person centered, trauma informed, or recovery oriented.
Geez. Fair enough on the sentiment but would have thought someone with this view may have mentioned it here before now lol

And half the people on BF.

No consistency, but scornfully demand it of everyone else.
Yep. Just like the plonkers who suddenly want civility and a lowering of the temperature only once someone takes a shot at their guy, after giving precisely 0 ****s about it previously.
Yes thats once he was on the roof, but he was acting suspiciously for a significantly longer period than that if the BBC's timeline is correct, including 20 minutes prior he was spotted near the building actually using the range finder. It wouldn't take 20 minutes to get someone to go and question him to find out what he is doing. The level of incompetence on that day just seems insane.

It was 26 seconds and as far as I am aware none of that information has been corroborated.

Did you read my post though? I don't believe in those conspiracies at all. My point is the huge failings and incompetence that occurred and the lack of transparency since is fueling conspiracy theorists to make up their own stories which is incredibly dangerous in this climate. We saw what happened with that PizzaGate conspiracy theory where someone turned up with a gun to a pizza place. There needs to be more transparency and answers than what the public have been given so far which only happened under subpoena and even then lacked basic answers.

Conspiracy theorists will believe what they want to believe regardless of facts. It is difficult to argue with someone who has their own set of facts.

I actually don't think the failure was that big, the assassin was confronted pretty quickly once they were in a position to shoot and were killed shortly after their assassination attempt. Very difficult to cover ever possible angle in a large open area which is where rallies are generally conducted. They could have covered the roof but that may just have meant Brooks went somewhere else.

The way to counter this is to ensure those like Brooks do not get to a point psychologically where they commit these sorts of acts. He was also googling about depression and Joe Biden's schedule. Seemed he had a problem with authority in general.
Musk has always given off creepy vibes, long before financing Ear Graze Guy.
Impregnating multiple women in a deliberate attempt to have several children with different women and his dad impregnating his step sister wasn’t enough? He now wants to populate Mars with his DNA

Birds of a feather and all that
They probably don't stop the rally over someone acting suspiciously. But there had to be SS agents or police sent to check on him when he was spotted using the range finder near the building he ultimately shot from, right? How does that not happen. I think the head of SS I should be giving multiple press conferences explaining what they know so far, not having to be subpoenaed to even appear before the house committee to give answers and then not giving any. When there is no information or answers, people just start making up their own.
The members of Congress can be as confrontational as they like. Even be ar**holes, their constituents shall hold them to account. Doesn’t mean the public official has a right to be defensive. They must answer the questions as truthful as possible. Direct not evasive.

You could see she thought she was being clever.
Conspiracy theorists will believe what they want to believe regardless of facts. It is difficult to argue with someone who has their own set of facts.
The extreme fringe ones do, but conspiracies can become pretty mainstream like 9/11 truther movements. The best way to get on top of it is to get as much information out as possible, so people don't fill in the gaps. The FBI and Secret Service should be on the front foot when it comes to giving the public as much information as possible, not having to be forced by subpeona to got to a house committee.
I actually don't think the failure was that big, the assassin was confronted pretty quickly once they were in a position to shoot and were killed shortly after their assassination attempt. Very difficult to cover ever possible angle in a large open area which is where rallies are generally conducted. They could have covered the roof but that may just have meant Brooks went somewhere else.
The director did say last night in the house committee meeting they had identified the roof and had overwatch on it. Nice overwatch I guess. Also if the timelines are correct, they had 20 minutes to be aware of what he was doing from the time he was spotted using a range finder. How many suspicious people did they have to track who were suspicious to that extent?

I dont know, I feel like it was a monumental stuff up and multiple people will be fired.
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Happy to be shown where I read someone say it about Biden and i let it slide?
Just lol

Look, you can probably stop attempting to bullshit everyone by pretending you truly do give a shit about this. Or by pretending you just haven't seen Trump supporters do it to Biden here :drunk:
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