Play Nice 46th President of the United States: Joe Biden 2: Incidit in scyllam cupiens vitare charybdim

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Yes I would agree with that but it’s all just hot air really, a lot of the social rhetoric on both sides is. I tend to ignore it. A lot of it is media/social media fuelled bait. Hence the culture wars tag.

But you and I are never gonna see eye to eye on Trump, who raised the debt by 8 trillion etc. guy shouldn’t be anywhere near politics imo but it is what it is
so your focus is primarily economic?
Errrr....the one who has done it before?

The one who achieved record levels of employment for blacks, Hispanics and women, as well as record GDP growth and unemployment. Not to mention the fact that no wars broke out during his term in office. I could go on....

It's really not a tough choice - even for the dyed in the wool Marxists like the ones who frequent this echo chamber.
You can check the actual facts, if you'd like. There isn't a record set by Trump which Biden hasn't already relegated to history, except for greatest drop in GDP since the 1920's depression, in 2020.

The record levels of employment for blacks Hispanics and women were beaten by Biden and record GDP growth never happened. It was a record high GDP, but Biden has since beaten it (every US President for 100 years has had larger GDP at the end than at the start.). Biden's growth numbers are far higher.

GDP growth under Trump years was lowest of any 4 years of a Presidency.


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Wasn't the thinking to catch Trump immediately after his conviction?

It's easily forgotten that it was Biden who laid the initial challenge down to Trump and laid the framework of the debate (no interference from moderators, opponent's microphones to be off while the candidate spoke - both of these just made Biden's slow trail off and incoherency more glaring).

I'm not sure I can think of a bigger political own goal in a long time.
Its a blessing imo now.
View attachment 2055787 So this is who the Left want across the table from Putin and Xi? It's a crazy old world with some crazy people in it...
Seriously?? That's your angle? She opens her mouth widely when she laughs?? You must be a real deep thinker when it comes to putting your pencil to paper on election night....
Oh, i love women laughing, cackling laughter grates a little though
Oh I bet it does. A woman laughing grates. A smart black woman with power makes it even worse, eh.

We see you buddy. And we know your angle.

I mean if you can't be better than a black woman then what does it say about you? ;)
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so your focus is primarily economic?
Yep. And like I said, we aren't gonna see eye to eye. The way I see it, Trump inherited a good economy rather than built one, and Biden received crap rather than made it that way but to be fair, Covid caused a lot of damage to the global economy so I can't put it all on Trump. But he did actually raise the debt by trillions, that's just a fact.

I think you're overestimating the impact incumbent presidents actually have but you might argue I'm underestimating them.

We'll never know because Covid happened and it's probably what stopped Trump from getting a second term. And if Trump does win again, he can't run in 2028, unless, well... we'll see how much teeth this project 2025 has if he does win.
So you really think cackling Kamala would be the answer? The world might've gone mad, but is it that mad? I just don't see it.
I am also wondering which Telegram channel you're getting the sharp nicknames from.
So you really think cackling Kamala would be the answer? The world might've gone mad, but is it that mad? I just don't see it.
Yeah, you're right, they'd be mad to elect a racist, bigoted, insurrectionist, narcissistic, uneducated, business failing, egomaniacal rapist. Kamala would be a disaster!
The Republicans were not going to be held to ransom by an $80 billion bailout package for Ukraine. And rightly so.

The border was (and still is) the Democrats debacle. And the average American voter has run out of patience.

Their time in office has run it's course.
The Republicans passed the Ukrainian bill.
What are you talking about?
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The Republicans were not going to be held to ransom by an $80 billion bailout package for Ukraine. And rightly so.

The border was (and still is) the Democrats debacle. And the average American voter has run out of patience.

Their time in office has run it's course.
Republicans have been holding the US government to ransom for the past few years. Starting with blocking the Democrats right to select a new Supreme Court judge under Obama. Then refusing to pass almost anything, because rather than work professionally like every past Republican Party, they preferred to play politics, then scream the Democrats were getting nothing done.

As for the border. Currently at its lowest in terms of numbers coming across. Also the Republicans drew up a border bill, in which the Democrats agreed with, only for the Republicans to back out and not pass it, and blame the Democrats for not doing anything about the border. Spin it however you want, that's how it went down.

