Play Nice 46th President of the United States: Joe Biden 2: Incidit in scyllam cupiens vitare charybdim

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I agree they need to be pragmatic (the dems) and see if Democrats themselves don't want Biden to run again, don't run with him!

It seems to be playing with fire to rely on an anti-Trump vote again. The anti-Trump vote will still be there, just run someone more popular.

I don't care who, I am not Newsom fan but if he can win and stop Trump, it needs to be done. We have been told what Trump and the GOP want to do, completely gut the federal department and replace them with loyalists, and look to implement an autocratic one party state. Next step, would be to change term limits to let Trump stay president for life.
You talk like the US president is like a PM, that the party gets to choose.

But being the democratic nominee for the president is an elected position.

If Biden wants to nominate, they cannot stop him, regardless of what they think about it, and if he wins, he is the nominee.

A bit like I am sure lots of Republicans would want a presidential candidate that isn't Trump, but it is what it is.

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The White House press briefing saw the spokesperson say that calls for a ceasefire in Israel are repugnant(?!) and disgraceful.

Peace is wrong, apparently.

View attachment 1830885
If peace is just an interlude to allow your opponent to build more rockets?

A bit like getting jumped on the street and getting wacked a couple of times, then the moment you start to fight back and get on top, they call out for an end to the violence. Very principled if you agree to stop, but if all that happens is, they catch their breath, then jump you again, you haven't taken the high road, you have been sucker punched, twice.

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The White House press briefing saw the spokesperson say that calls for a ceasefire in Israel are repugnant(?!) and disgraceful.

Peace is wrong, apparently.

View attachment 1830885

I think you're taking that quote out of context. Here's the full exchange:

Q Thank you, Karine. What is the President’s message to members of Congress who seem to be equating the Hamas terror attack with actions that were previously taken by Israel?

MS. JEAN-PIERRE: Say that one more time. Everybody is moving around. I apologize.

Q What is the President’s message to members of Congress who seem to be equating the Hamas terror attack with actions that were previously taken by Israel?

MS. JEAN-PIERRE: Look, here’s the thing — and which — which — which congressional members?

Q Well, there have been some members of Congress who have called for a ceasefire, and they have not gone as far as backing the administration’s call for support for Israel.

MS. JEAN-PIERRE: So, look, I’ve seen some of those statements this weekend. And we’re going to continue to be very clear: We believe they are wrong, we believe they’re repugnant, and we believe they’re disgraceful.

Our — our condemnation belongs squarely with terrorists who have brutally murdered, r*ped, kidnapped hundreds — hundreds of Israelis. There can be no equivocation about that. There are not two sides here. There are not two sides.

It seems more plausible to me that it's the equation of Hamas's attack with Israel's previous actions that she's describing as "wrong", "repugnant", and "disgraceful".
Why cant it be about the Republicans comments being repugnant and disgraceful?

Given the context - which was coincidentally ignored in the initial post - its highly likely an attack on Republicans statements and not peace

* which is what Arkangel said but in a different way
A reminder that the US political processes of focussing on funding and favours over passion and ideals when selecting presidential candidates leads to precisely the wrong type of leader for the modern world...or possibly the right type of leader at the wrong time in their life.

Imagine if the US and the world had THIS Joe Biden at the current time...

Because of the Jewish lobby and anti-Muslim sentiments, US pols have to walk a fine line. Obviously they have to condemn such ruthless attacks, but at the moment it is hard to apportion some responsibility to Israeli policies. It is refreshing to see some MSM trying to balance the story somewhat. There have been some who detailed the history of the area since WW1.
Not surprising the WH has trouble when questioned directly.
Biden can visit who he wants

But deploying 2000 troops to the area? Not cool Joe
Yeah, but I think they are going to be very careful about using them. Firstly, they are the fist behind the warning he gave about other countries joining in. Only the die-hard pro-Israeli anti-Muslim warhawks would be pressing him to use them on the ground. Israel don't need the ground forces.
Some of them would be SF for any hostage extraction that presents itself and some advisors/techs for any materiel they're are giving them.

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Some news (unverified ):

Iraq targets 2 American bases.

Yemen fires missiles at US vessel.

Syria launch rockets at al-Tanf
If there are rules about having to be 35 year of age at inauguration then surely they need to put in a can't be older than 55 for your 1st inauguration.... Presidents should not be older than 63 it's a Bloody liability.

Are we seriously supposed to believe there is not a serious candidate on either side of politics that fit between the ages of 35 and 55 who wouldn't be better than Biden or Trump in the role as President??

With this, and 70% of Democrats supporting aid to Palestine, maybe Biden would do better in the Republican primary.

The content of the speech was abhorrent and obscene, as Biden tries to justify rolling out a red carpet for Netanyahu to commit mass murder.


Is that supposed to mean they are Israeli? :think: Or some clever way to say they are Jewish? There are millions of Jews living in the US. A better dig might point out the % of Jews in gov vs society in general.
And is Israeli an ethnicity?

The problem is, like everywhere else in gov, is the money spent on donations and lobbying.

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Play Nice 46th President of the United States: Joe Biden 2: Incidit in scyllam cupiens vitare charybdim

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