5aa and their attitude towards PAFC

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Bigfooty is a football discussion forum

What exactly do you think we should do on a football discussion forum?

Engage in mental telepathy experiments?

As a serious answer, treating your post with a whole lot more respect than it deserves, there is always that faint hope that if enough people register their displeasure, change for the better will slowly happen.

Ignoring the issue means it will always be an issue that is never addressed.

What good does that do anyone?

(ignoring the fragile crows that we on the Port board could not give a flying f*** about)

Two comments from your somewhat strange response

1. If you think you can change things at 5AA through bigfooty I applaud you. Bet you $100000000000000000000 you can't though

2. To me the issue is not so much about bias as just B Grade radio with little/no informed comments. You can't tell me Russell Ebert is interesting either although to give him his due he hides his dislike of the crows better than some hide their Port dislike.

For a few months in 2005 we had SEN, very little about the Crows on it, couldn't care less. It was good radio.
My 2c worth:
Rowie better than I thought he'd be, probably because he originally came from WA. OK he played 4 the Crows, but doesn't seem to have that built-in hatred of Port. He shows a bit of respect.
G. Cornes is sounding tired and bored. After so many years doing the same thing.

Does he have any boys with Nicole? If so, who would they play for (theoretically)- is there a brother/brother rule?
My 2c worth:
Does he have any boys with Nicole? If so, who would they play for (theoretically)- is there a brother/brother rule?

He's had two girls with her. But she's preggo at the moment so if it was to be a boy the only club that would be licking their lips would be Glenelg.

Adelaide's belated father/son claim on Cornes spawn elapses in a couple of years and no, there is no sibling rule, so we remain unaffected.

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feel more sorry for his sons chad and kane - their father 'hates' their club that they play for and have pride in - what a dud!
feel more sorry for his sons chad and kane - their father 'hates' their club that they play for and have pride in - what a dud!
Making old Graham's constant bagging of the club and everything it does even more distasteful I would be livid if a club I had great pride in playing for was being constantly bagged and belittled on the state's most popular sports radio broadcaster by my old man. Pull your head in Graham.
Making old Graham's constant bagging of the club and everything it does even more distasteful I would be livid if a club I had great pride in playing for was being constantly bagged and belittled on the state's most popular sports radio broadcaster by my old man. Pull your head in Graham.

I would say they've never been particularly enamoured with their father, considering he pretty much left them to **** around and be brought up by their mother.

Both have acknowledged their mother's role in their upbringing 'on her own', and I can't recall anything close to resembling an affectionate comment about their bitter, twisted father.
There you go i have not listen to it for over 3 years now DONT LISTEN its real easy

You are right I dont have to listen and from someone who used to listen to almost every minute, I rarely listen now. As i said i tuned in, to listen to a PAFC player. However the facts are that these tools are constantly denigrating everything Port Adelaide and it is piss poor and completely lacking in professionalism. No sport supporter should have to cop the crapp that they constantly serve up and if it was a couple of Port supporters working in the media and doing it to the crows, ww3 would break out.
He's had two girls with her. But she's preggo at the moment so if it was to be a boy the only club that would be licking their lips would be Glenelg.

It's frightening to know what that means - I guess it happens...to have old age creeping up on us.:D

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Can we please cease with the discussion of Graham Cornes having sex? The mental image of 'Studley' reaching the vinegar strokes is enough to make me watch Ellen Degeneres for some much needed distraction.

Did anyone hear Chad of 5AA last night?

It was interesting:

A) He said his finger is still giving him issues and is the most troubling injury of all.
B) He's off the alcohol all together, a vow from the senior players
C) Sounded quite flat, mentioned until last year the games went by quickly and now it has slowed.
D) Then mentioned his old pals from the class of 1997, alot have moved on and he misses em. The way he spoke though, it sounded like he doesn't have the bond with the younger players (a bit detached) to his former crew.
E) Said Fevola is a wanka and can't stand him, but like Cam Mooney nice guy.
F) Did expect a third in the brownlow in 2004 and was quite suprised.
G) Said Williams really got into him in the first two years and did the same with Brett Ebert too.

Overall, this is my own personal opinion, he sounded flat and a little disinterested in football compared to a few years ago. Maybe I read into his interview the wrong way, but that's how it came across to me anyways.

He's still a legend and well done on 200 games.
Can we please cease with the discussion of Graham Cornes having sex? The mental image of <eewwww - censored> is enough to make me watch Ellen Degeneres for some much needed distraction.

Well I wasn't having any problems with any 'mental image' until I read your post, m8 :thumbsdown:
The mental image of 'Studley' reaching the vinegar strokes is enough to make me watch Ellen Degeneres for some much needed distraction.

Balsamic, no doubt... Yeah. Uhm... eww.

*clears throat*


Let's dayence, everythin z'ok!
I don't listen to 5AA but it is still frustrating knowing that Gra Gra and Crowie spread so much misinformation that a large number of people in Adelaide take as gospel truth.

Can we please cease with the discussion of Graham Cornes having sex? The mental image of 'Studley' reaching the *********** is enough to make me watch Ellen Degeneres for some much needed distraction.
Given that Graham has the look of constant constipation on his face and looks as if he is straining to liberate the pooh that killed Elvis you've got to wonder just what his oo oo face looks like :eek:
Two comments from your somewhat strange response

1. If you think you can change things at 5AA through bigfooty I applaud you. Bet you $100000000000000000000 you can't though

2. To me the issue is not so much about bias as just B Grade radio with little/no informed comments. You can't tell me Russell Ebert is interesting either although to give him his due he hides his dislike of the crows better than some hide their Port dislike.

For a few months in 2005 we had SEN, very little about the Crows on it, couldn't care less. It was good radio.

FFS, are you really as stupid as you make yourself seem to be here on Bigfooty?

I wrote --

"there is always that faint hope that if enough people register their displeasure, change for the better will slowly happen."

There is no mention anywhere of being able to make change happen by myself, only if enough people wanted the change, then maybe it could be effected over a slow period of time.

I cannot tell you anything about Russell Ebert on double crow, as I do not listen to them, what part of --

"Nope, I do not even listen to anything on double crow anymore"

did you not understand???????????????

jesus christ Jars, grow a f***n brain and be better than the other crowbots hanging around here
FFS, are you really as stupid as you make yourself seem to be here on Bigfooty?

I wrote --

"there is always that faint hope that if enough people register their displeasure, change for the better will slowly happen."

There is no mention anywhere of being able to make change happen by myself, only if enough people wanted the change, then maybe it could be effected over a slow period of time.

I cannot tell you anything about Russell Ebert on double crow, as I do not listen to them, what part of --

"Nope, I do not even listen to anything on double crow anymore"

did you not understand???????????????

jesus christ Jars, grow a f***n brain and be better than the other crowbots hanging around here

I wonder who takes themselves more seriously, G Cornes or Asgardian?
Second time in as many days they're making the somewhat tongue-in-cheek inference we've taken Tommy Logan as a travelling emergency to help out Port Magpies. Is it possible to be anymore out of touch?
I wonder who takes themselves more seriously, G Cornes or Asgardian?

You don't like being proven the idiot, suck it up junior, it's all you'll ever be

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5aa and their attitude towards PAFC

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