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I've never understood why they had the debate so early. Maybe (probably not) it was to draw Trump into the whole "two doddering old fools" bit, so that when a fresh Dem candidate is nominated it's just Trump left as the singular doddering old fool.

Or some bright spark knew Biden was cooked and needed it exposed for everyone to see.

They don’t seem that smart though.
Shapiro would be a bad pick as VP to be honest. Biden had issues with younger voters on not calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. Given Shapiro is pro war/Israel, it would be a mistake to divide the younger vote even worse.

They will probably go for a male VP, despite some strong female candidates, as unfortunately Americans still harbor a lot of sexism and outdated views. Whitmer who I thought was a strong chance, has all but said she is not interested. Both her and Shapiro come from key swing states.

I think they will opt for someone who can swing a key state though.
Wait, how can we be sure that ScoMo hasn't already secretly given himself the Democrat nomination, and is also his own running mate?
He's waiting in the wings to be a Cabinet Minister - of All cabinets.

If Shapiro has put his hand up, it would be mental to say no. Pennsylvania is too important. And they're not going with an all-woman ticket, it would get called woke by sexist people trying to hide sexism.

Neither side, in the election, will soften its stance on Israel, that's AIPAC election money they would be foregoing.
Shapiro would be a bad pick as VP to be honest. Biden had issues with younger voters on not calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. Given Shapiro is pro war/Israel, it would be a mistake to divide the younger vote even worse.

They will probably go for a male VP, despite some strong female candidates, as unfortunately Americans still harbor a lot of sexism and outdated views. Whitmer who I thought was a strong chance, has all but said she is not interested. Both her and Shapiro come from key swing states.

I think they will opt for someone who can swing a key state though.
Younger voters will be swayed by a candidate who doesn't sound like their crazy grandpa, so I think that will be less of a problem for Harris than it was with Biden (and Trump). Harris will have to dance a fine dance of not committing to Israel while also not looking as genocidal as Biden.
By The Way.

Can we put a bookmark here or something about how Biden is still full-throated in support of the genocide in Gaza and has done precisely nothing to stop it.

Cos after he's out of office, there's going to be books written by him and his national security staff which says they were "concerned" and have "regrets" and didn't know that they should have done more. I saw it in Bill Clinton's autobiography and was too out of the loop to know if it was true.

The fact of the matter is that everyone in the administration has been complicit-in Genocide. WHen they say they wish they had done more, or regret anything. It's bullshit. They've made a conscious political choice to support genocide and everything else is a lie. This is part of their legacy.
this point is where all possibility of sane political discussion ends. If you believe Democrats are centre right there is no hope for you. Maybe in an economic sense, but on social issues they are hard left.

lol hard left, give me an example? I feel you have consumed way too much right wing media, and believe shit about non sexy m and ms, cancelling dr Seuss etc and saying the democrats are somehow doing these things.
I am also wondering which Telegram channel you're getting the sharp nicknames from.
Every channel has shown her cackling...what are you watching? Make sense of this and cackle after: “So I think it’s very important — as you have heard from so many incredible leaders — for us, at every moment in time, and certainly this one, to see the moment in time in which we exist and are present, and to be able to contextualize it, to understand where we exist in the history and in the moment as it relates not only to the past, but the future.” - This is from the possible leader of the free world. She's incoherent and just babbling every time she's near a microphone, she was the worst performed during the 2020 democratic primaries withdrawing in 2019. She doesn't know what she's talking about most of the time.
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Every channel has shown her cackling...what are you watching?
Not Telegram.

Here's some fun stuff for you to consume. I call it "white nationalists go absolutely bonkers with hate, featuring coconut memes and a cameo by Rita Panahi":

(Also RFK Jr gets his conspiracy-loving self out onto his seedy front lawn and tells us what Trump is now paying him to tell us.)
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Oh God I am having a fun time this morning over my late breakfast.

This one is about how Harris is a Luciferian Marxist. I especially like this one because I saw the Twitter exchange being discussed, and also laughed my butt off about it:


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Play Nice 46th President of the United States: Joe Biden 2: Incidit in scyllam cupiens vitare charybdim

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