Review 8pm Thursday, 9th April - KB goes beserk. Foxtel showing 1980 Grand Final

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Monteath was buggered. Bourke retired. Cloke missed the next season with a knee reco, then soon after left for the Pies as did Raines, Wood also left. Malthouse and Welsh were near the end. Bartlett kept going for four more years but never quite reached the level of this finals series again. Strachan, Smith, Mount, Freame were not great players.

And then we started shopping at Collingwood for average players at bloated prices, and the rest as we know is history. My memories of this match is the Pies were shyte cubed.
Monteath was buggered. Bourke retired. Cloke missed the next season with a knee reco, then soon after left for the Pies as did Raines, Wood also left. Malthouse and Welsh were near the end. Bartlett kept going for four more years but never quite reached the level of this finals series again. Strachan, Smith, Mount, Freame were not great players.

And then we started shopping at Collingwood for average players at bloated prices, and the rest as we know is history. My memories of this match is the Pies were shyte cubed.
Yeah, I'm watching it now - Collingwood are shithouse.

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Monteath was buggered. Bourke retired. Cloke missed the next season with a knee reco, then soon after left for the Pies as did Raines, Wood also left. Malthouse and Welsh were near the end. Bartlett kept going for four more years but never quite reached the level of this finals series again. Strachan, Smith, Mount, Freame were not great players.

And then we started shopping at Collingwood for average players at bloated prices, and the rest as we know is history. My memories of this match is the Pies were shyte cubed.
I’m not sure about Bartlett after 80 I mean 150 goals in threes years from a 60 year old is ok
We simply bashed them up and then rolled em stuffed em.

Similar to GWS.

1980 harboured no visions or idea what was to occur a season or 3 later that would send the club into a flat spin lasting 37 years punctuated by a handful of good seasons and 2 very good seasons in 95 and 2001.

Tiger fans back then would never have believed that the next flag wouldnt come till 2017.
We simply bashed them up and then rolled em stuffed em.

Similar to GWS.

1980 harboured no visions or idea what was to occur a season or 3 later that would send the club into a flat spin lasting 37 years punctuated by a handful of good seasons and 2 very good seasons in 95 and 2001.

Tiger fans back then would never have believed that the next flag wouldnt come till 2017.
I remember reading an article after that GF saying that there was never a team more likely to go back to back than the winning '80 Tigers team. We then underperformed badly in '81.
There was an article in one of the Sundays' newspapers eight days later (the Sunday Press or the Sunday Observer) speculating on how many Premierships we would win that decade........

Indeed, whether we would beaten in the short/medium term.

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Review 8pm Thursday, 9th April - KB goes beserk. Foxtel showing 1980 Grand Final

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